Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 308 Strength improvement!

There is no doubt that these two strange beasts are a disaster for this new group.

Not to mention anything else, one end alone is already giving the thirty people here a headache, let alone both ends at the same time.

Fortunately, these two strange beasts are not very big.

One end is five meters tall, and the other is six meters tall.

It was smaller than the two heads it had encountered before.

However, no matter how small they are, the peak of foundation building is still the strength of these two strange beasts.

Don't be afraid, everyone! Let's gather firepower first, target one beast together, and deal with one strange beast first!

Rather than dealing with both ends at the same time, it is better to gather firepower to deal with one end first.

The two strange beasts do not cooperate with each other like humans.

They only know that if they see humans or other living beings, they will attack.

No matter how powerful you are, if you appear in front of them, you will attack mindlessly.

Li Zun seemed to have discovered this problem and began to organize a group of people to attract the attention of these two strange beasts.

And they took the opportunity to encircle and suppress one of the strange beasts.

Because the ten strange beasts Li Quan released were all of the same species.

Therefore, after having two hunting experiences, I am not as helpless as the first time.

These two strange beasts are similar in size and appearance to wild wolves.

The white fur, sharp claws, and protruding fangs look very scary.

The strength of the alien beast was no match for Li Zun if he faced it alone, but if it were a team, the alien beast would run away.

It's a pity that these strange beasts have no intelligence and only know how to act recklessly.

However, this is also because these ten strange beasts are all energy bodies summoned by Li Quan.

That is to say, it has only its own form. However, because of Li Quan's extraordinary strength, although it is composed of energy bodies, it is a flesh and blood body that creatures composed of energy bodies do not have.

Soon, with the previous hunting experience, besieging a strange beast together was nothing.

Easily, Li Zun stabbed the dagger in his hand into the soft jaw of the strange beast.

The lower jaw area and the connection to the throat are very fragile. As long as this place is cut open, the blood from the alien beast will flow out desperately.

And precisely because of this, when the alien beast's blood is lacking, the physical quality will naturally decline.

And everyone can take advantage of this moment to hunt this strange beast.

Working together, the power of a group is huge.

Soon, these two strange beasts fell into the hands of Li Zun and others.

When Li Quan saw this, he smiled happily.

It seems that a tacit understanding has begun to gradually develop.

Although it is still very weak, as long as they cooperate well and are thrown into some dangerous places to train, one day this will be a formidable team with tacit understanding.

Training days are long.

And Li Quan also worried a lot in order to train these students.

There is no way, for the future of my brother, it doesn't matter if I work hard.

The students gradually adapted to Li Quan's high-intensity training, and their strength began to change by leaps and bounds.

In just one month, among the first-year Class A, there have been ten people in the foundation-building period.

And Li Zun is the best among them, and his strength has reached the early stage of Jindan.

As for Fang Rong, she is still a little slow, but she has also reached the peak of foundation building.

At this moment, this team of thirty people has gradually adapted to Li Quan's devilish training.

Compared to them who almost died two months ago when killing goblins, tearing apart ferocious beasts of the same level with their bare hands is no longer a problem.

Not only that, the gravity on them has also increased from eleven times the gravity at the beginning to fifteen times the gravity now.

Under the pressure of terrifying gravity every day, the strength of the physical body naturally improves by leaps and bounds.

Simply comparing it to enemies of the same level, tearing it apart by hand is not a problem.

Of course, the difference in body shape still needs to be noted.

As for the students, sometimes they still complain that Li Quan's devil training is too difficult, but everyone can see that although the students complain, they enjoy it.

After all, they can feel their improvement every day, how can they not be happy?

Soon, the annual college competition began.

The main purpose of the college competition is to test the achievements of the students during this semester.

Not only that, the college competition is also a time for students to express themselves.

After all, on the day of the college competition, various prestigious people from Jiangdu City will participate.

Be a guest or something like that.

In addition, it is also a day for students to stand out among all schools in Jiangdu City.

If you perform very well and are noticed by others, your career will skyrocket.

There are many teams participating, thirty teams in total.

And these thirty teams represent the face of the school.

As for selecting teams and classes, the conditions are naturally for the winning class in the school to come and participate.

Among the Jiangdu No. 1 Cultivation Academy, there is no doubt that the representative will be Class A of the first year.

Although they are in the first grade, the collective strength of the entire class is not comparable to that of other classes.

Perhaps their overall cultivation strength is not as good as that of the third graders, but their cooperation and true combat power are not comparable to those of the third graders.

Because of this, during the school's class competition selection, Class A of the first year won the qualification for the competition with its terrifying cooperation.

And now, Class A of the first year represents Jiangdu's No. 1 Cultivation Academy and participates in this competition in Jiangdu City.

As long as he can win, he will represent Jiangdu City and participate in Blue Star's annual high school competition.

As long as you can win, the rewards you get are very rich.

Although the students didn't care, because they knew that every time Li Quan provided them with food during training, it could be described as extremely precious.

The energy contained in each piece of food can be sold for an astronomical number.

Therefore, what they care about is not the reward.

But honor!

At the same time, it also proved to Li Quan the results they had achieved after two months of hard training.

Well, let’s set a small goal first and get first place in the high school competition.

There are still ten days left before the high school competition.

During these ten days, in order to better keep the students in a good condition, first of all, the courses were taken away by Li Quan.

Well, it's a bit like when Li Quan went to school when he was a child, and his PE teacher's class was taken away.

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