Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 307 Hunting Time

Li Quan naturally knew Jiuli's true identity.

Of course, the members of the Jiutian Clan are not the nobles of the Jiutian Clan.

The noble among the Jiutian clan is Jiuyan.

And Jiuli is just the most ordinary member of the poor people of the Jiutian clan.

If it hadn't been for accidentally picking up Li Quan's inheritance, he wouldn't have achieved what he has today.

The new wave of inheritance that Li Quan invested in is an advanced version of the wind inheritance that he invested in originally.

This time's wind inheritance is enough for Jiu Li to practice to the Hunyuan level.

Of course, even so, it is impossible without a lot of time to practice.

However, if Jiuli picks up the new wave of inheritance that Li Quan has invested in, perhaps he will know who Li Quan is when he first comes.

Of course, Li Quan didn't know what kind of mood Jiuli was feeling at that time.

I guess he would be full of surprise.

Perhaps it would be panic.

In the actual combat space, under the leadership of Li Zun, the students finally killed the first alien beast.

However, it took them a lot of effort to kill this strange beast.

Not to mention anything else, it is already difficult to deal with beings of the same level just because of the gravity suppression.

What's more, what they faced was an alien beast whose strength had reached the level of foundation building.

Alien beasts of this level may be easy for them who are not suppressed by gravity, but they are blessed with eleven times the gravity.

It is difficult to defeat alien beasts.

The beast that was killed was not that big, only seven meters tall.

Compared to the largest one, which is more than ten meters tall, this seven-meter-long one is already considered too petite.

After killing one of the strange beasts, everyone could finally rest for a while.

Just facing one head has already consumed so much strength. What will happen to the remaining nine heads?

However, one good thing is that their spiritual power has not been imprisoned by Li Quan.

Under the influence of gravity, although the speed of casting spells will be a bit slow, it is easy to cast it as long as people delay time in front.

However, the opponent is a foundation-building level beast, while they are just Qi-training level beings.

Normally speaking, their magic attacks should not have much effect if they fall on alien beasts.

However, the quantity cannot be tolerated.

Moreover, because these students are blessed with eleven times the gravity, their practice speed is much faster than when there is no gravity.

Therefore, in Class A of the first year, there is no longer a body training level.

All have reached the Qi training level.

Even squad leader Li Pujing and a few others have reached the peak of Qi training and are only one step away from breaking through to the foundation building level.

It has to be said that with the blessing of Li Quan's gravity, this is simply a good auxiliary ability.

The students seemed to have noticed this, and they no longer rejected Li Quan's gravity blessing as they did at first.

Although, now I am very unhappy that gravity has been blessing me for a long time.

Li Zun, we managed to deal with one strange beast with such difficulty, how are we going to deal with the remaining nine?

At this time, Li Pujing looked at Li Zun and asked curiously.

Although Li Pujing herself is the squad leader, the squad leader of Class A for the first year, the actual leader is Li Zun.

After all, Li Zun is the strongest among them, and he is the most calm. The most important thing is that Li Zun is Li Quan’s younger brother. It is impossible to say that there is no relationship between the two. of.

Therefore, there is absolutely no problem in following Li Zun!

Rest first, and when we have rested, we can continue to look for the next strange beast.

I just don't know whether these strange beasts are the same species or what?

If it's the same species.

Needless to say, since they had already killed the same species of beasts, it was naturally much easier to deal with the same species.

After all, we have a preliminary understanding of what kind of skills this strange beast has.

In addition, it is also clear where the weakness of this strange beast lies.

It will be much easier if we meet again.

In addition to taking a break, everyone also started to explain what they were good at.

After all, if you want to kill the remaining nine beasts, you must cooperate with each other.

The first step is to understand their most basic abilities as companions.

If you are not clear, how should you cooperate?

Soon, everyone told them their abilities and what they were good at.

As for Li Zun, after thinking carefully for a while, he began to arrange a battle strategy.

Killing the enemy without rules and order will only increase casualties.

Therefore, you must learn to use it flexibly.

Sure enough, when we encountered a strange beast again, the team's cooperation finally came into play.

The strongest ones are naturally Li Zun who is in the middle stage of foundation building and Fang Rong who is in the early stage of foundation building.

Both are in the foundation building stage, and working together can resist attacks from peak-building beasts.

As for the remaining people, in addition to some harassment and creating opportunities for the two of them to kill the strange beasts, they were also always aware of the dangers around them.

After all, besides them, there are eight remaining beasts here.

If they were accidentally attacked, they wouldn't even have tears to cry.

Because they are of the same type, after having the experience of killing the enemy last time, it is not easy to face them again, but it is not as difficult as it was at the beginning.

Cooperating with each other, another strange beast was quickly killed. This time, among all the people, except for three who were slightly injured due to improper cooperation, the rest were not harmed.

They didn't know why, but being in this forest, they only felt that their injuries were recovering quickly.

This is because where they are, there is a plant called the Tree of Nature.

The natural power emitted by these trees will slowly restore their own injuries.

It is precisely for this reason that students who are injured can recover slowly without losing their combat effectiveness all of a sudden.

And as the master of this actual combat space, Li Quan naturally sees all of this clearly.

It's not easy. This kid actually learned how to command in his first actual combat.

However, it seems that the next battle will not be difficult for you.

Thinking of this, Li Quan laughed silently.

And the eight strange beasts that were scattered seemed to have been summoned at this moment, and they were actually divided into four groups.

A group of two strange beasts were heading towards the area where Li Zun was.

Of course, if you do it all at once, if nothing else, the group will be wiped out.

After all, the gap in strength is a fact that can never be changed.

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