Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 305 Excited Jiuli

Li Quan didn't know how the students would deal with the strange beasts.

However, as long as we work together, we can deal with these ten strange beasts.

However, if they fight ten of them at once, the outcome waiting for them will be death.

After all, the individual strength of the alien beasts is at the peak of foundation building. Although Li Zun's strength has also reached the middle stage of foundation building, the gap between the two is still relatively large.

Not to mention, today's students have the blessing of eleven times the gravity.

Although his own physique has improved a lot, it has also been affected by the eleven times gravity.

In addition, the size of the alien beast can also be said to be very huge.

The smallest individual in a single round is five meters in size.

The largest beast reached ten meters in size.

If we really have to face each other, it will be a tough battle.

On Li Quan's side, after pulling out Jiuli with one hand, Jiuli looked at Li Quan with a trace of doubt on his face and asked, Teacher Li, what are you doing?

Since the students are fighting alien beasts, it's just in a small forest area, so you don't need to supervise them.

After hearing Li Quan's words, Jiuli felt as if he had heard the most beautiful voice in the world.

You, what did you say?!

In order to confirm whether what Li Quan said was true, Jiuli tried to confirm what Li Quan said.

I said, you don't have to supervise the students this time. After all, the forest is relatively small. With the release of your mental power, you can supervise them all the time.

Besides, it doesn't matter whether they are under supervision or not. After all, if they don't go looking for the alien beasts, the alien beasts will come to find them when the time comes.

In other words, Teacher Li, I can be liberated today?!

Well, it can be considered a liberation. After all, there is nothing to do without you this time.

But, Teacher Jiuli, do you want to exercise?


For some reason, Jiuli always had an ominous premonition in his heart after hearing Li Quan's words.

Li Quan, what does this mean?

Get some exercise?

Is this a rhythm that requires her to continue exercising? !


No, no need. After all, when practicing, you have to follow your heart.

Really, then in that case, Teacher Jiuli can go back.

Li Quan said with a little regret when he saw this.

Jiuli saw Li Quan's regretful look, and his heart was already filled with joy.

Unexpectedly, she was released!

It's just great luck.

Oh, Teacher Li, since I am no longer needed, I wonder if you can remove the gravity from my body?

Although the fourteen times of gravity on the body is nothing to Jiu Li, who is already familiar with it, it is still very unpleasant to have it constantly added to the body.

Therefore, Jiu Li wanted Li Quan to remove fourteen times the gravity from his body.

Here, let me try it.

Li Quan said a little embarrassed when he saw this.

Then he began to chant a spell towards Jiuli.

Of course, the so-called spell is just made up.

Gravity and other things can be increased or relieved with a single thought.

However, this Jiuli will be of great use in the future, so it is necessary to improve its strength as soon as possible.

However, what made Jiuli a little confused was that Li Quan had been chanting the incantation for several minutes.

The last time Jiuli saw that Li Quan was not so troublesome in lifting the gravity on the students, it only took a moment.

In other words, Li Quan is unwilling to remove the blessing of gravity from himself.

However, if it is not lifted, it will not be lifted. Anyway, just let her out of this ghost place.

Here, Jiuli only felt that his personal freedom was imprisoned by Li Quan.

Therefore, in order to escape Li Quan, we must leave as soon as possible.

Teacher Li, I wonder if you are okay?

Five minutes have passed.

After hearing Jiuli's words, Li Quan responded with a smile: Oh, if I said that I forgot the restriction of gravity lifting, would you believe it?

Jiu Li heard a smile on his face and said to Li Quan: Xin.

With a smile on his face, the psychological mother is talking about the psychological changes in Jiuli today.

I'm so sorry, I didn't expect that I forgot again.

After hearing this, Jiuli said in his heart: When will you remember it? It's obvious that you don't want to relieve yourself.

However, it does not matter even if it is not lifted.

After all, under the blessing of gravity, Jiuli could clearly feel that his strength had become much stronger.

Although not much, this kind of improvement is much more obvious than his own cultivation in the past hundred years.

After all, Jiuli has now reached the level of a star, and the next level up is the level of a small galaxy.

If you want to break through to the level of a small galaxy, you won't be able to do it without tens or millions of years.

This is the speed of normal cultivation.

How about, Teacher Li, please release the spiritual power from me. It's very inconvenient if I don't have spiritual power attached to me.

Without the blessing of spiritual power, everything would be inconvenient.

Although Jiuli can still fly with his own body, it is very laborious.

Okay, okay.

Li Quan pretended to be embarrassed and started chanting a spell again, hoping to 'help' Jiu Li remove the spiritual energy from his body.

It's just a pity that a few more minutes have passed, and the spiritual imprisonment on Jiuli's body has not changed, and it is still in its original state.

Teacher Li?

I'm sorry, Teacher Jiuli, I also forgot the method to release the spiritual power.

Jiu Li seemed to have expected it. Although he was very angry, he said to Li Quan with a smile: It's okay. Then, I wonder if Teacher Li can send me out?

Anyway, I'm no longer needed here. If I stay here, it will be an eyesore.

It's not an eyesore. After all, Teacher Jiuli is so beautiful, it's quite eye-catching.

However, since Teacher Jiuli decides to leave, then forget it.

While speaking, Li Quan waved his hand and saw Jiuli disappear.

Jiuli, on the other hand, had a smile on his face after feeling that the space around him was different.

Very good!

She finally left this damn place!

But Jiuli's new problem came again.

where is this place? !

Jiu Li looked at the surrounding scenery with his eyes, and found that this was not the scenery owned by Blue Star at all, but more like the scenery on a certain planet.

After all, the plants here are somewhat similar to the plants on the Blue Star hundreds of millions of years ago.

However, none of this is a problem.

What era is it now?

In the era of great prosperity of the universe, the cosmic network spreads all over the universe.

Except for some special places where the Cosmic Network cannot enter for some reason, there can be signals from the Cosmic Network in any corner of the universe.

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