Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 304 Alien Beasts Arrive

Sixty kilometers may be nothing to a cultivator, but to this group of students whose gravity has been increased eleven times, it is like a devil!

Eleven times the force of gravity, is that what ordinary people can bear?

However, since Li Quan said it, they must implement it. They know very well what the consequences will be if they don't do what Li Quan said.

Therefore, for the sake of my own safety and my own life, I can only run towards this new runway with grievances.

A lap of 20 kilometers, three laps under eleven times the gravity, is just three laps, it’s still okay to give it a try.

On the other side, Li Quan was seen looking at Jiu Li silently.

Seeing this, Jiuli asked Li Quan hesitantly, Do I want to run too?

After hearing this, Li Quan laughed silently.

There are not too many words, one expression is enough to say it all.

In this regard, Jiuli is very tragic.

Fortunately, even if she was blessed with fourteen times the gravity, running three times was nothing to her.

The process of running was tedious, so in order to add a little more difficulty to the students, Li Quan decided to release some summoned beasts that were weak but stronger than the students behind them.

These summoned beasts are all carried out according to Li Quan's wishes, which are completely different from the goblins randomly summoned in some corner of the universe.

As for the appearance of the summoned beast, Li Quan made it based on the image that the students feared most.

Therefore, the moment the summoned beast appeared, the speed of the students increased a lot.

After all, if you see what you fear most and are chasing you from behind, even a lazy person will burst out with your potential at this time.

However, what Li Quan didn't know was that what these students feared the most was actually Li Quan himself.

Precisely because Li Quan didn't know, if he knew, he would definitely be depressed for a while.

Three laps is nothing more than something that can be done in a few hours.

Fortunately, the time flow rate in the actual combat space is different from that in the outside world. Otherwise, just running three laps would be enough time to finish class.

Teacher, three laps. After three laps, we can rest.

Four hours, three laps, and sixty kilometers. This is the speed under eleven times the gravity.

To be honest, Li Quan was a little dissatisfied with this speed.

However, training should be done step by step and there is no need to rush it.

Okay, you can rest for fifteen minutes.

After hearing what Li Quan said, all the students were overjoyed.

Fifteen minutes, did they hear it correctly? There was actually a fifteen-minute break.

Of course, they didn't dare to show it on their faces, otherwise, Li Quan would probably have some bad ideas again.

When Li Quan looked at Jiu Li, he saw Jiu Li walking towards Li Quan and said to Li Quan, Teacher Li, I don't know if I can unlock the limitations of my mental power.

Oh? Why?


Soon, Jiuli told what happened to him in the past few days.

He had no money to eat, so he could only use his apprentice's money.

I had no money for accommodation, so I could only live in my apprentice's home.

I have no money to go shopping, so I can only stare sadly at others buying things.

For people in this era, this is naked torture!

What's more, for a star-level powerhouse, a woman!

Therefore, Jiuli protested against Li Quan's unethical approach.

Well, maybe I didn't think carefully enough.

That's okay.

I saw Li Quan knocking Jiu Li on the head. After Jiu Li felt a little pain in his forehead, his consciousness and spiritual power were released at this moment!

At the moment when his spiritual power was liberated, Jiuli was planning to connect to the cosmic network.

However, it is unable to connect to anything, and cannot even feel the existence of the cosmic network.

But this is normal. After all, the Cosmic Network exists in the main universe, not in the actual combat space.

The actual combat space can be regarded as a small world. Although the two belong to the same universe, they belong to different space nodes.

After all, with today's cosmic network technology, it is not possible to connect across small worlds.

how so!

I also plan to open the Universe Network and see what information there is if I haven’t logged into the Universe Network recently.

However, the reality told Jiuli that the cosmic network could not be connected here.

Teacher Jiuli, now that your mental power has been released, why bother clinging to the present.

That's right, now that her mental power is unlocked, she just needs to wait until the damn class is over and she can be liberated!

It’s not just a day!

She Jiuli can afford to wait!

Soon, all the students rested.

Although, it is mandatory to take a break, after all, the fifteen minutes are up.

Teacher, what is our lesson today?

At this time, Li Pujing, the squad leader, asked Li Quan with curiosity on his face.

Today's lesson is to hunt exotic beasts.

Exotic beast?

All the students were confused.

Yes, your mission today is to hunt down ten strange beasts in the mountains.

The strength of these strange beasts is at the peak of foundation building. You need to cooperate with each other to defeat them.

While speaking, Li Quan's toes of his right foot were slightly pointed toward the ground.

The surrounding scene was suddenly changed, replaced by a huge forest.

Li Quan directly used space transfer to transfer the people present directly to the center of the forest not far away.

Now, we are in the center of the forest. I will release ten strange beasts into the forest and complete it within today.

If you can kill the strange beasts as soon as possible, you can leave get out of class early. If you can't, you understand.

After hearing Li Quan's last words, all the students felt their scalps go numb.

Needless to say, no one wanted to understand Li Quan's so-called punishment.

Okay, the actual battle has begun. I wish you good luck.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan suddenly appeared behind Jiuli, lifted up Jiuli's back collar with one hand, and quickly left the forest.

The moment Li Quan left, ten things similar to escape cabins were seen in the sky, suddenly falling down.

The places where they fell were located in various corners of the forest.

Needless to say, among these ten escape cabins are the strange beasts Li Quan mentioned.

After the alien beast successfully landed and shattered the escape cabin, roars suddenly sounded from every corner of the forest.

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