Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 271 Married One

Li Quan's figure appeared next to Dongfang Qingwan again.

At this time, Dongfang Qingwan has entered the white-hot stage of breakthrough.

The spiritual energy absorbed by the body has reached an extreme level.

As for Dongfang Qingwan's body, it can also be seen at the speed of the naked eye that its dragon scales are breaking and her body is constantly being pulled.

Obviously, this breakthrough is also very uncomfortable.

Not to mention anything else, just the pulling of this muscle is enough to make people complain incessantly.

If this muscle pull was just a physical pain, it would be nothing.

After all, Dongfang Qingwan has endured no matter how serious the injury was.

However, this pull not only pulls the body, but also the soul!

The pain of the soul is always the most painful.

Unless, you are immune to the pain in your soul.

Otherwise, you will still feel pain when it should hurt.

If Dongfang Qingwan cannot hold on, her soul will be torn, shattered, and destroyed.

In this case, the breakthrough will fail.

Therefore, if you want to survive, the only thing you have to do is to strengthen your soul.

However, Dongfang Qingwan may be too anxious. Although her body can hold on, her soul cannot.

It only took more than a hundred years for Dongfang Qingwan to reach the super galaxy level.

In more than a hundred years, there has not been much change in the soul. In the terminology of cultivation, the foundation is unstable.

It seems that you are still too anxious.

Of course, Li Quan also understood Dongfang Qingwan's mood.

Who doesn't want to have strength, but if you want to have it, you also need to have the corresponding qualifications.

Dongfang Qingwan was really too anxious.

Forget it, this is the last time to help you. If there is another time, just wait and do it again.

The so-called starting over is to keep Dongfang Qingwan's soul and wait for her to start practicing from scratch.

After all, Dongfang Qingwan may have behaved like this because Li Quan helped her.

Li Quan may also know this, so he made such a decision.

Helping Dongfang Qingwan is very simple, just strengthen his soul.

After Li Quan snapped his fingers, the dragon energy in Li Quan exploded and began to surround Dongfang Qingwan.

For a moment, Dongfang Qingwan's body began to be entangled with dragon energy.

The dragon's energy entangled not only Dongfang Qingwan's body, but also Dongfang Qingwan's soul.

The soul was nourished by Li Quan's dragon energy, and after a moment, Dongfang Qingwan felt a cool feeling.

In my soul, the pain of being pulled gradually disappeared.

The breakthrough was finally underway.

There won't be a next time.

At this time, Li Quan's voice reached Dongfang Qingwan's ears.

After Dongfang Qingwan heard Li Quan's words, she seemed to realize that her intentions had been seen through by Li Quan, and she felt a little guilty in her heart.

I'm sorry, Lord True Dragon.

Concentrate on breaking through.

After Li Quan's words fell, Dongfang Qingwan began to use all his strength. Countless energy poured into Dongfang Qingwan's body crazily. After a moment, Dongfang Qingwan's body was seen expanding continuously.

Finally, as her aura transformed into the main galaxy level, Dongfang Qingwan's strength successfully broke through.

The moment the breakthrough was successful, Dongfang Qingwan heard a dragon roar.

The dragons in this area, after hearing Dongfang Qingwan's voice, all turned their heads in the direction of Dongfang Qingwan to worship.

Of course, that was a dragon clan with lower strength than Dongfang Qingwan.

The Dragon Clan, who had the same strength as Dongfang Qingwan, had a hint of joy on his face after hearing Dongfang Qingwan's voice, and said in the direction of Dongfang Qingwan: Congratulations to fellow Taoist on your successful breakthrough.

Because they are both members of the dragon clan, I congratulate him from the bottom of my heart.

Dongfang Qingwan, who seemed to have received the blessings from all directions, also conveyed them with a dragon roar to express her gratitude.

Thank you, Lord True Dragon, for your help!

If it weren't for you, Lord True Dragon, I'm afraid Qingwan would have died.

Okay, you know what you were thinking at the beginning.

There won't be a next time.

I don't dare to have a next time!

Dongfang Qingwan also knew that Li Quan seemed a little angry. After all, he troubled Li Quan again and again, and he probably helped because he had a little friendship with her.

It's a pity that now, the little friendship with Li Quan has been exhausted.

In order to achieve a breakthrough, let's use up this bit of friendship, okay?

This is a choice.

Lord True Dragon, I'm sorry.

Okay, as long as you maintain the dragon clan well, the future of the galaxy and the dragon clan depends on you.

Li Quan knew that even the Dragon Clan had factional disputes.

If we were to say which faction Li Quan supported among the Dragon Clan of the Universe, it would naturally be the Dragon Clan of the Milky Way.

If you want to subdivide it a little bit, it would be the Blue Star Dragon Clan.

Who told Li Quan to come from Blue Star?

Qingwan will definitely not let you down, Lord True Dragon!

Well, that's good if you know.

While speaking, Li Quan seemed to feel something. He looked at Dongfang Qingwan with a smile and said, Dongfang Qingwan, I wonder what choice you have for your future partner?

After Dongfang Qingwan heard this, the whole dragon was stunned for a moment. After a moment, Dongfang Qingwan reacted and her face turned red with embarrassment.

Li Quan asked what exactly this sentence meant? !

If someone else asked this question, Dongfang Qingwan might change the topic or something.

However, it was Li Quan who said this!

Who is Li Quan? !

Real dragon!

A true dragon's orders are absolute!

This is an eternal truth among the Dragon Clan.

Therefore, he must answer Li Quan's words!

Well, that doesn't matter. It's just that the person is stronger than Qingwan.

Dongfang Qingwan blushed and said to Li Quan embarrassedly.

After hearing this, Li Quan responded with a smile: I see, I have calculated that you will have a marriage in the future. It's up to you to make good use of it.

Dongfang Qingwan was stunned for a moment, what did Li Quan mean?

Be a matchmaker? !

Lord True Dragon, please stop joking.

Do you think I can make a joke?

Well, Li Quan does not tell lies, so what Li Quan said is true? !

As a result, Dongfang Qingwan became even more curious about who Li Quan said would be her future marriage partner.

Okay, now that you have succeeded in breaking through, it's time for me to leave.

You can take care of yourself.

Lord True Dragon!

At this time, Dongfang Qingwan suddenly stopped Li Quan.

Huh? What's wrong?

Can you tell Qingwan who he is in the future?

After hearing this, Li Quan touched his chin and responded with a smile: The surname is Long.

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