Although, in the eyes of this genetic monster, Dongfang Qingwan is similar in size to him, but this is based on the fact that the distance between the two is different.

This genetic monster is an unknown number of light years away from Dongfang Qingwan. It is estimated that the further you run, you will find that Dongfang Qingwan is getting bigger and bigger.

However, since this guy survived that cruel experiment, he also thought he was a dragon.

Although, this genetic monster does not know that it is not a dragon, it does not have the blood of the dragon, it only has the form of a dragon.

The intelligence is a bit low, I guess it's not fully activated.

Genetic monsters also have intelligence, and this intelligence is probably only equivalent to that of the original orangutans.

With a thought, Li Quan's figure appeared in front of this genetic monster.

At the same time, Li Quan's figure also transformed into his true form, a golden dragon.

As for the genetic monster, the overall color is deep green and looks green.

No wonder, when seeing Dongfang Qingwan, he would think that Dongfang Qingwan is his kind.

After all, they are all green.

The moment Li Quan appeared in front of the genetic monster, the genetic monster looked at Li Quan with a hint of doubt.

Obviously, this genetic monster also regarded Li Quan as a kindred spirit.

But, what is puzzling is, why is Li Quan's color different from his?

And in the eyes of this genetic monster, Li Quan's appearance was infinitely more handsome than hers.

Therefore, this genetic monster felt inferior for the first time.


Genetic monsters are unable to practice due to the genes in their bodies.

But unlike the alien beasts, this genetic monster has a life limit.

Although there is a gene that can become stronger while alive, there is still a big gap compared to alien beasts.

And Li Quan, after appearing in front of the genetic monster, heard the genetic monster's doubts.

Although there is no spiritual communication, and only simple yelling is used to communicate.

However, Li Quan was able to know what this genetic monster was talking about.

After all, Li Quan has the ability to communicate with all things. Although, even if this guy roars, as a member of the Dragon Clan, he doesn't know what he is talking about.

The general meaning of this genetic monster is to ask why Li Quan looks so shiny.

Li Quan didn't say too many words.

This genetic monster looks like a fool, which is interesting.

Considering that he has recently come back and is feeling energetic recently, it is not impossible for this genetic monster who thinks he is a member of the dragon clan to become a real dragon clan.

I saw the dragon aura from Li Quan's body begin to envelope the genetic monster No. 1, and soon, the golden dragon aura enveloped the genetic monster.

The genetic monster seems to be a bit at a loss, and because of the need to give dragon blood, the genes contained in its real blood are also being modified crazily.

This transformation process is very painful, even No. 1, who has super pain reduction, can't bear it.

No, he couldn't help but roared, and this guy also tried to attack Li Quan.

It's a pity that although this guy is more than willing but not strong enough, after all, the pain is so painful that he has no strength left, so how can he attack Li Quan.

The longer the dragon bloodline lasts, the greater this guy's potential will naturally be.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe three or two days, but all the genes that could not be cultivated on this number were completely transformed at this moment.

Moreover, the blood of the Dragon Clan finally appeared on his body.

This is the dragon bloodline given by Li Quan himself. If there are no accidents, this number will have a bright future, just like Hu Shengjun.

After the blood was given to him, his IQ was only comparable to that of a gorilla. At this moment, he actually had an IQ that was no less than that of a human genius.

And No. 1 also understood at this time that everything he had was given by Li Quan.

Moreover, after No. 1 gained a good IQ, he finally knew how to think about how he came to be.

After seeing No. 1's successful transformation, Li Quan seemed to have thought of something. He transformed into a human form and pointed at No. 1's nose.

Soon, a piece of information appeared in No. 1's mind.

This is some general common sense about the universe, and of course, there is also a set of the most basic Ancestral Dragon Techniques of the Dragon Clan.

Ancestral Dragon, the first dragon born in the dragon clan.

Of course, it can also be considered that it was the first dragon created with the blood of the real dragon himself.

As long as you practice the Ancestral Dragon Art, the blood in your body will become purer.

Li Quan is not limited to growing the Blue Star Dragon Clan now.

What he wants to do is to make the dragon clan in the entire universe stronger and stronger.

In this way, the universe becomes stronger and can deal with dangers from mysterious places.

Thank you, Lord True Dragon, for the gift!

Although I learned the Ancestral Dragon Art, it still couldn't operate within a short period of time.

Speaking of words is just a piece of cake for the Dragon Clan.

After all, this number has now become a member of the Dragon Clan.

Well, go ahead, practice hard, and don't live up to my expectations of you.

Thank you, Lord True Dragon. However, Lord True Dragon, I have a request here. I wonder if you can agree to it, Lord True Dragon?

It's interesting that he actually makes requests to me.

Tell me what your request is.

Seeing that Li Quan is in a good mood now, he can agree to it, but he can't go too far.

Lord True Dragon, I wonder if you can give me a name?

Isn't your name Number One?

Lord True Dragon, this is just a name given to me by humans.

After hearing this, Li Quan touched his chin, thought for a while and said, Then your name is Long Yi.

After hearing what Li Quan said, Long Yi said excitedly: Thank you, Lord True Dragon, for the name~!

Okay, practice hard, I gave you a super talent, I hope you don't waste it.

Also, if I find out that you destroyed the stability of the universe and became an evil dragon, I wouldn't mind killing you myself.

As he spoke, the pressure on Li Quan was crushing towards Long Yi.

Long Yi knew that Li Quan's words were not a joke.

Please rest assured, Lord True Dragon! Long Yi will definitely not betray your trust!

After hearing this, Li Quan nodded with satisfaction.

I hope this is really the case for Long Yi.

In that case, just take care of yourself.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan's figure disappeared in front of Long Yi, and Long Yi glanced at Dongfang Qingwan's huge body, and then left firmly.

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