Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 26 The title was eaten by Tadu

The moment he saw the corners of Li Lan's mouth rising slightly, Li Quan knew that all of this was part of Li Lan's plan.

Based on what I know about you, even if you are very poor, you still have money to buy clothes. Why do you only have four pieces of clothes?

After hearing this, Wang Keyuan asked with a trace of doubt on her face.

Actually, this is all my fault. Suddenly, Li Lan began to sob in a low voice again.

If it weren't for my father's support for me, I wouldn't have been reduced to having no money to buy new clothes. All this is my fault, eh eh eh

Hey, Lan Lan, don't cry, it's not Lan Lan's fault. Wang Keyuan, who was overflowing with maternal aura, quickly coaxed Li Lan after hearing Li Lan's sobbing.

Li Lan, on the other hand, took advantage of Wang Keyuan not paying attention and gave Li Quan an OK look.

When Li Quan saw this, he didn't know what to say. His cheap daughter was really too scheming.

It took a lot of effort to find a mother for herself.

However, didn't Li Lan consider whether Li Quan would accept it?

Let's go, Li Quan, let's go to the mall to buy some suitable clothes first. After saying that, he glanced at Li Quan's hesitant look and quickly explained: You, don't misunderstand, it's because you are Lan Lan Lan’s father, what you wear represents how others view Lan Lan!”

Okay, okay, I know everything, let's go.

Li Quan knew that if he didn't agree, his little devil would definitely come up with other ways to 'calculate' Li Quan.

Anyway, Li Quan hasn't bought new clothes for a long time, so it would be nice to buy a few pieces for decoration.

After all, no matter how good the clothes are, they are not as good as Li Quan's heart-protecting dragon scales.

After putting on the lifeguard's clothes, Li Quan accompanied the two of them to leave.

As for why he had to put on lifeguard clothes again, there was no way he could just go out on the street wearing the clothes that were torn to pieces by Li Lan.

Soon, a family of three arrived at the largest shopping mall in Jiangdu City: Jianghai Department Store.

Jianghai Department Store is actually an industry under the name of Wang Group, and the current chairman of Wang Group is Wang Ruobin, Wang Keyuan's father.

Jianghai Department Store is naturally the property of Wang Keyuan's family.

Buying clothes here is free.

Soon, Li Quan carried Li Lan and accompanied Wang Keyuan to the second floor, where the clothing sales floor was.

The second floor is all about selling clothes and cosmetics. It can be said to be the second most visited floor.

Among them, those who come here are basically people with a little money at home.

Of course, there are also a small number of people who have no money, but love vanity and hope to turn a pheasant into a phoenix.

When Li Quan and the others arrived on the second floor, many people looked towards Li Quan.

The reason is simple, Li Quan's clothes are too conspicuous.

It's dark green and has its own fluorescence, so it's weird if you want it to be inconspicuous.

Aren't you nervous to pay attention to so many gazes? Looking at the gazes from all around, Li Quan approached Wang Keyuan and asked.

What's there to be nervous about? Yes, what's there to be nervous about?

In Wang Keyuan's 'world', Wang Keyuan basically faces all kinds of sights every day.

There is jealousy, admiration, and even lewd looks.

If she was nervous, wouldn't Wang Keyuan have died of shyness long ago?

Therefore, different worldviews determine a person's personality.

Here we are, this is the men's section. How about I help you pick out some clothes?

Wang Keyuan's face had a hint of rosiness, and when she talked about choosing clothes for Li Quan, she always felt an unprecedented sense of shyness.

This feeling is amazing.

Why are you so embarrassed? I can do it myself. Li Quan refused directly and was about to choose his own clothes.

As long as the clothes fit you, there is no need to carefully select them.

Moreover, Li Quan is very confident in his appearance. People with good appearance will always look good no matter what kind of clothes they wear.

Mom, why don't you help Dad choose some clothes? Lan Lan's clothes look a bit ugly on Dad.

Moreover, every time her father takes Lan Lan out on the street, Lan Lan always feels that those people always feel disappointed when they see her father.

Just after Li Quan rejected Wang Keyuan, Li Lan immediately became unhappy and quickly said to Wang Keyuan.

After Wang Keyuan heard this, she began to think about the reason why passers-by despised Li Quan because of Li Quan's immodest clothing, and at the same time, she took Li Lan with her.

Moreover, because of this incident, Li Lan became very unconfident in his future growth.

Over time, you will lose confidence in your life, and then commit suicide!

Wang Keyuan was frightened when she thought of this.

no! She can't let this tragedy happen!

Li Quan! Stop!

Just when Li Quan was about to choose a piece of clothing at random, Wang Keyuan immediately called out to Li Quan and said with a hint of anger on his face: Let me choose for you!

Li Quan:? ? ?

Miss, I can do it myself. It's just clothes, as long as they fit well.

No matter how you do it! Your clothes, words and deeds will affect Lan Lan's future!

What if you dress casually and are despised by others while walking on the street, including Lan Lan?

Lan Lan is still a child! She is still young, and other people's words will cause harm to Lan Lan's mind and body!

You don't have to say anything, I'll choose for you!

With that said, Wang Keyuan took Li Lan's hand and walked into the men's store together.

After Li Quan heard this, he was completely stunned.

Is it that serious? How come he doesn't know.

Moreover, will Li Quan's words and deeds affect Li Lan?

However, no matter what, Li Quan still accepted it happily. Anyway, he could enjoy being served by a young lady. This experience is not available to everyone.

Soon, Wang Keyuan came to Li Quan with several pieces of men's clothing in her hand. She handed these pieces of men's clothing to Li Quan and said, Here, put them on and see if they fit.

After Li Quan took the clothes from Wang Keyuan, he walked towards the dressing room next door.

After a while, the door to the dressing room was opened, and Li Quan walked out.

The ladies on the side suddenly couldn't walk when they saw Li Quan coming out of the dressing room.

If his previous appearance was inferior to that of an internet celebrity, now that he has been replaced by Wang Keyuan who chooses clothes for Li Quan, he is enough to become a male god in the eyes of thousands of women.

Li Quan took a look at the suit he was wearing and found it quite comfortable.

After adjusting his collar, Li Quan walked up to Wang Keyuan with a smile on his face and said with a smile: Is this okay?

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