Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 25 Wang Keyuan who protects the ‘cub’

Li Quan, let me ask you a question.

Huh? If you have any questions, just ask. If I know, I'll tell you.

Li Quan said to Wang Keyuan while changing into his own clothes.

Um, do you live in a rental house? Wang Keyuan asked tentatively.

After hearing this, Li Quan put on his coat and said hesitantly: Yes, what's the problem?

Of course there is a problem! After hearing this, Wang Keyuan said to Li Quan seriously: Now I am Lan Lan's mother, how could I let Lan Lan live in a place like this!

Whether it is now or before, this is not allowed!

Think about it, Lan Lan is still young and needs a good environment to help Lan Lan grow up.

You let Lan Lan live in a rented house since she was a child. What will Lan Lan do when she grows up?!

When this issue came up, Wang Keyuan kept talking. After hearing this, Li Quan felt like his head was getting big.

Li Lan is a little girl who has lived for millions of years. Wang Keyuan told Li Quan that she wanted to grow up in a good environment with Li Lan.

If it still looks like this after millions of years, how long will it take for it to grow up?

Tens of millions of years?

There is no way, people are poor. Faced with Wang Keyuan's constant words, Li Quan decided to use his big killer weapon!


I Wang Keyuan was stunned. She had indeed investigated Li Quan, and Li Quan was indeed as poor as Wang Keyuan thought.

She almost didn't think of this. Inadvertently, Wang Keyuan touched Li Lan's little head, and she seemed to have a decision in her heart.

How about I give you a few million to buy a house in the city center?

Don't dislike me, my monthly pocket money is only a few million, not much more.

When talking about a month's pocket money, Wang Keyuan's face felt a little painful. She took out several million at a time. Although she could only buy an ordinary house, it was still much better than Li Quan's rental house. .

A few million? Pocket money? A month? After hearing this, Li Quan felt that his heart was hit for some reason.

Several million was something Li Quan didn't dare to dream about before. However, for Wang Keyuan, several million turned out to be just a month's pocket money.

This fucking person is so irritating.

However, Li Quan is not bad now. He can transform into a dragon, and his lifespan basically doesn't matter. Anyway, as long as he doesn't seek death and provokes some powerful beings, he can live as long as he wants.

Don't misunderstand me! I'm not keeping you! I, I am doing all this for Lan Lan!

As he said that, he hugged Li Lan tightly.

Li Quan looked helpless after hearing this. He didn't say he wanted to eat soft rice.

Although Li Quan had this idea before, he didn't want to work hard and wanted a rich woman to take care of him.

Okay, let me borrow it from you.

I will pay you back a few million.

It's easy for Li Quan to get money. He can just go to the bottom of the sea and find some gold and silver treasures.

After all, Li Quan still saw a lot of sunken ships, treasures and the like in the sea.

It's a pity that Li Quan was busy upgrading his level at that time, so he didn't pay attention.

Now that I think about this, I can actually pick up some when I leave.

After Li Quan thought for a while, he directly agreed to Wang Keyuan.

No, no need. Just think of it as something I gave to Lan Lan. You just need to take good care of Lan Lan.

While speaking, Wang Keyuan painfully took out a bank card from her bag and handed it to Li Quan.

After taking it, Li Quan smiled and said: Don't worry, I will take good care of Lan Lan, and I will definitely pay you back your money.

This is my last dignity as a man.

Okay, this sentence is quite serious.

Okay, you can pay it back if you like, I don't care anyway.

Since you're off work now and it's only two o'clock, do you want to go look at the house together?

If you can, buy it by the way.

After hearing this, Li Quan nodded directly in agreement.

Originally, Li Quan planned to go directly into the sea to devour and upgrade. However, since Wang Keyuan extended the invitation and Li Lan's face had a hint of 'prayer', Li Quan had no choice but to go along.

After hearing Li Quan's promise, Li Lan hugged Li Quan directly and said with a smile: Long live dad! Mom! Let's go!

Lan Lan, please don't call Sister Keyuan mom outside. It's easy for others to misunderstand you. Do you understand?

But, she is my mother. After hearing Li Quan's words, Li Lan subconsciously wanted to cry.

Li Quan! Lan Lan can yell if he wants, I don't care! Seeing that Li Lan wanted to cry, Wang Keyuan quickly snatched Li Lan from Li Quan's hug and said to Li Quan with a reproachful expression on her face.

What the hell? Li Quan was helpless. At this time, Li Quan wanted to say, Sister, I am protecting your reputation.

It's a pity that Wang Keyuan can't listen to anything now. She is a little devil. I don't know what kind of ecstasy drug Li Lan poured into Wang Keyuan in one morning to make Wang Keyuan so protective.

Forget it, as long as you like it.

Li Quan chose to give up, which was not harmful to Li Quan anyway.

No, there are disadvantages.

If others find out, at least Li Quan will be in a little trouble.

Well, just a little bit.

Great! Mom, Dad, let's go!

Li Lan stayed in Wang Keyuan's arms, grabbed Li Quan's clothes and shouted.

Don't put it off, don't put it off, your clothes will get ruined.

With just a tearing sound, Li Quan's clothes were torn by Li Lan.

Oh, dad, I'm sorry. If you want to be beaten or scolded, just come, Lan Lan will accept it.

After seeing himself 'getting into trouble', Li Lan quickly looked at Li Quan with a 'sincere' look and said.

After Wang Keyuan heard this, she quickly distanced herself from Li Quan and pointed at Li Quan and said, Li Quan, it's just a piece of clothing. Lan Lan was just careless for a moment. Don't blame her.

I'm sorry, Dad. I knew you only had four pieces of clothes in the wardrobe at home, but I tore one of your clothes into pieces.

Lan Lan, don't cry, but Li Quan, do you really have no extra clothes to wear?

Although Wang Keyuan knew that Li Quan was very poor, Li Quan was so poor that he only had four pieces of clothing. It was really pitiful.

Yes. Li Quan helplessly covered his face, not daring to look directly.

Because of the Heart Protector Dragon Scale, Li Quan directly donated all the old clothes at home, so there were only four pieces left that were relatively new and of good quality.

Better quality?

Thinking of this, Li Quan suddenly saw an inadvertent smile on the corner of Li Lan's mouth.

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