Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 239 Dragon-Slaying Sword!


Obviously, Hongtian never expected that Li Quan could hold the Dragon-Slaying Sword directly in his hand with one of his own hands.

Not only that, the force transmitted from Li Quan's arm made it impossible for Hongtian to put away his dragon-slaying sword for a moment.

The moment Li Quan grabbed the Dragon-Slaying Sword, Li Quan grabbed the Dragon-Slaying Sword's right hand, and at this moment it turned into a golden dragon claw.

The moment the dragon-slaying sword came into contact with Li Quan's dragon claw, a corrosive sound rang out.

However, Li Quan didn't know the pain at all, and just looked coldly at the old man Hongtian who was slashing at him with the dragon-slaying sword.

The Dragon-Slaying Sword is used to kill dragons and is forged from the wronged souls of dragons.

If you want to forge a dragon-slaying sword of such quality, it would require the life of a lot of powerful dragons to forge it.

The power of the Dragon Clan is basically at the Galaxy Network level.

The Galaxy Network level is below the Hunyuan level, but even so, if a strong person at the Hunyuan level wants to crush an existence at the Galaxy Network level, the gap between a human and an ant is the same.

Therefore, at the moment when the Dragon-Slaying Sword was grasped by Li Quan's right hand, all the wronged souls in the Dragon-Slaying Sword appeared in front of Li Quan.

Li Quan could see that the Nine-Headed Dragon Clan's great master was killed abruptly, and was skinned, boned, and cramped while still alive.

That scene could be described as bloody.

And all of this was done by Hongtian, the owner of the Dragon-Slaying Sword.

No, this kind of behavior cannot be called human.

From the perspective of the dragon clan, this kind of existence is called a dragon slayer, a demon!

What's wrong?!

Evil dragon, you will die today!

I will use this dragon-slaying sword to kill you today!

Although Hongtian was a little surprised when Li Quan grabbed the Dragon-Slaying Sword at once, but after feeling that Li Quan's strength was only at the Galaxy Network level, he quickly thought that Li Quan was just physically powerful. , just stronger than his body.

Dragons have strong bodies, which is a basic knowledge in the universe.

As for Li Quan, who is an 'evil dragon' and is physically strong, it is no big deal if he can be even more powerful than him.

Therefore, at the moment when the Dragon-Slaying Sword was firmly grasped by Li Quan, Hongtian was seen chanting the formula in his mouth, and at the same time, his hands were not idle.

I saw Hongtian's left hand touching directly on the Dragon-Slaying Sword.

After his hand was directly scratched, golden blood fell on the Dragon Slaying Sword.

In itself, because Hongtian killed the nine powerful men of the Dragon Clan, his own blood had the power to target the Dragon Clan.

Now, directly give blessings to the Dragon Slaying Sword.

Against the Dragon Clan, the damage was doubled.

However, this is just for the Dragon Clan.

And Li Quan, theoretically speaking, is not a dragon.

The Dragon Clan is just a race that was tainted with Li Quan's dragon energy or a trace of blood.

Therefore, everything aimed at the Dragon Clan is invalid for Li Quan!

Anyone who kills members of the Dragon Clan and targets Blue Star has such a murderous intention towards me.

Today, you will die.

Li Quan was angry.

This Hongtian, in order to achieve a breakthrough in his own cultivation, even tried to forge the Hunyuan Pill based on Blue Star and half of the creatures in the universe.

Not only that, after the plot was discovered, he was forced to use the name of the evil dragon to pour water on Li Quan, trying to kill Li Quan in the name of the evil dragon.

Moreover, in order to forge the dragon-slaying sword, he killed nine powerful men of the dragon clan.

This is a member of the Dragon Clan who has survived to this day since the creation of the universe, and only those whose strength has reached the level of the Galaxy Network can become a powerful member of the Dragon Clan.

But even so, this Hongtian, in order to forge the strongest dragon-slaying sword, actually killed nine powerful men of the dragon clan.

That is a nine-digit galaxy network level existence.

Now, the dragon-slaying sword was used to kill Li Quan.

Hmph! He's just an ant at the Galaxy Network level, but he dares to compete with the Hunyuan level himself?!

Idiots are talking in their sleep!

As soon as he finished speaking, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine flying swords with the power of stardust constructed from Hongtian's own strength suddenly flew out from behind Hongtian.

The Stardust Flying Sword absorbs a trace of the divine power of the Dragon-Slaying Sword and turns it into a Dragon-Slaying Sword aimed at the dragon clan.

Although it is only a weakened version of the Dragon-Slaying Sword, to the dragon clan, every Star Flying Sword is a terrifying existence.

One sword is enough to kill a Dragon Clan power that is considered to be at the Galaxy Network level.

Even if not, then the second sword, the third sword!

At the moment when the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Stardust Flying Swords were formed, with Hongtian's control, they came towards Li Quan in an orderly manner and killed him.

For a time, the entire universe was filled with swords and swords.

The second demon ancestor who was blocking Nuwa and Fuxi immediately ran away after seeing this.

This power is incredible.

Although a sword cannot hurt them.

However, this is not as simple as one sword, but nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine swords.

If it all fell on one person, even beings of the same Hunyuan level would probably end up half-dead.

Therefore, in order to avoid this attack, the second demon ancestor decided to escape into the mysterious space.

Wait and see what happens.

When Nuwa and Fuxi saw this, Nuwa tried to stop Hongtian, but was held back by Fuxi.

Sister, don't go forward. With your strength, it's hard to resist this Stardust Flying Sword.

Brother! If we don't stop Hongtian, the real dragon will die!

While saying this, he tried to break away from Fuxi's hand and wanted to rescue Li Quan.

However, Fuxi imprisoned Nuwa and brought her to the Milky Way.

Execute the Yin-Yang Five Elements Bagua Formation of Heaven, Earth, Yin-Yang!

Protect the Milky Way within it.

Once it breaks out, the entire universe may be destroyed.

Brother! What are you doing?

Sister, do you still remember the three tips that man left for me?

Brother, you mean

Yes, the last tip, wait and see what happens, Hongtian will die!


Nuwa was a little overwhelmed and didn't know whether to continue helping.

Don't worry, trust him.

After hearing this, Nuwa could only silently guard the Milky Way.

Li Quan, on the other hand, remained silent as he looked at Hongtian, who was smiling gradually more and more wildly in front of him.

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine stardust flying swords began to fall towards Li Quan.

It is so powerful that no one can stop it.

However, Li Quan suddenly spit out golden dragon beads, and at the same time, five circles of light suddenly appeared under Li Quan's feet.

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