Hongtian's tone seemed very confident. However, everyone knew that Hongtian just randomly named the evil dragon and wanted to kill Li Quan.

Everyone was very disdainful of this shameless behavior.

In addition, everyone also has a doubt.

Aren't true dragons supposed to be very powerful?

Why is the strength of this true dragon so weak now?

Galaxy network level strength may, for many life forms in the universe, be the top of the pyramid.

However, in front of a strong person at the Hunyuan level, he is just a weakling.

The kind that can destroy a large area with just a hand.

And Hongtian had evil intentions just because he saw that Li Quan's strength was only at the Galaxy Network level.

Although I don't know why the real dragon has become so weak, if you want to kill the real dragon, you can only take advantage of this moment.

Otherwise, there will be no such opportunity at other times.

Even if you can kill the real dragon, you can find a chance to break through the Hunyuan level without relying on the Hunyuan Pill.

When he thought of this, Hongtian immediately hardened his heart.

Anyway, Li Quan has been offended, so it would be better to kill Li Quan.

Hongtian's speed is very fast. If it is normal, he can deal with a being whose strength is only at the Galaxy Network level. He can kill a large group of people instantly with just one wave of his hands and feet.

However, what is in front of me is a real dragon.

No one knows what power the real dragon possesses. Therefore, when dealing with a real dragon, one can only face it with the most powerful force.

Hongtian's momentum was directly locked on Li Quan, and the strong pressure wanted to force Li Quan to kill him on the spot.

On the side, Fuxi and Nuwa saw this and roared angrily: Bold!

As soon as the words fell, the two turned into the original state of human body and snake tail.

Fuxi belongs to yang, and Nuwa belongs to yin. One yin and one yang respectively represent the power of yin and yang in the universe.

The two worked together, and a Tai Chi Yin and Yang circle appeared in front of Li Quan.

Under Hongtian's full attack, he could only leave ripples in the Tai Chi Yin and Yang circular formation.

Nuwa! Fuxi! Do you want to stop me?!

Hongtian! This is a real dragon! How dare you kill a real dragon?!

After hearing Hongtian's angry questions, Fuxi roared angrily.

Hmph! This is not a real dragon! This is an evil dragon!

The real dragon's strength will not defeat the weak! This is fake!

I want to kill this evil dragon and rectify the name of the real dragon!

Of course Hongtian knew that Li Quan was the real dragon.

However, now that Li Quan has been offended to death, even if Li Quan is a real dragon, it is still a lie!

He has no way out!


After hearing Hongtian's treacherous words, Fuxi and Nuwa joined forces, and for a time, the yin and yang in the universe gathered together.

A force that could destroy the entire universe was gathered directly at one point.

Because he has a very high degree of control over his own power, the convergence of yin and yang energy only explodes at one point and does not affect other places.

Therefore, the power of yin and yang, which was enough to destroy the entire universe, was concentrated at one point and blasted towards Hongtian.

This concentrated power is even more terrifying.

When Hongtian saw this, his face was full of anger.

If Li Quan cannot be killed as soon as possible, Hongtian will become more uneasy.

Who knows what will happen the longer it drags on.

Lu Sheng! Huang Feng! You two, come and help me kill Nuwa Fuxi!

I am willing to swear to my heart! If I don't help you two break through Hunyuan afterwards, you will definitely die!

As soon as these words came out, the mysterious space in the universe began to vibrate.

Old man Hongtian! Are you telling the truth?!

At this moment, Demon Ancestor Lu Sheng's voice suddenly sounded.

I swear to my heart that if I break the contract, I will die and my soul will disappear. Come and help me quickly!

With the strength of Fuxi and Nuwa, they can indeed protect Li Quan, but if Hongtian wants to kill Li Quan, he must rely on the strength of others.

For example, Demon Ancestor and Demon Ancestor.

In that case, Huang Feng! Let's go!

At this moment, two huge claws directly bombarded the Tai Chi Yin and Yang Formation.

The sudden bombardment, coupled with Hongtian's super strength, made it difficult for the Tai Chi Yin and Yang Circle to withstand the combined power of these three.

Soon, cracks appeared one after another.

Asshole! Aren't you three guys afraid that the real dragon will blame you?!

Hmph! It's Hongtian who wants to kill the real dragon, it has nothing to do with us.

We just want to compete with you two.

We haven't seen each other for several epochs, how about we compare notes now?

They couldn't bear the crime of killing a real dragon, so it was better to let old man Hongtian bear it.

And they were just competing with Fuxi and Nuwa.

damn it!

With the obstruction of Demon Ancestor and Demon Ancestor, Fuxi and Nuwa would certainly be unable to resist.

Soon, the Tai Chi Yin and Yang circle was broken.

Hongtian ignored the two and attacked directly towards Li Quan.

Nuwa and Fuxi wanted to stop the intruding Hongtian, but they were blocked by Demon Ancestor and Demon Ancestor respectively.

Hey, hey, Nuwa, your opponent is us.

Demon Ancestor, you will regret it!

After hearing what the Demon Ancestor said, Nuwa said with a gloomy face.

I don't know if I will regret it later, but I am quite interested in the drama that will follow.

Being blocked by the Second Demon Ancestor, Nuwa and Fuxi had no choice but to pray. Nothing would happen to Li Quan.

Soon, Hongtian came to Li Quan and looked at Li Quan from above.

Hongtian looked like a kind old man, holding a sharp sword made of unknown material in his hand, and just staring at Li Quan.

Evil dragon! Let's kill him here!

With the Dragon-Slaying Sword in hand, you have no chance of winning!

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Hongtian holding the dragon-slaying sword and quickly slashing it towards Li Quan's body.

The moment the Dragon-Slaying Sword fell, Li Quan could clearly hear the sadness of the dragon clan being killed on the Dragon-Slaying Sword.

In other words, this Dragon-Slaying Sword is truly a Dragon-Slaying Sword.


After hearing this, Li Quan snorted coldly.

Facing Hongtian's attack, Li Quan didn't have the slightest fear.

What about the Hunyuan level?

Could it be that Li Quan is afraid?

Although Li Quan's current Galaxy Network level strength comes from the increase of the power of the dragon, under normal conditions, Li Quan's strength is only at the total galaxy level.

But, would Li Quan be afraid?


At the moment when the Dragon-Slaying Sword was about to fall, the Dragon-Slaying Sword was firmly grasped by Li Quan's right hand.

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