Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 236 Hongtian, Lu Sheng!

If Li Quan hadn't helped Li Xiaotuan, the dragon scale necklace would have only helped Li Xiaotuan isolate himself from the attack of the vine monster, but would not have increased Li Xiaotuan's reaction speed at all.

Therefore, when Li Quan reacted to the dragon scale necklace, he immediately added a BUFF to Li Xiaotuan.

Without this BUFF, with Li Xiaotuan's current strength, he would not be able to react and catch the Dragon Scale Armor.

If you can't catch the dragon scale armor, you won't be able to fight back like before.

Therefore, Li Xiaotuan has wronged Li Quan.

If I hadn't helped you, you would have been cold.

For you to still call me a bastard.

While speaking, Li Quan hit Li Xiaotuan directly on the head with his fist, causing Li Xiaotuan to scream in pain.

Yeah! It hurts!

Besides, people call you a bastard.

You girl, let me make you talk.

While speaking, Li Quan pretended to continue beating Li Xiaotuan. Seeing this, Li Xiaotuan quickly hugged Wang Yun, pointed at Li Quan with an aggrieved look and shouted: Mom, brother, he bullied me!

Okay, okay, you two brothers and sisters just calm down for a while.

By the way, Tuantuan, now you know all the secrets of the family, but even so, this is not your capital to show off.

If you go out and cause trouble, we're not going to help you.

Unless you are right.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan quickly patted his chest and said with a smile: Okay, Mom, I know what to do!

It's good that you know, otherwise, you would also know the consequences.

While saying this, he pretended to scare Li Xiaotuan, but this way, he didn't look scary at all, but rather a bit cute.

Because of Li Xiaotuan's birthday, the whole family but I was very happy.

So the birthday party was held directly at home and it was a lot of fun.

At this time, the space war has also come to an end.

Because of the sudden rules of the game world, the strength of all the demons who came into contact with the game world plummeted.

It is precisely because of this that the situation on the battlefield directly turned into a one-sided massacre.

The weak demons have been completely killed, with not even their souls left.

As for the demons who were reasonably strong, and were not of the bloodline of the second demon ancestor, they resisted the demon ancestor's orders and escaped.

From today on, the bloodline demons of the second demon ancestor are also officially removed from this day.

Of course, Demon Ancestor was not moved at all by this point.

Even Demon Ancestor looked relaxed.

This is because whenever a demon dies, its power will be transferred to the demon ancestor and the demon ancestor.

Of course, due to the rules of Li Quan's game world, although it is impossible to obtain all the power, a small part is still available.

Li Quan also noticed this.

However, seeing that most of the blame was on him, Li Quan did not stop it.

But wait for the time to come.

And on this day, with the severance of the bloodline of the second demon ancestor, the demon ancestor finally came out.

All the escaping monsters were thrown into the Milky Way before they could react.

And, with the demon ancestor's thought, he killed.

The only remaining demons in the universe, whose strength was under the galaxy network, exploded directly in the galaxy at this moment.

Of course, the explosion here was not a self-destruction.

If it really was a self-destruction, the galaxy would simply not be able to withstand such a severe explosion.

The explosion is either very strong or one-sided.

Such a move by Demon Ancestor caught everyone off guard.

Including his alliance Demon Ancestor, he was very confused about how the Demon Ancestor killed the demons in the Demon Alliance.

Li Quan, who was in the Milky Way and above the Blue Star, naturally noticed such a move by Demon Ancestor.

However, as the last demon was crushed, Blue Star, the formation that had been almost forgotten by Li Quan, was actually activated at this moment!

Li Quan, who was in Blue Star, naturally noticed the changes on Blue Star.

Here, why was the formation suddenly activated?!

Obviously, the formation was activated, and Li Quan also looked confused.

It stands to reason that only when Blue Star is destroyed and destroyed can the formation be activated.

But why?

At this moment, an angry shout suddenly sounded in the universe.

It sounds very old, but despite the age, there is a kind of anger.

How dare you! Demon Ancestor! How dare you!

Hahaha! Old man Hongtian, it's really thanks to your blood demon refining formation.

Now, I can use your blood demon refining formation to achieve a higher level!

Lu Sheng! How dare you!

Suddenly, a huge palm suddenly hit the mysterious space where Demon Ancestor Lu Sheng was.

When Demon Ancestor Lu Sheng saw this, he didn't show the slightest fear.

Although this old man is very mysterious, in terms of strength, the demon ancestor who has now absorbed the strength of many bloodline descendants can already be compared with this old man Hongtian.

Therefore, at the moment when the old man Hongtian slapped him down, Demon Ancestor Lu Sheng directly broke through the mysterious space, and a huge claw faced Hongtian's palm.

The battle between the two has affected the entire universe.

At this time, Nuwa, Fuxi and Demon Ancestor also appeared one after another.

Once a battle of their level breaks out and destroys the entire universe, it can be said to be easy.

Therefore, the moment the three of them jumped out, they all invariably created a protective shield to isolate the powerful forces spreading to the surroundings.

The power of the battle between the two directly turned the surrounding universe into nothingness.

Not only was the universe directly penetrated, but it was also directly hit into the realm of nothingness.

The realm of nothingness is an extremely mysterious place.

No one, including Hunyuan-level powerhouses like Nuwa Fuxi, knows what kind of existence the void world is.

All I know is that in the void world, even those who are at the Hunyuan level will die if they accidentally fall into it.

Therefore, after seeing the universe being torn apart and revealing the void world, Nuwa quickly yelled at both of them: Stop! If we continue to fight, the void world will swallow up the entire universe!

Do you want the realm of nothingness to expand and then be buried together with you?!

After hearing Nuwa's words, Hongtian snorted coldly, then stopped his hand, and then extended his hand to the star field where the Milky Way is located, intending to hold the entire Milky Way in his hands.

Old man Hongtian, you want to refine the Hunyuan Pill and break through the Hunyuan. Do you think we will let you succeed?

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