After opening the door, Li Xiaotuan went downstairs and saw the whole family sitting at the dining table eating.

Hey, Tuan Tuan, finally woke up.

Li Quan said with a smile on his face after seeing Li Xiaotuan coming downstairs.

Come on, Tuantuan, come over for dinner when you get up, we won't wait for you anymore.

On the side, Wang Yun was also sitting at the dinner table and said with a smile on her face.

When Tuantuan sat at the dinner table, everyone looked at Li Xiaotuan with a smile.

Li Xiaotuan was frightened by the expressions of everyone, and asked weakly with a hint of fear on his face: Um, is there something wrong with my face?


If not, then why have you been staring at me?

Li Xiaotuan was very confused. If there was nothing on her face, why was he still staring at her face?

Isn't this unbearable?

It's okay, Tuantuan, haven't you always wanted to know that there is one thing we have never let you know?

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan was stunned for a moment, then he looked at Li Zhen and said, Yes, Dad, do you want to tell me about this?!

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan asked with a hint of excitement on his face.

This is the secret that Li Xiaotuan has always wanted to know.

Of course, this has only happened since Li Quan came back a few months ago.

When Li Quan didn't come back, Li Xiaotuan always thought that his eldest brother had been dead for who knows how long.

Well, now that you have grown up, it's time to tell you.

Also, happy birthday.

After hearing what Li Zhen said, Li Xiaotuan was stunned for a moment.

Looking at the biovoltage meter on his ankle, he realized that October 3rd was Li Xiaotuan's birthday.

In other words, after today, Li Xiaotuan will be an eighteen-year-old adult.

Today is Li Xiaotuan’s adult birthday party!

It is precisely because of this that everyone gathers at home to celebrate Li Xiaotuan's birthday or something.

By the way, Li Xiaotuan has also grown up, and it is time for Li Xiaotuan to know some of the secrets of the family.

Soon, under Li Xiaotuan's seriousness and pragmatism, Li Zhen told Li Xiaotuan everything about his family.

Li Xiaotuan was shocked when he heard about Li Quan's true identity.

It can be said that he was shocked.

Brother, you, you, are you the real dragon?

What, do you have any comments?

But if you have any objections, just keep it to yourself.

Li Quan rubbed Li Xiaotuan's little head and smiled.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan felt as if he was in a dream.

At this time, Li Xiaotuan suddenly thought of something.

Why is Li Quan so powerful?

Why did Li Quan know those spells in the system experience store, and why Li Quan was not expelled when he entered the Imperial Capital Training Academy.

Not only that, these gatekeepers also looked at Li Xiaotuan respectfully after receiving Li Quan.

Although Li Xiaotuan didn't notice anything was wrong when he usually faced them, there was indeed a change.

At the very least, his attitude towards Li Xiaotuan changed from being indifferent at the beginning to being enthusiastic.

Now, after learning Li Quan's true identity, everything can be explained clearly.

Not only that, Li Xiaotuan suddenly thought of something. He poked each other with his two index fingers and asked weakly towards Li Quan: Brother, that is to say, these three pieces of dragon scale armor, dragon scale sword and dragon scale necklace you gave me. , are they all made of the scales on your body?

Yeah, what's wrong?

If you don't like it, you can return these three items to me, and I'll find other dragon scale armor or something to replace them for you.

After hearing Li Quan's words, Li Xiaotuan quickly slapped Li Quan's hand and exclaimed: I, I don't want it!

Li Xiaotuan is not an idiot.

She still knows a little bit about real dragons.

Li Xiaotuan learned about the supreme existence among the dragon clan, and the real dragon, in the textbooks when he was a child.

When Li Xiaotuan was a child, he worshiped the real dragon very much, even now.

However, after knowing that the real dragon was actually his eldest brother, Li Xiaotuan seemed a little at a loss.

Although Li Xiaotuan had already made this guess before, he had never been sure.

After all, the real dragon is her brother, which is really exciting.

It can be said that Li Quan has been refreshing her world view.

Girl, now that you know these things, it means that our parents already think in our hearts that you have grown up.

However, since you already know my true identity, if you let me know and you dare to bully me everywhere based on my identity, be careful I will beat you up.

Although Li Quan's words were a bit gentle, when Li Xiaotuan heard them, he only felt a little shivering.

Li Quan kept his word, and Li Xiaotuan was not the kind of person who bullied others.

The reason why he has the title of Little Demon King of the Imperial City is just because Li Xiaotuan could not find his target or opponent, so he started playing pranks.

Now, Li Xiaotuan has a goal.

That is the sea of ​​stars!

Kill the monsters and expel the monsters!

After all, the demon did some very extreme things to Li Xiaotuan, and the demon almost succeeded.

However, at this moment, Li Xiaotuan seemed to have thought of something and asked Li Quan: Brother, that is to say, when I was attacked by a demon before, you were always watching by my side?!

While speaking, Li Xiaotuan looked at Li Quan with disdain, and the fear he had before knowing that Li Quan was a real dragon was no longer in his heart.

Some, just slowly feel contempt.

My own sister was bullied, but as my own brother, I didn't come out immediately. This is simply infuriating.

What the hell are you thinking about, girl.

While speaking, Li Quan slapped Li Xiaotuan's little head with one hand and said with a smile.

It's difficult, isn't it?

After being hit on the head by Li Quan, Li Xiaotuan asked weakly.

Do you think your brother and I are a voyeur? Have I been monitoring every move in your life in real time?

When you were in danger, the dragon scale necklace I gave you was activated. Only then did I sense that you were in danger and rescue you.

Otherwise, do you think that with your previous strength, you can really catch the dragon scale armor I gave you?

That power stimulated Li Xiaotuan's potential power in a short period of time, allowing Li Xiaotuan to explode with astonishing reaction speed in a short period of time.

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