Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 23 ‘Devil’ Li Lan

Well, Li Quan didn't expect that Li Lan had such an ability, which was simply a magical skill for finding people.

By the way, Dad, in addition, there are many women on Blue Star who have the blood of powerful races.

Well, a preliminary estimate is that there are one hundred and sixty-five.

Dad, do you need Lan Lan to introduce you one by one?

When Li Quan heard this, he was quite frightened.

One hundred and sixty-five people, do you want to arrange a blind date for him now?

No, no need.

It's better not to mention these things again. Li Quan was a little depressed. In the past, there was an old mother urging him to find a girlfriend, and behind him, a cheap daughter wanted to find a mother.

Is it easy for him Li Quan?

However, Li Quan also understood that if he didn't find a girlfriend, his mother would really do what she said, and then trouble would ensue.

This is a scene Li Quan doesn't want to see.

I didn't expect that I, Li Quan, would be looking for a girlfriend at such a young age.

Dad, give me your phone number.

At this moment, Li Lan had a smile on his face, holding Li Quan's mobile phone in his hand, and handed it to Li Quan.

Huh? When did the call come? Why didn't I know?

It was Lan Lan who made the call. Li Lan smiled at Li Quan with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

I However, before Li Quan could complain, Ren Hong's voice suddenly rang on the other end of the phone.

Hello? Li Quan? What do you want from me?

Hearing Ren Hong's voice, Li Quan suddenly felt embarrassed.

He really didn't have anything to say to Ren Hong, but the phone was already dialed. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he didn't bring up the topic.

Well, Sister Hong, there's actually nothing wrong with her.

Ah ah ah, Lan Lan wants a mother. Lan Lan wants a mother. Dad, can you find a mother for Lan Lan?

Before Li Quan could say anything, Li Lan hugged Li Quan's lap and shouted loudly.

That childish voice was so loud at this moment.

After Li Lan shouted, his delicate little face turned into a 'devil' in Li Quan's eyes.

This is simply a devil!

Is there such a cheating person out there? !

Ren Hong on the other end of the phone was silent, and so was Li Quan.

For a moment, the two were in an awkward state. Soon, Ren Hong smiled and said, Li Quan, are you free this Saturday?

Ren Hong's laughter was a little awkward. For some reason, Ren Hong actually spoke in advance.

Of course Dad is free! He is very free!


Before Li Quan could continue to speak, Li Lan, who was hugging Li Quan's lap, shouted again.


This is absolutely demonic!

Isn’t this too deceptive?

Why is he, Li Quan, so unlucky to have such a cheap daughter?

Originally, Li Quan thought that Li Lan was just a cute, well-behaved little loli, but now, in Li Quan's eyes, Li Lan is just a little devil who likes to cause trouble!


If Li Quan remembered correctly, Li Lan had lived for millions of years. How could a million-year-old existence be a simple-minded little girl.

Li Quan lowered his head and looked at Li Lan with his big eyes and innocent face with a depressed expression.

Li Lan responded to Li Quan with a smile, with a hint of success in his smile.

Okay, I'm free on Saturday. I wonder what happened to you, Sister Hong?

No, it's nothing. I just felt bored alone, so I wanted to go shopping with you.

Okay, then I'll see you on Saturday.

After exchanging a few words with Ren Hong, Li Quan hung up the phone, as if he had come off the battlefield, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There are still two days until Saturday. In two days, Li Quan and Ren Hong will go to Jiajie Street together.

And the 'murderer' who caused all this is Li Lan!

Lee! Lan!

Dad, I was wrong! I am guilty! For the sake of how cute I am, can you let me go?

Li Lan's eyes became pitiful, which made Li Quan feel distressed.

Damn it. If you make a mistake, just use crying to escape. Plus, Li Lan is so cute and looks like it directly touches the soul. It's simply a foul!

Even though Li Quan knew that Li Lan was pretending all this, he didn't have the intention to blame Li Lan.

You girl. Li Quan flicked Li Lan's head and said helplessly.

The daughter he recognized could only take the blame himself, even though this daughter came to him and forced Li Quan to admit it.

On Friday, at 7:30 in the morning, Li Quan arrived at his workplace on time.

In addition, Li Quan is accompanied by Li Lan, Li Quan's nominally cheap daughter.

Hello, uncle!

At the Jianghai Beach Service Station, Li Lan is well known to everyone.

Not only because of Li Lan's cute and exquisite appearance, but also because Li Lan is very 'well-behaved'. It can be said that as long as he hears Li Lan call 'uncle' or 'aunt', he will be satisfied. He has no wish in this life and is willing to die. kind of.

In addition, because of Li Lan, the number of tourists at Jianghai Beach has increased.

It can be said that Xiao Li Lan is a lucky cat.

The breeze blew on Li Quan, who was sitting on a high platform, observing the situation around him at any time.

Li Lan, on the other hand, played with the sand and built a beach castle under the Liquan high platform.

Li Quan, long time no see.

At this moment, Li Quan heard someone calling him. He lowered his head and saw that this was Wang Keyuan, the daughter of the owner of Jianghai Beach whom he had rescued before.

It is precisely because of Wang Keyuan that Li Quan can get such an easy job.

Huh? Miss, long time no see.

Since everyone else calls him Li Quan, there's no way Li Quan won't respond.

I really thank you for the last time, otherwise, I would really...

It's okay, it's just a little effort. What's more, haven't you already given me this easy job, Miss?

You only need to survey the surroundings every day to see if there are any drowning people. If not, you can lie down peacefully until get off work time, which can be said to be very relaxed.

This is different, yours

Dad, who is this beautiful sister?

At this moment, Li Lan's voice suddenly sounded. Wang Keyuan looked down and found an exquisite loli standing next to her, asking Li Quan with a trace of curiosity on her face.

After hearing this, Li Quan subconsciously covered his face, praying in his heart that Li Lan would stop teasing him.

It's a pity that Li Quan was not favored by the goddess of luck.

Dad? Li Quan, is this child yours?

After hearing this, Li Quan wanted to explain his relationship with Li Lan, but when he saw Li Lan's face that might cry at any time, he could only passively admit: Yes, she is my daughter.

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