Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 22 The Origin of the Dragon Clan

At ten o'clock in the evening, Li Quan returned home and was about to turn on the computer and work hard when a phone call suddenly came.

Li Quan took the phone over and looked at it, and found that the call was from his mother.

Seeing this, Li Quan glanced at Li Lan who was watching TV, and then answered: Hey, mom, what's the matter?

Er smash, how long has it been since you called us?

Could it be that you have forgotten that there are two of us old guys in your heart?

On the other end of the phone, the voice of Li Quan's mother, Chen Huang, came through, with a hint of blame in her tone.

Obviously blaming Li Quan for not paying attention to them.

Ahem, how could it be? I was just busy for a while, so I just forgot about it.

By the way, Mom, did you two elders use the money I gave you?

Money? Don't worry, I've saved all the money for you.

When you get married, we will take out the money.

But having said that, Ersha, are you talking about someone?

Li Quan felt his head buzzing as soon as he mentioned the word object.

It's all my fault for being so tough-talking, why do I have to talk about money?

If he hadn't talked about money, Chen Huang would not have mentioned this matter.

But it wasn't right. After all, even if Li Quan didn't mention money, Chen Huang would find a way to talk about his girlfriend in disguise.

It's a blessing, not a curse, but it's a curse that cannot be avoided.

I guess I am talking about this current state.

Mom, I'm still young now, so I don't have to look for it in such a hurry, really.

Do you think I will believe your lies?

The two dogs next door got married yesterday.

Your boyfriend also got married last week.

My neighbors are all over the place, but you are the only one who is not married. Are you embarrassed?

On the other end of the phone, Chen Huang's blaming voice kept coming, and Li Quan could only answer helplessly.

I don't care anyway. This month, you must find a girlfriend for your mother and me and bring her home.

Otherwise, just wait for the blind date I personally arrange for you.


Before Li Quan could refute, Chen Huang hung up the phone directly.

Okay, that is to say, this matter has not been discussed.

At this moment, Li Quan was no longer in the mood to play games.

Being forced to find a girlfriend is bad luck.

Dad, what's wrong with you?

On the side, Li Lan looked at the disappointed Li Quan with curiosity and asked curiously.

It's nothing, just a little tired.

Dad, are you worried about finding mom?

Li Lan had a naughty smile on her pretty face, and Li Quan had a look of helplessness on his face after hearing this.

You already know that, so why ask?

Actually, with your status as dad, there is probably only a true dragon of the same rank in the entire universe who can be worthy of you.

It's just that I heard from Dad that you seem to be the only one left in the True Dragon Clan.

Huh? Wait, Lan Lan, aren't you also a real dragon?

Although Li Lan is a dragon of heaven and earth, according to strict rules, he can be regarded as a kind of real dragon.

Lan Lan cannot be considered a true dragon, but can only be regarded as a type of dragon.

True dragons are the most powerful existences in the entire universe. Dragons are born because they get the blood of true dragons, or inhale the dragon energy of true dragons, and are enlightened by true dragons.

Lan Lan became a member of the dragon clan because she inhaled your dragon energy, dad.

In ancient times, even the dragon clan with the power to destroy heaven and earth could not call themselves true dragons because they did not have this qualification.

You can only call yourself the mighty one among the dragons, the Dragon God.

There is only one true dragon, and that is you, dad. You are the ancestor of the dragon clan. The origin of the dragon clan is all because of you.

After hearing this, Li Quan's face was full of embarrassment.

Li Quan didn't remember that he was so awesome. Li Quan only knew that he suddenly turned from an ordinary person into a dragon.

And, he got a system called the Ultimate Shenlong Evolution System.

Well, let's not talk about this. Although there is no creature in the universe that can match dad, dad can choose an equally powerful race in the universe and choose mom among them.

The most powerful race in the universe?

Yes, for example, the Phoenix Clan, the Qilin Clan, the Black Turtle Clan, and the Dragon Clan.

In addition, there are many alien species from heaven and earth, and women with pure human blood are also acceptable.

Wait a minute, are there still so many things in the universe?

Don't Dad know? Seeing Li Quan's surprised look, Li Lan said with disdain: Dad, your memory is really bad. What kind of injury did you suffer that caused you to lose your strength and lose your memory? ?”

Faced with Li Lan's comfort, Li Quan chose to remain silent.

Anyway, there are still many powerful races in the universe. It's just a pity that Lan Lan can't leave Blue Star, so she can't see so many things.

But Dad, you said it! As long as we wait hundreds of thousands of years in the future, Lan Lan can get rid of the shackles of Blue Star with your help, Dad!

Li Quan was shocked when he heard this.

Haven't you forgotten how old you are in hundreds of thousands of years to come?

Moreover, how awesome is that brother of his?

It can be calculated to this day hundreds of thousands of years later. Is this the power of the real dragon?

Dad, when can you help Lan Lan break away from Blue Star?

There was a trace of prayer and desire in Li Lan's eyes.

Ahem, that's quick. As long as dad can recover, it will be okay.

Li Quan said quickly, and Li Lan kept smiling when he heard this.

By the way, when it comes to finding a mother for Lan Lan, in fact, after Lan Lan has interacted with the women around you these past few days, she has really discovered that there are two that are suitable for you, dad.

Huh? Who is it?

Sister Ren Hong from before, oh, and sister Wang Keyuan.

Wang Keyuan?

That's right, it's the young lady from Jianghai Beach whom you saved before, dad.

In her body, there is the blood of the Jiutian clan.

The Jiutian clan was a powerful race in ancient times.

Li Lan said with a serious face, and Li Quan's face turned dark after hearing this.

If Li Quan remembered correctly, he should not have brought Li Lan to see Wang Keyuan. How did Li Lan know about Wang Keyuan's existence?

Seemingly sensing Li Quan's doubts, Li Lan said with a smile: Dad, are you curious why Lan Lan knows the existence of sister Wang Keyuan?

Actually, it's very simple! As long as it's a woman that Dad has been in contact with, Lan Lan can find it through the breath left on Dad!

After all, it is easy for Lan Lan to find someone in Tenglong Kingdom!

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