Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 215 Prey and Hunter

·The war was about to break out, and soon, all the powerful men in the galaxy began to attack the incoming monsters preemptively.

Countless super attacks continued to hit the surroundings, and for a moment, the space trembled.

However, because this is the subspace constructed by Li Quan, it is impossible to break this space without certain strength.

But yes, if they really had this strength, they would probably have left this place long ago.

Are you going to stay in this place and wait for death?

Before the demons could react to the sudden explosion, they were bombarded by countless attacks.

The monster behind was a little better. After all, the monster in front was blocking it and it didn't suffer any damage.

But the demons in the front row were in dire straits.

Before he could react, he was blown to pieces, and there was really nothing left.

Even their souls were kept away by Li Quan because of the rules of the game world.

The final destination of the demons' souls is in Li Quan's hands.

Of course, Li Quan can also devour their souls directly, which can be exchanged for a certain amount of energy.

After all, the soul can also be regarded as a type of energy body.

Even if Li Quan doesn't mind, everything in the universe can be swallowed, including humans.

If Li Quan really devours the humans on Blue Star, then Li Quan can be regarded as completely abandoning his identity as a human being.

Of course, this is impossible. After all, Li Quan is a person with a bottom line.

The battle will continue, although the first wave of attacks caught these monsters off guard.

However, these dead monsters are still a drop in the bucket compared to the existence of this whole or monster.

Therefore, it can be said that it is extremely difficult for the powerful people in the galaxy to kill so many demons.

Of course, they also have advantages that demons don't have.

For example: being able to resurrect and improve strength.

The more you fight, the braver you become.

With these points, as long as the demon is not too strong, then these strong men in the galaxy will defeat the demon.

After all, these powerful men are not the new generation of Blue Star, nor the new generation of the Milky Way.

To be able to achieve such achievements, apart from Li Zhen and Hu Shengjun, which one has lived for more than 100,000 years?

Dad, you have to be careful.

Li Quan leaned against Li Zhen and smiled at Li Zhen.

After hearing this, Li Zhen nodded and responded: Okay, don't you still know what your father and I are like?

Li Quan still relatively recognized Li Zhen's strength.

After all, with a full burst, it can even cause planet-level damage.

After all, what Li Zhen practiced was the demon-killing mental method. This mental method can cause special harm to owners of bloodlines other than human bloodlines.

In other words, even if you are a Blue Star human, you will suffer additional damage if you have blood other than human blood in your body.

This is the domineering power of the demon-killing mind method.

Soon, a huge number of demons attacked like crazy.

A group of strong men began to resist.

And they divide the labor and cooperate to resist the attacks of demons and start to fight back.

Compared with the chaos of the demons, the side of the galaxy's strong men seems to be very orderly.

However, this is normal.

There are many monsters in the world, but there are only so many strong men in their galaxy. If they are gone, they are really gone.

Li Zhen held the demon-slaying sword and slashed wildly with a shocking sword energy. Wherever the sword energy passed, all demons below the planet level were destroyed.

In addition, even monsters with planet-level strength will be injured if they are killed by Li Zhen's terrifying demon-killing sword energy.

In serious cases, they may even be shot to death on the spot.

As for Li Zhen, due to systematic reasons, he only needs to spend a certain amount of experience points in exchange for restoring his status.

In this way, there would be enough power to support Li Zhen to unleash such terrifying sword energy.

And Li Quan was not idle either. After suppressing his strength to the star level, he saw a huge Five Elements Bagua array suddenly arise under Li Quan's feet, which could be felt by everyone in the covered area. The power in his body is soaring crazily.

This is actually a long-lost formation master from ancient times?!

Among them, there was a strong man in the galaxy who saw the formation under his feet that increased his strength, and shouted in surprise.

The strength of the formation master is very powerful.

Perhaps their own combat effectiveness is not very good, but as long as they display the formation field, the increase they can bring is quite terrifying.

Basically, it only has the blessing of the formation.

You can only exert one point of power, but at this moment, you can unleash two points of power.

Even if a relatively strong formation master performs a formation, the power can be increased by more than twice.

Therefore, with the existence of the Formation Master, the powerful people in the galaxy can be said to be a lot more relaxed.

At the very least, the monster that could have fought with him for hundreds of rounds could be defeated directly after just a few moves.

In addition, with a snap of Li Quan's fingers, the Five Elements and Bagua array began to operate, and began to add attribute power to a group of powerful people.

Everyone is more or less blessed with the power of an attribute.

If it is not blessed by the same attributes, it is equivalent to a double attribute attack.

However, if it is the same attribute blessing, the power that explodes is terrifying.

Therefore, under Li Quan's amplification formation, the strong men in this galaxy were as if they had been given blood.

What if there are more monsters?

Can it withstand this constant attack?

Moreover, the power is not something that these demons can resist.

These monsters would have cried if they could.

Why don't you bully the monster like this?

The battle continued to a fierce stage. At this time, all the demons within the protective shield had been eliminated.

Because the protective cover is transparent, the demons outside can naturally see the battle inside the protective cover.

At this time, the demons began to be afraid.

They had witnessed with their own eyes that these terrifying numbers of demons were being continuously eliminated at the hands of the powerful men in the galaxy.

That's a terrifying amount, the kind that can't even be counted.

However, it was still no match for the slaughter of this terrifying galaxy strongman.

At this time, the demons suddenly had an illusion.

When did the identities of prey and hunter switch?

However, they regard the creatures in the galaxy as prey, but they do not know that from the moment they enter the galaxy, they have become Li Quan's prey.

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