Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 214 The counterattack begins!

The call for counterattack finally started.

Although the demons can't wait to invade the galaxy through the demon gate, the beings in the galaxy are fully prepared after several battles.

Battleships of some stellar level, half-planet level, etc. were dispatched together.

Fortunately, the demon gate is very large, so it can accommodate a group of space battleships to enter it and engage in a big battle with the demons.

On the battleship, countless laser missiles, rocket launchers and the like swarmed towards the incoming monsters.

Plasma mortars, Orantes particle ray blasts, hydrogen bombs, hell incendiary bombs, etc., countless attacks continued to blast towards the demon gate.

The demon gate is so hard that it cannot be destroyed with the current combat power of the galaxy.

Therefore, no matter how powerful the artillery fire is, it will not be able to damage the demon gate in one iota.

However, the gate was safe and sound, but the demons surging out of the gate were in misery.

Before he could come out, he was already bombarded by powerful artillery attacks. As the artillery fire continued to spread, eventually, the life in the galaxy began to break into the prison where the strength of the Mahayana period and those below were kept. in the subspace.

In this subspace, stellar-level battleships, mechas, etc. are simply a big killer.

Wherever it passed, all the demons were destroyed.

More and more galactic forces are rushing into the demon gate, and most of the crazy demons are not afraid of death and are heading towards this powerful force.

However, there are also a large number of demons who finally wake up from this madness and gradually become fearful.

Anyone who has reason knows what fear is.

Although these monsters are crazy, they are also rational creatures.

Of course, completely crazy monsters are not included.

The battle between monsters and monsters finally started, and the counterattack started.

In the subspace, a dazzling array of attacks and spells burst out crazily at this moment.

For a time, the demons in the subspace died in droves, and most of the demons even wanted to escape from the subspace.

However, now that we have entered the galaxy and been imprisoned in subspace, there is only one exit.

That is the Demon Gate.

The only way to escape from the subspace is to leave through the demon gate.

Therefore, this is the main reason why demons become crazy.

During the battle, Li Xiaotuan also stood on a half-planet-level battleship with a length of more than ten kilometers and model number M8-125.

Holding the dragon scale bow, he gathered his own strength and pulled out a dragon scale arrow.

He pulled the dragon scale bow for a full moon and then let go.

After Li Xiaotuan strengthened the Dragon Scale Arrow with the Dou Zi Jue, its power was doubled.

Not only that, it is also the reason why he has practiced the Yin Yang Emperor's Fate and possesses the two qi of yin and yang.

Yin and Yang are two qi, one governs life and the other governs death.

The power of life and death is endlessly changing, and its power goes without saying.

In terms of the increase in the Dou Zi Jue, coupled with the quality of the dragon scale bow and the dragon scale arrow itself, a dragon scale arrow is shot out, leaving a black and white light wherever it passes.

Then an explosion with power comparable to that of half a planet resounded. Within the scope of its influence, except for the monsters with special abilities that could escape the disaster, the rest were relatively weak, even the monsters with strength at the Mahayana stage. He couldn't resist this terrifying power.

At the moment of the explosion, it was affected by the explosion and directly turned into a smoke and dissipated in the subspace.

Li Xiaotuan's strength is extraordinary. Naturally, the experience points he earns will also increase significantly.

As for Wang Yun and others at this time, they were killing even more crazily.

They are at the level of the Mahayana themselves, and their burst of strength is difficult for even the demons of the Mahayana to resist.

Not to mention that Wang Yun herself has the power to eliminate demons.

He has natural restraint against creatures like monsters.

The damage caused to demons is no less than the damage caused to them by a higher stage.

As for the subspace where half-planet level and star-level demons were imprisoned, because it was a newly opened battlefield, Li Quan personally came to this subspace.

Li Zhen, Jiuyan, and Fengqian also participated in this battle.

In addition to them, there were also Dragon King Ao Shun, Li Quan's disciple Ao Xue, and the Lord of Immortal Ming Mountain, Hu Shengjun.

Of course, this is just Blue Star's combat power.

In addition to Blue Star, powerful people from other planets also entered it one after another.

Anyone who can achieve the Mahayana stage or above is the proud son of a famous town.

In terms of strength, he is no worse than anyone present.

If you are afraid of fighting, you will no longer be able to break through to the existence above the Mahayana stage.

Because it was newly opened, all the demons present were very fierce.

If they had experienced the previous two monster wars, it is estimated that these monsters would be like the monsters in the next level of subspace.

Afraid of fighting, even wanting to escape.

Huh? Xiaoquan, you're here too?!

The moment he saw Li Quan, Li Zhen had a hint of excitement on his face.

Originally, Li Zhen was worried that this battle might be very tragic, but with Li Quan here, Li Zhen's worries disappeared instantly.

Well, Dad, go ahead and fight this time. I will protect your back.

After hearing Li Quan's words, Li Zhen understood instantly.

The reason why Li Quan came here was to protect his life.

Of course, he will also participate in battles, but he won't take too many shots.

Because there is a protective shield above their heads, the strong men who enter this subspace will not be attacked by these crazy monsters who want to kill them from the beginning.

When Li Quan arrived, all the powerful men in the galaxy, ranging from half-planet to star level, had arrived.

It's time to start the battle.

Following Li Quan's thought, the protective shield covering everyone's heads exploded instantly.

Those demons that approached the protective shield were all smashed into dregs.

In addition to this, the moment the first shield exploded, a larger one was created.

After all, the number of strong men in the galaxy is limited. Although they are very powerful, they cannot control the huge number of monsters.

Therefore, only the method of killing in stages can be used.

And those demons who were locked up within the protective barrier never expected that they were already turtles in the jar.

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