Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 208 Various Weapons

Brother! Tell me, what kind of weapon is it?

Li Xiaotuan screamed in anger when he saw Li Quan refusing to take out his weapon.

It's so infuriating.

How could there be such a person in this world.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, are you so anxious to see the weapons?

Isn't that of course?

Hurry up, brother, please be kind and show it to your lovely and gentle sister.

There was really no other way. Li Xiaotuan knelt in front of Li Quan, grabbed Li Quan's shirt with both hands, and said to Li Quan with a pitiful look on his face.

That look, a complete drama queen.

You girl.

Seeing this, Li Quan helplessly hit Li Xiaotuan on the head.

Then he suddenly took out a weapon about ten centimeters in size and handed it to Li Xiaotuan.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaotuan took the weapon from Li Quan and asked Li Quan with a little doubt: Brother, is this the weapon you gave me?

Well, of course, isn't it? Why, do you have any dissatisfaction?

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan took the weapon from Li Quan hesitantly.

There are many kinds of weapons with aura, such as those with aura, and some weapons that can become larger or smaller.

Brother, is this a telescopic weapon?

Telescopic weapons, as the name suggests, are weapons that can become larger or smaller.

After hearing this, Li Quan just smiled silently. Seeing this, Li Xiaotuan took a deep breath, and then poked the small blade of the sword with his finger.

It would have been okay if he didn't poke it, but once he poked it, Li Xiaotuan's finger was cut instantly.

Oh, this little sword is so sharp.

Brother, what kind of sword is this?

This is a dragon scale sword, made of the dragon's own scales.

Isn't this the dragon scale sword produced by the dragon clan?

However, it is of the same quality as the great sword I had before.

The quality of Li Xiaotuan's big sword is at the top of Blue Star, and is not much different from the dragon scale sword among the dragon clan.

Dragon scale swords are very rare among the dragon clan. After all, they are made of dragon scales.

Which dragon is willing to peel off its own scales and build it for you?

Not only that, weapons made from dragon scales are often not only very hard, but also very powerful.

When metal is smelted, adding dragon scale powder or something like that can extract dragon pattern steel.

Dragon pattern steel is known as one of the most powerful metals in the universe.

However, dragon pattern steel also has quality requirements.

Brother, this dragon scale sword is very rare. Where did you get it?

While saying this, Li Xiaotuan could not put down the dragon scale sword given to him by Li Quan.

Not only that, because the Dragon Scale Sword absorbed Li Xiaotuan's blood, at this moment, it has already recognized Li Xiaotuan as its master.

However, what puzzled Li Xiaotuan was that the dragon scale sword seemed to be sealed.

You don't need to know so much about the origin of this sword now. You will know it later.

This sword is much more precious than the dragon scale swords on the market.

The dragon scale sword in Li Xiaotuan's hand was forged from the dragon scales on Li Quan's body.

The dragon scales of a true dragon are the most noble and precious existence among the entire dragon clan.

Moreover, the scales of a true dragon are the hardest things in the universe.

Dragon-grained steel made from real dragon scales is much stronger than dragon-grained steel, which is one of the strongest metals in the universe.

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that this is dragon pattern steel forged from real dragon scales is enough to become the strongest metal in the universe.

Is there anything special about this dragon scale sword?

Li Xiaotuan asked with a puzzled look.

Since you have successfully recognized your master, you can try it yourself.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan doubtfully enlarged it to a size suitable for him, and then waved it casually a few times.

Because of his acquaintance with Li Xiaotuan, this dragon scale sword is naturally the most suitable for Li Xiaotuan and is 100% tailor-made for Li Xiaotuan.

Therefore, Li Xiaotuan is more comfortable and smooth to use than his big sword.

In addition, the appearance of this dragon scale sword is infinitely more handsome than that of the big sword.

Just the layered dragon scale structure of this dragon scale sword, coupled with the bright golden color, and its special and handsome shape, have already destined its price to be extraordinary.

Of course, because it is made of real dragon scales, it is a heirloom treasure of the dragon clan.

The kind that won't cost you anything.

Huh? This is?!

Suddenly, Li Xiaotuan seemed to feel something, and with a thought, the Dragon Scale Sword actually changed form at this moment.

Transformed into a dragon scale bow.

This form change?!

Brother, where did you get this?!

Weapons that can freely change forms are one of the few treasures in the galaxy.

You will know its origin later. From today on, this dragon scale sword will temporarily belong to you.

Whenever you satisfy me, I will give you this Dragon Scale Sword completely.

That's great! Brother! You are so kind to me!

After Li Xiaotuan heard this, he was so excited.

Unexpectedly, Li Quan would give her a weapon that could change its form freely.

After a while, the dragon scale bow in Li Xiaotuan's hand turned into a dragon scale whip, a dragon scale shield, and a dragon scale spear.

It can be said that there are eighteen kinds of weapons, all kinds of complete.

No matter what form it is, it can be transformed perfectly.

The dragon scale gun in his hand finally turned into a dragon scale bow.

I saw Li Xiaotuan pull up the bowstring of the dragon scale bow in his hand. No arrow was needed. He only saw a golden energy arrow. Under the transmission of Li Xiaotuan's spiritual power, it was transformed into a dragon scale arrow through the dragon scale bow.

The moment the bowstring was fully drawn, Li Xiaotuan shot an arrow.

The dragon scale arrow was seen flying towards the sky like a golden meteor.

Not only that, the speed of the dragon scale arrow has remained unchanged for a long time, and it finally shot directly into space, on the occasional passing meteorite.

Its powerful force directly shatters passing meteorites.

The moment the meteorite shattered, the arrow also disappeared.

After all, this is a dragon scale arrow made of spiritual power, not an entity.

Li Xiaotuan, of course, did not see that far, but at the moment when the Dragon Scale Arrow was successfully condensed, Li Xiaotuan had a certain connection with the Dragon Scale Arrow in his heart.

Therefore, Li Xiaotuan knew exactly where the dragon scale arrow was shot.

After feeling a small dragon scale arrow, it directly shattered a meteorite several kilometers in size. This power is like a rhythm that is going to the sky.


This dragon scale arrow has really reached the sky.

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