Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 207 Li Quan wants to send weapons

When Li Xiaotuan said just now that he was like a girl, Wang Yun was really frightened.

She was afraid that Li Xiaotuan would turn into a real man without her knowledge.

Li Xiaotuan's face instantly turned shy when Wang Yun suddenly attacked him.

He quickly covered his important parts and shouted to Wang Yun with a face of shame: Mom! What are you doing!

What are you doing?

You! Why are you arresting people all of a sudden!

If others find out that you are like this, how will they go to see others!

Being caught by Wang Yun like this, even the boyish Li Xiaotuan, who was known as the little devil of the capital, couldn't help but become shy.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, you girl, when have I never seen your body, your mother? When you were a child, your mother, I would help you take a bath every day.

Mom! How old was I then! I'm almost an adult now!

Even if you are over 18 years old, in mom's eyes, you are still a child.

Wang Yun looked at Li Xiaotuan with a motherly smile and said.

While saying this, he also knocked Li Xiaotuan on the head and cursed: You girl, you just scared mom, you know!

Why did it scare you?

Li Xiaotuan touched his little head a little aggrievedly, and at the same time whispered with an unhappy look on his face: Why do you like to knock my head so much like this guy?

You're not happy about knocking me anymore. Why did you owe me knocking?

After saying that, Wang Yun breathed a sigh of relief and continued: If I hadn't just checked that you were still a girl, I really thought you had turned into a boy.

If this is really the case, it will really scare me to death.

Wha, what! I don't want to become a boy!

Then why did you just say you were like a girl? Did you know that this was a misunderstanding?

Li Xiaotuan seemed to have noticed that he just said the wrong thing, and he quickly stuck out his tongue and said with a smile: Hey, hey, I just said the wrong thing, and people really don't like such soft things.

What harm can such a small weapon do to people?

My big sword is still easy to use, and with my great strength, basically, not many people in the same realm can withstand my big sword!

This sentence is not wrong. After all, Li Xiaotuan's strength was extremely powerful for some reason from birth.

Coupled with the giant sword, it can only be used by people with greater strength to achieve miraculous effects. After being used by Li Xiaotuan, the name of the little devil became even more cruel.

Except for the agile ones who could restrain Li Xiaotuan before, they are basically the kind that no one can beat.

Of course, after learning the quick-character formula among the seven-character mantra, Li Xiaotuan's shortcomings were finally made up for.

Basically, they are the kind of people who are invincible in the same realm.

Girls, it's a good thing your weapon is gone.

I saw you using that giant sword before. My heart beat wildly when I saw you.

You said you're a girl, why do you like playing with big swords so much?

Can't you learn from your mother and me, how to use a bow and arrow or something?

Even if it doesn't work, just learn from your dad and use a rapier.

Your weapons feel too weak to me and not domineering at all. I still like the giant sword.

Wang Yun felt depressed after hearing this.

This Li Xiaotuan just likes to play with these weapons. What can she do?

By the way, Mom, what weapon did my brother use?

At this time, Li Xiaotuan asked Wang Yun curiously.

After all, Li Quan has been back for so long. Except for being with Li Quan on Duolan Star to resist demons, he has never seen Li Quan take action at other times.

Even if he takes action, he only does it casually, without even using weapons.

Therefore, Li Xiaotuan was a little curious about what kind of weapon Li Quan used.

Your brother? At this time, Wang Yun was a little embarrassed.

As a mother, she didn't even know what kind of weapons Li Quan used.

But this is normal, because Li Quan has never fought in front of the two of them. The only time he cast a spell in front of them was across an unknown number of light years.

No need to guess, the most powerful weapon is yourself.

At this moment, Li Quan appeared behind Wang Yun and Li Xiaotuan.

Wang Yun looked back and saw that it was Li Quan. She slapped Li Quan on the thigh and said with a smile: You brat, why didn't you make a sound when you came back?

Don't you know it's easy to scare your mother and me?

Mom, you are so powerful, how could you be frightened so easily?

Tell me, look at your depressed look, what's going on?

Soon, Li Xiaotuan told Li Quan the news that his big sword was broken.

After hearing this, Li Quan responded with a smile: Isn't it just that I have a weapon.

Brother! You don't understand!

That weapon, even on Blue Star, is a first-class treasure!

Besides, it's quite comfortable for me to use, but it's a pity that it was damaged by that damn brat!

When he thought of the master blacksmith saying that his disciple had broken the weapon, he became angry.

Okay, okay, it's just a matter of changing the weapon.

In this way, I will give you a weapon. As long as you behave well enough, I can give this weapon to you.

If you don't behave well, I will take that weapon back.

What weapon?

After hearing the weapons Li Quan mentioned, Li Xiaotuan became interested.

Li Quan's identity is very mysterious. Neither he nor Li Xiaotuan's parents have told Li Xiaotuan anything about Li Quan.

The reason is simple: Li Xiaotuan is 'too young' and is not suitable to know so many things.

Therefore, Li Xiaotuan was depressed.

Now, Li Quan said he would give her a weapon, and interest arose.

Li Quan had previously taught her techniques, the seven-character mantra and the super-powerful technique Yin Yang Emperor's Fate.

After studying Yin Yang Emperor's Fate, Li Xiaotuan could feel that his cultivation speed had improved by leaps and bounds.

Although the study of the Seven-Character Mantra has not been completed, after learning the Dou Zi Jue, Zhen Zi Jue, and Su Zi Jue, you are basically invincible at the same level!

Therefore, Li Xiaotuan became interested in what Li Quan said about giving him a weapon.

Brother, what kind of weapon is it? Tell me quickly!

Seeing Li Quan's smiling face but refusing to take out his weapon, Li Xiaotuan was extremely anxious.

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