Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 199 The fall of Duolan Star!

Li Quan's words left the two of them speechless.

What do you mean if you are unhappy now, will they be happy?

Faced with Li Quan's rogue behavior, the two women were helpless.

Then, what do you want?!

Tell me, what do I want?

Li Quan's smile gradually spread, and when the two girls saw this, they inadvertently became more rosy.

(Since the following involves scenes that are not suitable for children, in order to prevent the River Crab God from coming personally, 404 dimensionality reduction strikes were used on this chapter. Therefore, this chapter can only reluctantly cut off nearly one chapter of the content. As for the content, then It was delivered to the group.)

A few hours later, Li Quan walked out of the bathroom laughing loudly. When he left, his whole body was exuding steam.

As for the second girl, her face was full of shyness. Seeing Li Quan's proud look, she subconsciously pouted.

Bah, you pervert!

Asshole, you actually made us do these things, shameless!

Thinking of the scene in the bathroom during these few hours, the two girls couldn't help but feel shy.

In all my life, I have never served Li Quan so shyly.

However, this can be regarded as a small subsidy for Li Quan.

After all, Li Quan had indeed been patient for a long time. Although this request was excessive, it was not unacceptable.

After walking out of the bathroom, Li Quan was not in a hurry to go to bed. Instead, he sat on the sofa and laughed out loud at the shy faces of the two girls.

It made one of the two girls angry.

He bullied the two of them in the bathroom, and now he is still laughing at them, just looking for a beating.

No, the two women used their 'small fists' to hit Li Quan's body, but unfortunately, Li Quan didn't feel any pain at all, and even felt a little bit of comfort.

The feeling of punching the flesh was a joy for Li Quan.

Newlyweds can be described as lively and exciting.

However, time passed quickly.

The time for the demon gate to open has arrived, and the vast majority of people on Blue Star have once again chosen to go to other planets to help resist the demon invasion.

Of course, there are also a small number of people who choose to stay on Blue Star, the only paradise, because of the fear they experienced when resisting the demon invasion for the first time.

Li Quan, we will go first and wait for our good news.

Well, I'll wait for you.

After hearing this, Li Quan responded with a smile on his face.

Soon, when the countdown reaches zero, all those who choose to go to other planets to resist will be transported to other planets by the demon resistance system at this moment.

This time, although there are fewer people resisting the demons, their strength is stronger.

By killing monsters, you can increase your strength, and you can also redeem some spells and techniques in the system.

The more you kill, the greater the reward will be.

Moreover, the more you kill, the stronger your strength will be, just like making a snowball, the bigger the pile, the stronger your strength will naturally be.

As for Li Quan, the moment he opened the door to the demon, he lay silently on the lounge chair at home, enjoying the light from the sun and taking a sunbath.

come on.

After Li Quan finished speaking, the door opened.

The overwhelming demons rushed down towards each planet like crazy.

After being imprisoned for three full days, the demons were driven crazy.

The demons who have lost their minds can't control anything at this moment, but they can't help but destroy whatever they see in front of them.

Because of this, this time the demon invasion was much crazier than the first time.

However, on this side of the galaxy, because of this first experience, when they faced the demon invasion again, they were not as panicked as they were the first time.

After seeing the attacking monsters in the sky, they all began to resist.

Suddenly, spells, artillery, and high-tech weapons were flying all over the sky.

Those demons who wanted to rush down were already reduced to dregs before they could go crazy.

However, even though it was bombarded into rubbish, a steady stream of demons flew out of it, almost like an unlimited supply.

If it weren't for Li Quan's game world, which locked all the monsters that rushed in in the subspace, it is estimated that these monsters would have covered the entire galaxy.

At this time, Li Xiaotuan also participated in the battle, still on the last planet.

This planet is called Duolan Star, and the intelligent life forms living in it are basically flower elves with little attack power.

Flower elves love peace, so their attack power can be said to be infinitely close to that of spirits.

Unless these flower elves were demonized and turned into terrifying demon elves, with the strength they would unleash, it would not be difficult to challenge them beyond the next level.

Of course, the higher the realm, the more difficult it is to challenge at higher levels.

At this time, Li Xiaotuan continued to hold the big sword in his hand. Moreover, Li Xiaotuan's strength had also accumulated after the last time he killed the enemy. He had made some gains and had broken through to the fusion stage.

After merging with his Nascent Soul, Li Xiaotuan became stronger.

There is no need to gather power through the Nascent Soul, but through the power generated by oneself. Without consumption, the strength that bursts out will naturally be stronger.

In addition, since learning the other two of Li Quan's seven-character mantra, plus the Yin Yang Emperor's Fate given by Li Quan, the two qi of yin and yang have been multiplied after practice.

Facing these incoming monsters, we can say that we will kill as many as they come.

Of course, that is only limited to the fusion-stage monsters under the Mahayana stage. For monsters at the Mahayana stage, special Mahayana stage powerhouses are needed to deal with them.

Although Li Xiaotuan is not weak, and after the previous killings, his actual combat experience has also improved.

However, for those who are strong in the Mahayana stage, it is still not enough.

But at this moment, the demon gate connected to Duolan Star, the location of the subspace, and tens of millions of demon ancestor clones with the strength of the Mahayana stage, all poured into Duolan Star at this moment.

And, in a virus-like manner, it is quickly killing the resisters on Dolan Star.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are really weak.

There were not many powerful people in the Mahayana stage heading to Duolan Star. Now, they were faced with tens of millions of clones of the Demon Ancestor in the Mahayana stage.

The strength of the Demon Ancestor itself is extraordinary. Although the clone is weaker than the Demon Ancestor's body, even so, it is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

Wherever it passed, it was like locusts passing by. In an instant, Duolan Star fell directly.

On Dolan Star, the people who came to resist, the local creatures, were all destroyed at this moment.

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