Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 198 The frightened two people

No, I'm so depressed.

Li Quan's voice sounded very anxious. After hearing this, the two women quickly blocked the door to prevent Li Quan from breaking in directly.

However, it is a pity that no matter how strong the two girls are, can they be stronger than Li Quan?

Apart from anything else, even though Li Quan's current state is not in dragon form, he only has half the power of his true body.

However, it also possesses the power to shatter the galaxy at the snap of a finger.

The two girls are just a small Mahayana period, how can they be worthy of Li Quan.

Therefore, Li Quan opened the door easily.

The two girls pushed hard to the outside, but unfortunately, Li Quan just gently pushed it inside with his fingers, and the two girls watched in despair as the door was gradually opened.

When Li Quan entered it, the bathroom was steaming and full of mist.

The two girls, each wrapped in a bath towel, were looking at Li Quan shyly.

That look reminds me of the sun.

You, get us out quickly! We need to take a shower!

Tsk, tsk, tsk, just take a shower. What do you have to worry about as an old couple?

While speaking, Li Quan took off his clothes in a swaggering manner, then came to the toilet and opened the toilet lid.

The two girls just listened to the powerful voice. For some reason, they always had a sense of curiosity and wanted to see Li Quan (ahem, this is a mosaic.)

Yo, what are you two doing?

Li Quan suddenly turned around, and the two women were directly caught by Li Quan.

I, we are not right! Get us out quickly! We need to take a shower!

After hearing this, Li Quan put on his pants, touched the hot water placed aside, and then jumped directly into the hot water while the two women were dumbfounded.

Li Quan's new home covers an area of ​​500 square meters, and a bathroom already occupies 100 square meters.

Therefore, you can use a bath instead in the bathroom.

When Li Quan jumped into the hot water, with a smile on his face, he smiled at the two girls: Come on, we are already married, why are you shy?

Li Quan's smile was very bright, and he looked like a harmless guy.

However, they knew that this was just an illusion displayed by Li Quan.

I, I'm warning you, you, don't mess around, otherwise, or I will bite you!

After hearing Wang Keyuan's words, Li Quan laughed subconsciously.

Tsk tsk tsk, come on, come on, come and bite me. If it hurts, I lose.

Li Quan smiled very wildly. Wang Keyuan was already a little rosy due to the steaming heat in the bathroom, but now, it was even worse.

What are you afraid of? Let's go down. Can't we two be able to fight him alone?

Ren Hong was a bit brave, so she directly pulled Wang Keyuan into the hot water together.

However, the distance between the second daughter and Li Quan is a bit far.

This large bathhouse is fifty square meters in size, and the two are sitting opposite each other.

Not only that, the two women supported each other and looked at Li Quan, the only man in the family, with wary expressions.

I said, I'm not some wild beast. Do you need to be so afraid of me?

After seeing the two people's reactions, Li Quan couldn't help laughing.

Hmph! You are not a wild beast, you are a real dragon that is more powerful than a wild beast!

Well, this sentence is not wrong.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's really sad.

After saying that, the two of them just soaked in the big bath, and Li Quan enjoyed the feeling of hot water covering his body.

Li Quan had wanted to be so cool for a long time, but he never had the chance.

Now that Li Quan has this capital, of course he must satisfy himself.

The hot water in the large bath has a constant temperature. The temperature is always maintained at about 30 degrees, which is almost as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring.

The two women had been soaking for so long, and most of the time they spent on guarding Li Quan, the only male, to prevent Li Quan from suddenly attacking them.

However, what puzzled them was that Li Quan was actually sleeping!

Yes, just sleeping.

I fell asleep directly in the big bath without any movement at all.

The two girls didn't know why, but they always felt a little disappointed.

However, after the disappointment, I felt more relieved.

Gradually, the two girls began to talk, such as their future plans and what happened when they were children.

While the two girls were chatting, they didn't notice that Li Quan, who was already 'asleep', had a slightly raised corner of his mouth and a hint of an evil smile.

I saw Li Quan's figure gradually diving into the hot water.

Not only that, Li Quan also transformed into his true body, dragon form.

A real dragon one meter long was swimming in the big bath.

Soon, Li Quan came to the two women. When the two women were chatting and did not notice Li Quan, Li Quan suddenly launched an 'attack' on the two women.


The two girls were suddenly attacked by Li Quan and screamed subconsciously.

Not only that, at the moment when he attacked the two women, Li Quan transformed into a human form, came directly to the two women, hugged their shoulders and said with a lewd smile: What, what are you talking about? Do you have this? Tell me if you are interested?

After the two girls reacted, Li Quan had already tightly hugged their shoulders and pulled them over forcefully.

Hearing Li Quan's whisper, the two women subconsciously wrapped the bath towels around themselves tighter.

However, what they don't know is that the tighter they are, the more they can show off their figure.

Li, Li Quan, I, I'm warning you, no, don't make any small moves, otherwise, or I will call someone!

After Li Quan heard Wang Keyuan's voice, he laughed subconsciously.

Little did he know that Wang Keyuan was already frightened by Li Quan at this time.

You can say any nonsense.

No, Li Quan teased Wang Keyuan with a smile and said, Oh? Then you should call someone. If you can really call someone, what if I let you go?

After Wang Keyuan heard this, she also realized that this was their new home, so how could there be other people?

Li, Li Quan, we, we two are not ready yet, how about next time?

On the side, Ren Hong tried to bargain with Li Quan.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, Honghong, do you think it's possible?


Li, Li Quan, I beg you, can you let me go this time? Wang Keyuan tried to be cute towards Li Quan and begged to let him go.

Seeing this, Li Quan scratched Wang Keyuan's nose and said with a smile: I can let you go, but you teased me and now I'm very unhappy. What do you think I should do?

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