Hearing Li Xiaotuan's question, Li Quan was stunned for a moment, and then responded with a smile: Of course. No.

The original demon invasion was not so serious.

Although the demons were very powerful back then, compared to the current disasters caused by demons, you are nothing.

While speaking, Li Quan rubbed Li Xiaotuan's little head comfortingly and smiled.

After Li Xiaotuan heard this, he felt depressed.

In other words, this time the demon war is the most powerful demon invasion in history?

Well, you can say that.

Ah! Why are we so miserable!

Why did these damn monsters come to invade our galaxy?

Li Xiaotuan felt depressed. This demon battle was really terrifying. Groups of demons rushed towards them as if they didn't care about their lives.

Unless these monsters are killed at once, otherwise, the overwhelming monsters will surge towards you and scare you to death.

Okay, don't think about it so much.

Fortunately, we have the protection of the real dragon this time and deliberately lowered the system. Otherwise, we humans alone and the life of the galaxy would not be able to withstand this overwhelming demon.

As soon as he mentioned the real dragon, Li Xiaotuan suddenly became interested.

Brother, do you think the real dragon is powerful?

Huh? Why do you suddenly ask that?

Li Xiaotuan's sudden question caught Li Quan off guard.

It's okay, I'm just curious.

The true dragon is the ancestor of the Dragon Clan. Are the Dragon Clan powerful?

Of course it's powerful.

So do you think the real dragon is strong?

Li Quan responded with a smile, while Li Xiaotuan was thinking after listening.

what's on your mind?

I was thinking, if the real dragon is so powerful, why not destroy these monsters at once?

If the True Dragon had taken action himself, our galaxy wouldn't be so tragic.

When he mentioned this, Li Xiaotuan still complained a little.

After hearing this, Li Quan was stunned for a moment.

Li Xiaotuan's idea is not just hers, it also represents the idea of ​​all life in the galaxy.

Therefore, Li Quan smiled at Li Xiaotuan's question, and then responded: Little sister, you said, if the real dragon needs to take action every time, if one day, the real dragon is gone, and the Milky Way encounters another In such a crisis, what do you think will happen?

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought of something.

Will the group be destroyed?

In addition to this, they will also complain about why the real dragon disappeared.

While speaking, Li Quan knocked Li Xiaotuan on the head and said with a smile.

Ah! Brother! You bullied me again!

After seeing Li Quan hit him on the head, Li Xiaotuan shouted to Li Quan with an unhappy look on his face.

You girl, do you know?

If a person does ninety-nine good things, would you say he is a good person or a bad person?

Needless to say! Of course he is a good person!

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan looked at Li Quan with disdain. Is there any need to say this? Even a fool knows that he is a good person.

But what if this person suddenly did something bad?


He should be considered a good person, right?

Li Xiaotuan was not sure either.

What if this person killed someone?

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan remained silent.

It's like, even if you do ninety-nine good things, as long as you do one bad thing, you are a bad person.

As for the bad guys, even if they do ninety-nine bad things, as long as they do one good thing for the last time, they will give people the feeling of a prodigal son turning back.

This is the truth for Li Quan today.

If Li Quan had been protecting humans for a long time, humans would subconsciously develop the habit of dependence.

However, if one day Li Quan is gone and loses the person they rely on, then they will start to hate Li Quan.

This is also the reason why Li Quan does not often appear in human society even if he becomes a real dragon.

Because Li Quan knew that once he became a human being's dependence, if one day he could not satisfy the human beings, they would hate him.

Of course, with Li Quan's strength, he definitely wouldn't care about this.

After all, for Li Quan, the gap between humans and ants is no less than that between humans and ants.

Do you care about the life or death of an ant?


Unless of course you are an ant lover.

So, you know the real dragon's good intentions, right?

Furthermore, the real dragon also knows that relying solely on the power of the Milky Way this time is simply not enough to withstand such a terrifying number of demons, so it lowers the system.

Brother, how do you know so much?

Well, as long as you use your brain and think about it for yourself, you'll know.

Don't you even bother to think about this?

While saying this, Li Quan hit Li Xiaotuan on the head again, causing Li Xiaotuan to feel aggrieved.

Ahhh! Stop hitting people on the head! You'll be stupid!

It's better to be stupid, so no one wants you, and then you can just stay at home and not cause trouble.


After hearing what Li Quan said, Li Xiaotuan made a face directly at Li Quan.

Li Quan was also very helpless about this, but this was probably the character of this girl.

Romantic and lively by nature.

Well, since you are back, let's go and rest. We must be tired after resisting the demon for three days and three nights.

Well, I'm so tired, brother! I want to eat something delicious!

If you want to eat, you can cook it yourself, do it yourself, and have enough food and clothing.

Soon, Li Quan's parents came back.

Li Zhen and Wang Yun, who came back, looked a little tired, but they had gained quite a lot this time.

After all, the stronger they are, the more 'experience' they can gain.

Don't forget, the two of them practice skills aimed at monsters. With the increase in their skills, basically, they will die if they rub each other, and they will be injured if they touch. So far, not a single monster can be defeated by their combined strength. Withstand one move.

In addition, the two of them originally took it as their mission to kill these evil monsters, so they no longer felt the decadent feeling that Li Xiaotuan had at the beginning.

This is the difference between ‘veterans’ and ‘newcomers’.

Dad, Mom, are you back?

how's it going?

What else can I do? I'm too tired.

“I don’t know where these demons came from, but I can’t even kill them all.”

On the side, Li Quan's mother Wang Yun complained to Li Quan continuously.

Even if they have the power to eliminate demons, they can't help but feel a little tired when facing such a large number of demons.

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