The countdown time displayed is ten seconds.




Soon, when the time fell to one, the door opened.

The moment the door opened, countless demons fell from the sky, went crazy, and began to invade other planets.

After these monsters arrived on the planet, their strength was once again severely weakened.

It had already been weakened by more than half, and now it continues to be weakened. It is simply unreasonable.

However, even so, the strength of these demons ranges from Qi training to the Mahayana stage.

The invasion of demons is like locusts passing through the territory, making people fearful.

However, this is their home, and they are protected by real dragons.

In order to help them resist the invasion of demons, the real dragon specially lowered the system to help them.

If they are still afraid of fighting, what are they still doing?

Therefore, when the demon came, everyone gathered under the demon gate. When the gate opened, countless attacks hit the demon gate.

The strength of the demon gate is very astonishing. Without the power of a large galaxy, there is no way to destroy this demon gate.

The power of technology combined with the power of practitioners exploded together. For a time, the demon in front was seriously injured.

However, these dead monsters are just a drop in the bucket.

To the influx of countless monsters, it is really nothing.

Soon, even with super fire suppression, they could not withstand the continuous invasion of demons.

For a moment, the demon broke through the siege and attacked the resisters on the planet.

There were explosions, battles, roars, cries, and screams.

This is a battle. The battlefield takes shape instantly, and countless blood is spilled on the earth.

For a time, gunpowder smoke spread everywhere, like a purgatory on earth.

This is just one of the planets.

There are hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of planets similar to this.

The battle lasted for a long time, but demons continued to pour into it.

If it weren't for the system given by Li Quan, which had the ability to deprive people of their strength and forcibly help them break through and restore their physical strength, it is estimated that they would have fallen long ago just by facing an ocean-sized number of monsters.

However, even so, the many creatures on the planet cannot bear the continuous invasion of monsters.

They are not robots and they need rest too.

Perhaps, for them, the body does not feel tired, but for them, mentally, it has almost reached its limit.

After several days of crazy killings, some people have become murderous demons, killing everyone on sight.

It can be said that this is a drawback.

However, if you don't kill, you will be attacked and killed by the incoming monsters.

This kind of scene basically happens on every planet.

It seems it's time to end.

Compared with those planets that are bleeding into oceans, Blue Star is definitely the only pure land in the galaxy.

Three days passed, and Li Quan felt that it was almost done, so he closed the demon door directly.

The moment the demon door closed, there were still countless demons pouring out crazily.

However, the demon gate was controlled by Li Quan. Although countless demons kept attacking the gate, under Li Quan's absolute will, the demon gate was finally closed.

As for those monsters that popped out when they were closed, they were unlucky enough to be pinched at the waist.

The upper body and lower body are directly and forcibly separated.

The demon gate was now stained with countless blood and traces of gunfire.

When the sound of the demon door closing was heard, everyone shouted.

it's over!

it is finally over!

After killing for three full days, everyone's nerves could be said to be in a state of tension.

Almost everyone was driven crazy by the three days of continuous killing.

Especially those Blue Star people who were teleported to other planets were sitting on the ground and crying.

Is this a battle with monsters?

Once, they thought that although demons were strong, they were no match for humans.

However, now that I have truly faced the demon, I realize that the demon is so terrifying.

If it weren't for the three lives given by Li Quan, I'm afraid that at least 99% of these Blue Star people would have died immediately when the demon came.

Even if they have strength, what if they learn powerful secret techniques?

Without a fight, everything is just a show of force.

When the battle ended, everyone's tense hearts finally relaxed.

Finally I can rest.

However, before they could completely relax, they saw the numbers starting to count down again above the demon gate.

Countdown, seventy-two hours.

In other words, three days later, the demon war will begin again.

A small number of people were about to collapse after seeing the countdown to the gate.

Just one demon invasion almost killed most of their lives, and now they are coming again. Is this a plan to force them to death? !

However, there are also a small number of people who, for some reason, became excited after seeing the countdown.

Fight, they want to fight!

The countdown begins and everyone can choose to return to their hometown.

After all, if you choose the system to teleport, you will randomly come to other planets to help resist.

Of course, most of the people who choose this option are Blue Star people.

After all, Blue Star does not have a demon gate and will not become the target of demon invasion.

Of course, the ultimate goal of the demons is to destroy Blue Star.

At the end of the battle, no planets were destroyed, but there were heavy losses.

On Blue Star, people who chose to go to other planets returned to Blue Star one after another.

After feeling the harmonious atmosphere of Blue Star, almost everyone cried.

The breath of peace and stability is so beautiful.

The battle is so cruel.

Those who were teleported to other planets were Li Quan's parents, Wang Keyuan and the others, and of course, Li Xiaotuan.

This girl Li Xiaotuan had never come into contact with monsters at all, so when she killed the monster for the first time, she was quite frightened.

In the end, Li Xiaotuan mustered up the courage to kill the demon.

When Li Xiaotuan came back, looking at Li Xiaotuan's gloomy look, Li Quan stepped forward directly, rubbed Li Xiaotuan's head and said with a smile: Why, our little devil of the imperial capital has such a gloomy day, it's simply too weird It’s terrible.”

Faced with Li Quan's teasing, Li Xiaotuan just glanced at Li Quan silently, then sighed and said, Brother, is this the demon invasion that Blue Star faced back then?

Did you also have to fight against monsters of this level back then?

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