Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 189 The rules of the game world!

Blue Star is right in front of you, monsters! Kill them!

One of the monsters, whose strength reached the level of the main galaxy, shouted angrily, and all the monsters began to invade the galaxy.

Is this the only pure land in the Kamigawa galaxy going to be polluted at this moment?


The moment the monsters invaded the Milky Way and entered its range, all the monsters below the main galaxy level retreated in strength.

The strength of the demons that can fly in the air is not inferior to that of the Mahayana period. However, after entering the Milky Way, their strength has regressed. Even an experience bar has appeared above their heads.

Huh? What on earth is going on?

All the demons who entered were puzzled by the fact that their strength was weakened and experience bars appeared above their heads.

However, what these demons didn't know was that the moment they entered the galaxy, their strength had been forcibly robbed by Li Quan.

Not only that, as long as they leave the galaxy and then enter again, their strength will be exploited again.

As for the strength that was exploited, it entered the experience spring established by Li Quan.

When the time comes, Li Quan will issue orders like a game. As long as the task is completed, the so-called experience will be rewarded.

There are two ways to gain experience: killing monsters.

Killing monsters will gain part of the monster's strength, and the remaining strength will enter the 'Experience Spring' built by Li Quan.

It can be said that this is a win-win cooperation.

Of course, if Li Quan wanted to, he would directly devour the attacking monsters.

However, in this case, Li Quan's purpose of cultivating Blue Star would be lost.

This method is somewhat similar to killing monsters and upgrading.

When a monster is killed, one percent of its strength will enter the body of the 'player'.

As for how to enter, it is through the system left by Li Quan on these 'players'. After multiple refinements, it has become an experience that everyone can use.

Li Quan's inspiration for this method came from the three evil cultivators who could absorb talents and cultivation.

Since demons dare to invade the Milky Way, they must abide by the rules of the Milky Way.

If you can't do this, just go back!

Electronic synthesized sounds appear in the heads of all the monsters invading the galaxy.

All the demons heard this sound and became angry.

Most of the cultivation they had finally plundered was taken away by Li Quan.

And this, this is the so-called ‘admission fee’!

Do you want to be so cheating? !

You know, even if they are demons, it is very difficult to improve their strength, okay?

Of course, demons can also continue to improve their strength by plundering cultivation.

It can be said that the Milky Way has completely become a testing ground for the 'game' established by Li Quan.

As for how long this competition will last, it depends on the strength of everyone on Blue Star.

In the galaxy, due to the great reshuffle of strength twenty-seven years ago, there are too few strong men left.

These are relatively good seeds and cannot be sacrificed.

Therefore, the moment Li Quan 'wrote' the order, he had already 'imprisoned' all the powerful men whose strength was above the Mahayana stage.

No, it's not to imprison them, but to send them all to one space.

Only when the overall strength of a planet reaches a limit can they be released.

During this period, they only need to practice steadily.

The invasion of monsters is like locusts passing through, madly looting the galaxy.

Of course, these are just planets without people.

They simply cannot enter a planet with people.

Outside the Milky Way, there are more than three hundred super-powerful monsters at the main galaxy level.

They didn't take the initiative.

Who knows if there will be any danger in attacking rashly.

What bullshit rules? Just blow this galaxy to pieces!

Among the big monsters at the main galaxy level, there are many monsters with bad tempers.

You are so confident, you can give it a try.

Hmph! Just give it a try!

Don't take action! It's just a small galaxy, an existence that can be destroyed in a single thought.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw this big monster transforming into a monster bigger than the Milky Way. It looked like a wild boar overall.

He was covered in bone spurs and looked very scary.

I swallow it!

As the big demon opened its bloody mouth, a strong suction force began to erupt, trying to suck the Milky Way into it.

However, only those demons that were affected nearby were sucked into it. As for the Milky Way, it still stayed in place and was not moved at all.

Seeing this, all the big demons started laughing.

What are you laughing laughing!

While speaking, the big demon roared angrily, and the sound was like a world-destroying thunderstorm. All the demons within its surroundings, with strength below the super galaxy level, were all shattered, and their souls were directly destroyed.

Demon Lord Swallowing Heaven, I never thought you would have such a shameful day.

The Sky-Swallowing Demon Lord was talking about the big demon that transformed into a wild boar just now.

Hmph! Stop talking nonsense, come and do it if you have the ability!

The Sky-Swallowing Demon Lord roared angrily, then turned into a human form and continued to stay outside the galaxy.

There was nothing going on in the Milky Way, but the demons that came were not even sure how many were dead.

At the very least, Shijing is the least.

It's just a small galaxy, let's see how I destroy it!

Suddenly, a big demon with blue skin and black patterns on his body continued to expand, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a snake-headed monster with three heads and six arms.

Thunder Snake Demon Lord, don't be like the Sky-Devouring Demon Lord and fall off the chain in the middle! Hahaha!

A group of monsters with strength at the level of the main galaxy began to go crazy.

Hmph! Do you think I will be like this loser?!

As soon as these words came out, the Heaven-Devouring Demon Lord was angered.

Monsters are inherently violent creatures, and those who can control their emotions are very terrifying monsters.

Because they are good at calculation.

As for the demons who cannot control their emotions, although they are powerful, they fight with other demons all day long because of their bad tempers.

Just like the current Sky-Devouring Demon Lord.

Asshole! Say something else!


Damn it! I'm going to tear you apart!

Contradictions are easily aroused among demons.

Soon, a pig and a basilisk with three heads and six arms were fighting each other.

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