Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 188 Demon Resistance System!

It took two days, but it was finally done.

In these two days, Li Quan can be said to have completed editing all the order in the game world. Of course, this is only a rough edit.

Further improvements are needed later.

It can be said that Li Quan is an inner world within a world.

Now, the game world begins!

Following Li Quan's order, a blue light instantly passed over the entire galaxy.

As long as they are native creatures in the galaxy, they will be affected by Li Quan's game world.

The game world opens, and a system called Demon Resistance suddenly pops up in the minds of all beings.

Everyone was stunned at this moment, and they all marveled at what on earth had happened.

Li Quan felt that all life in the galaxy was very confused, so he began to use the intelligent management of the game world.

Soon, an electronic synthesized sound appeared in everyone's mind.

The demons invade and the galaxy is unable to resist and will perish.

Today, the real dragon lowers the demon defense system to help all living beings in the galaxy resist the invasion of demons.

The moment the words disappeared, all life in the galaxy was shocked.

This turned out to be a system descended by the real dragon himself.

And, what did the system just say?

Demon invasion!

Galactic disaster is coming.

On Blue Star, a small number of humans panicked.

They all know about demons. After all, they witnessed the battle twenty-seven years ago.

The memory of that horrific scene was so fresh that even now, they feel like it happened yesterday.

As for the new generation of Blue Star people, they looked disdainful.

After all, they have never experienced a monster invasion, nor have they been exposed to what a monster is.

As for monsters, they only appear in science and education channels and textbooks.

As for being scary, most of them are practitioners now, so what is there to worry about?

Moreover, since it could resist the invasion of demons in the first place, it would definitely be possible this time.

Some people even clamored to expel all demons and kill them all.

This is the current situation of Blue Star today.

Soon, Li Quan returned home.

At this time, there were only two people at home, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong, who were practicing.

As for the three sisters Li Bing, Li Ya and Li Lan, they practice in their own 'bodies'.

Ao Xue went to the Milky Way and continued to cultivate in the Cangmu Star and comprehend the scriptures.

Lord Husheng, on the other hand, returned to Immortal Life Mountain and continued to absorb spiritual energy for practice.

Dragon King Ao Shun was invited by Ji Xuan to the imperial capital to talk about the demon defense system descended by Li Quan.

Everything has been prepared. It just depends on whether the Milky Way can survive this time.

Soon, the Kamigawa galaxy and other galaxies besides the Milky Way will be occupied by monsters.

When the time comes, the galaxy will be surrounded by enemies on all sides, and it is not easy to kill the endless stream of monsters.

Although, for Li Quan, if he wanted to kill them, it would only take a moment.

Li Quan, you're back!

After noticing Li Quan's return, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong opened their eyes.

Well, I'm back.

How about it?

Ren Hong looked at Li Quan curiously and asked.

Presumably, the question was about Li Quan's preparations.

Well, everything is ready. You guys have a try and summon the panel.

Summoning panel?

Out of curiosity, the two women directly said the word summoning panel, and saw an ordinary panel appearing in front of them.

On this panel, there are information about their height, overall strength, actual strength, three dimensions, age and the techniques they have learned.

Among them, there is also an experience bar.

This is the system panel?

Yes, this is the system panel I designed for them. In this case, we can help them fight against the monsters.

As long as anyone has this panel, they can communicate through the system panel. In this way, the basic function of the phone will be abandoned.

The Yige system panel created by Li Quan can conduct real-time conversations and video conversations.

Of course, the scope of application of this system is limited. Once it exceeds the Milky Way, the system panel and everything else will disappear.

As for the strength, it has been preserved for a long time, but the panel has been lost.

This measure of Li Quan undoubtedly impacted the electronic communications industry among humans, and they would probably curse Li Quan to death.

Of course, it is impossible to scold, but there will still be complaints.

After all, every creature in the galaxy will have such a system panel. The system panel was given by Li Quan. What if Li Quan hears it when he scolds him?

Isn't your system panel a bit... too embarrassing?

The three-dimensional age and actual strength have been revealed, and there is no privacy at all.

Don't worry, this system panel has an encryption function. Unless you can surpass me, otherwise, as long as the owner of the system is unwilling to leak his information, then others will not know the basic data.

So, don't worry about your three-dimensional age, no one will know except me.

While speaking, Li Quan still had a bit of a mean smile on his face.

When Ren Hong and Wang Keyuan saw this, their faces instantly turned rosy.


So what if you're a pervert, I'm only perverted to you.

Since I have done so much for all living beings in the galaxy today, do you think you should reward me?

Li Quan's smile looked very mean. Seeing this, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong wanted to slap Li Quan to death.

It's really bad.

Before the two of them could react, they were instantly hugged by Li Quan.

Hugging each other, both of them are beautiful women. If they just went out for a moment, if their eyes could cause harm, Li Quan would probably be riddled with holes.

Time passed little by little, and the Kamigawa galaxy was invaded by a group of monsters.

The Kamigawa galaxy, which was originally quite vibrant, was quickly captured by the demon army at this moment.

Except for the Milky Way, which is still the only pure land in the Kamigawa Galaxy, all living creatures in other places are in ruins, either enslaved by demons or devoured by demons.

It is not an exaggeration to say that life is worse than death.

At this time, outside the Milky Way, countless demon armies are surrounding the only pure land in the Kamigawa Galaxy.

They have only one goal, which is to invade the Milky Way, destroy Blue Star, and complete the mission issued by the ancestor of all monsters!

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