Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 180 If you are a man, don’t run away!

Since Li Quan came back, he has been living in fear of being enveloped by Li Quan.

But, this is school!

In school, Li Xiaotuan is the little devil of the imperial capital!

The name of the Little Devil is no joke, who dares to offend!

This guy didn't know what was good or bad and dared to offend her, Li Xiaotuan. He simply didn't know whether to live or die.

Now, Li Xiaotuan directly activated it and finally found the feeling of being a little devil!

However, after Li Xiaotuan gave this guy a good beating, he only felt his little head being knocked.

When I turned around, I realized that it was Li Quan who did it.

Whatever you are looking at, I am also your brother.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan flew toward the stage of the competition arena with a look of aggrievedness.

Even though Li Xiaotuan is known as the Little Devil in school, he still needs to keep a low profile in front of Li Quan.

Because he wanted to watch the battle, Li Quan found a suitable place and sat down directly.

On the stage, when Li Xiaotuan arrived, the students present became excited.

This is a battle for first place among students. Whoever can win the first place will get more resources.

After all, the cultivation resources of the first place are twice as much as those of the second place.

In order to get this first place, they worked hard.

Li Xiaotuan, I thought you were too scared to get in.

Hmph! Do you think I am a sissy like you?

“It’s simply a shame for a man to be unmanly and a woman to be unfeminine.”

Li Xiaotuan responded directly without showing any weakness, and mocked Wang Xiu severely.

However, Wang Xiu didn't care.

After all, since he started practicing the Evil Sword Manual, he already knew that he would be ridiculed by many people in the future.

But he didn't regret it, because the power of this Evil Sword Manual was really strong.

From the time he practiced the Evil Sword Manual to the present, it only took him just seven years to reach the Nascent Soul stage directly from the initial body refining stage.

Although his talent is worse than that of his counterpart Li Xiaotuan, a good skill can directly make up for the gap between the two.

What's more, how long has it been since Li Xiaotuan became a powerful person in the Nascent Soul stage?

But it only lasts for one year.

And he had been waiting in the Nascent Soul for three full years. During these three years, he had become familiar with the strength of the Nascent Soul.

If there are no accidents, he will definitely win against Li Xiaotuan!

As long as you can gain great strength, what if it becomes like this?

Wang Xiu didn't care about this at all. After all, he had been familiar with these taunting words since he started practicing Evil Sword Manual.

Moreover, those who dared to mock Wang Xiu in the past were turned around and slapped in the face one by one.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late.

Although Wang Xiu can no longer be called a gentleman, he is very vindictive.

Besides, Li Xiaotuan, if you lose in a while, don't cry to your brother.

Hmph! No way!

Li Xiaotuan became angry when he heard that Wang Xiu mentioned Li Quan's name.

How dare you mention Li Quan's name after she was bullied, it's simply disgusting!

Stop talking so much nonsense! Let's get started!

While speaking, Li Xiaotuan took out his big sword.

The big sword is one and a half meters long, with a one meter blade and a half meter hilt.

Being held by Li Xiaotuan, who was 1.7 meters tall, it looked very heavy.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, no one will like a girl who is so irritable.

Oh, no, you are a little devil. No one will like you at all.

Faced with Wang Xiu's jokes and taunts, Li Xiaotuan took action directly.

If you can do it, try not to BB.

Holding a big sword, he slashed it down with one strike.

The power unique to the Nascent Soul level was directly cut out by the big sword.

Because both sides entered the competition ground, a barrier gradually rose up at the boundary of the competition ground.

This barrier can withstand the strength attacks of the Mahayana stage. Nascent Soul level power falls on the barrier of light, and it cannot stir up any ripples.

The floor of the competition ground is also made of special materials, which is difficult to break even in the Mahayana stage.

Therefore, it is most suitable for this group of students to use for martial arts competitions.

With a sword slash, Wang Xiu's speed was indeed astonishing, but the moment Li Xiaotuan's sword energy was about to strike, his figure disappeared.

The next second, he appeared in front of Li Xiaotuan.

He held three embroidery needles in his right hand, and then threw them towards Li Xiaotuan.

The embroidery needle is attached to Wang Xiu's spiritual power, which is powerful enough to pierce the defense of the nano uniform.

When Li Xiaotuan saw this, he immediately went on defense.

The big sword in his hand was held in front of him, and three embroidery needles pierced the big sword directly, making a sound of nails.

When Wang Xiu saw this, of course he would not let go of this opportunity to attack.

The embroidery needle in his hand kept shooting out, but Li Xiaotuan could only defend passively.

The figure was gradually rushed towards the border by the impact of the embroidery needle.

Wang Xiu's embroidery needles seemed to be endless, and the embroidery needles were constantly changing and stabbed towards Li Xiaotuan's body.

I'll let you keep cumming!

Li Xiaotuan chanted the mantra in his mouth, the unique technique of Three Yuans and One Qi: Human Yuan, Tian Yuan, Earth Yuan, three yuan in one, three yuan armor!

I saw that the spiritual energy on Li Xiaotuan began to gather and accumulate on Li Xiaotuan, and finally turned into a three-color armor.

The moment the three-color battle armor was formed, Li Xiaotuan was seen holding a big sword, ignoring the impact of the embroidery needle, running towards Wang Xiu, and slashing at Wang Xiu.

Seeing this, Wang Xiu gave full play to his expertise and adopted the tactic of flying a kite. The embroidery needles in his hands were endless, and he kept shooting them on Li Xiaotuan's armor.

The embroidery needle will be spread out directly when it is pierced into Li Xiaotuan's armor.

There are constant sparks on Li Xiaotuan's body, which is the effect of the embroidery needle falling on the three-dimensional armor.


In the end, Li Xiaotuan finally succeeded in approaching Wang Xiu and slashed him with his sword.

The power of that sword can be said to be very astonishing.

With one strike of the sword, an astonishing sword energy burst out, slashing towards the barrier.

Here, you don't need to hide your strength, unlike when you were in Guangbei Village, where you had to control your strength in everything.

However, no matter how much Li Xiaotuan unleashed his astonishing power, he was unable to kill Wang Xiu. For a long time, he could only stare.

Wang Xiu! If you're a man, don't run away!

Under the sword, Wang Xiu dodged it without any surprise.

The speed was so fast that Li Xiaotuan, in his current state, simply couldn't catch up.

Don't you know whether I am a man or not?

After hearing what Li Xiaotuan said, Wang Xiu responded unceremoniously.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan was stunned for a moment. Indeed, Wang Xiu was not a man, but a eunuch.

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