Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 179 The Development of Blue Star

The reason why Blue Star is what it is today is all because of Li Quan.

Therefore, if Li Xiaotuan could create his brother for more than thirty years, he would also lament that the world has changed so much.

During the meal, Li Quan was watched by everyone, and Li Quan could feel eyes looking in his direction from time to time.

And these gazes came from those girls.

After all, Li Quan's face is indeed so handsome, so handsome that most girls would be obsessed with him.

In addition, Li Quan is not a student of this school, but he is an 'invited' person, and his status is definitely high.

Therefore, there are quite a few girls who are planning to strike up a conversation with Li Quan, hoping to have a relationship with Li Quan.

However, after seeing the legendary little devil of the imperial capital, all the girls stopped.

When those girls want to get close, Li Xiaotuan will warn them with his eyes.

With Li Xiaotuan's warning, how could these girls dare to come forward and disturb the three people's meal.

Therefore, Li Quan ate quite comfortably. However, Li Xiaotuan looked around while eating, and he was just a little tired from eating.

These girls have no shame, bah!

When leaving the canteen, Li Xiaotuan looked at everyone in the canteen and warned. Obviously, after the meal, Li Xiaotuan was unhappy in many ways.

They can watch it if they like. Anyway, they won't lose a piece of meat.

Li Quan rubbed Li Xiaotuan's little head and smiled.

After the meal, Fang Yo chose to go to the classroom to learn water-attribute spells and the like.

After all, no matter how crazy you are, you still need to lay a good foundation.

It was finally possible to enter this training academy in the imperial capital. If it were just abandoned, I wouldn't even have tears to cry.

After Fang You left, Li Quan and Li Xiaotuan came to the library together.

The library is very large, containing all human books on the entire Blue Star, including those important books left behind by demons.

It can be said that where the books are the most precious, they belong to the library of the Imperial Capital Training Academy.

Brother, what are you going to read in the library?

Look at the development history of Blue Star.

After entering the library, Li Quan began to search for books on the historical development of Blue Star.

Li Quan was very curious about what happened during the development process with Blue Star.

What's so interesting about this?

You girl, you were very peaceful and prosperous when you were born, of course you don't know.

While saying this, he also knocked Li Xiaotuan's little head and said with a smile.

Ah! You hit me again! I want to tell my parents!

Okay, even if you tell your parents, what can your parents do?

You, hum!

Li Xiaotuan found that since Li Quan came back, he had encountered obstacles everywhere.

And, most importantly, he was always bullied by Li Quan.

As a brother, shouldn't he take care of his sister?

Why are you here, always bullying your sister?

Oh my gosh! Who can help her and take Li Quan away!

I know exactly what you are thinking, girl.

Before I teach you well, don't try to escape my discipline.

After hearing Li Quan's words, Li Xiaotuan finally despaired.

It’s so abominable!

A few hours passed, and Li Quan could clearly see the development history of Blue Star.

How should I put it? In the past twenty-seven years, Blue Star's life has been too stable.

Nothing big happened, except, of course, the successful technological breakthroughs.

In addition, Li Quan discovered that although Blue Star's power is very large today, it is nothing compared to other galaxies.

Especially today's student practitioners, they only practice for immortality, but their combat effectiveness can be said to be pitifully weak.

Without appropriate external stimulation, Blue Star is living too comfortably today.

If one day, when Li Quan happens to be away from Blue Star, and someone attacks Blue Star, all the practitioners on Blue Star will definitely be defeated without going through the baptism of battle.

Thinking of this, Li Quan was considering whether to create a secret realm or something and let him invade Blue Star to improve the strength of the younger generation of Blue Star practitioners.

Brother, what are you thinking about?

I was wondering, what do you think of the current development of Blue Star?

Blue Star's development? It's very good. What's wrong?

I don't think it's good. Blue Star's development is too comfortable.

If one day, all the people who protect Blue Star leave, and Blue Star is invaded by a foreign enemy, what do you think is Blue Star's chance of winning now?

Well, there shouldn't be the day you mentioned, right?

That's not necessarily the case.

Li Quan's face looked a little strange, and when Li Xiaotuan saw this, for some reason, he always had an ominous premonition.

Brother, what do you mean by this?

No! It's time!

At this time, Li Xiaotuan realized that it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, there will be a battle between Li Xiaotuan and Wang Xiu. The winner will be the strongest disciple in the entire Imperial Capital Training Academy!

Moreover, this is a battle about whether Li Quan can give her a gift.

This battle can only be won, not lost!

Time is up?

That's right! Stop talking so much! I'm going to the competition field!

The martial arts arena is a place where students compete in martial arts. It is called a martial arts competition, but it is actually just to see whose technique is more skillful, more proficient in using it, and how well they have mastered it.

Soon, the brother and sister came to the competition field together.

At this time, Wang Xiu was already standing on the competition ground, wearing an armor made of nano-clothes.

After putting on the silver-white armor, Wang Xiu looked somewhat handsome.

However, even if he is handsome, he is also a kind of demon.

At this time, the entire competition ground was packed with people.

After all, this battle is about the battle for the number one student in the Imperial Capital Training Academy.

Whoever can win this time will be the first!

Where's the little devil? Why hasn't he appeared for so long?

Maybe something has been delayed,

Isn't the little devil holding back because he was scared?

Hey, hey, hey, don't talk nonsense, be careful that the little devil takes note of you.

Tsk, there are so many people here, they're afraid of me! I was wrong!


With the sound of explosions, the person who spoke ill of Li Xiaotuan was discovered by Li Xiaotuan who had just rushed over and gave him a heavy punch.

Hmph! How dare you say bad things behind my back? It's like you have never died! What? What are you looking at? Do you want to try it too?

In school, Li Xiaotuan is the little devil!

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