Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 173 Li Quan is unbalanced

Huh, I finally got rid of him. I was scared to death. After Li Xiaotuan successfully got rid of Li Quan, he came to a hilltop to rest.

Li Xiaotuan desperately unleashed his spells, flying skills, and speed tactics, and it was almost too much for Li Xiaotuan.

Li Xiaotuan even felt that today was the first day in her long life that she was hunted down by someone and released a large number of spells during the chase.

I have never been so tormented when training with others before.

Li Quan is the first one.

Brother, you just like to bully me. When I grow up, I will, I will bully your children!

Who wants to pick on the weak? Li Xiaotuan doesn't think he can beat Li Quan when he grows up.

Therefore, we can only place this hatred on Li Quan's children.

However, Li Quan seems to have three children, and Li Quan's three children are also older than her.

Thinking about it this way, Li Xiaotuan realized that he seemed to be the youngest in Lao Li's family.


At this moment, Li Xiaotuan suddenly discovered that the place where she was standing was shrouded in a huge black shadow.

Not only that, this huge black shadow fell directly on the ground the moment Li Xiaotuan turned his head.

Brother, brother Li Xiaotuan was so frightened by Li Quan's sudden landing that he was thrown to the ground.

The little butt is in direct contact with the ground. Fortunately, Li Xiaotuan's strength has reached the Nascent Soul stage, so it doesn't hurt if the little butt is in close contact with the ground.

What, little sister, what were you talking about just now?

No, it's nothing! I didn't say anything!

After hearing Li Quan's voice, Li Xiaotuan was frightened to death.

How could it suddenly come to her?

Aren't you afraid of scaring her to death because of his mysterious appearance?

Are you still running?

No, why don't you run! I won't run!

Li Xiaotuan was scared. For the first time in his life, he was being chased like a dog. Tired, Li Xiaotuan just wanted to lie on the sofa and drink a glass of iced Coke.

If you don't run away, then we will settle the score between us.

I saw Li Quan's figure gradually shrinking, and finally turned into a human form.

He crossed his arms across his chest and looked at Li Xiaotuan with a hint of scorn on his face.

Brother, I was wrong! Can you spare me?

Unfortunately, you can't!


Li Xiaotuan tried to escape, but the next second he was directly caught by Li Quan and imprisoned in his hands.

When he returned home, he saw Li Xiaotuan looking like he was about to cry without tears, with a sign saying I was wrong hanging on his chest, and he was driven from the streets of Guangbei Village to the end of the street by Li Quan.

They rushed from the end of the street in Guangbei Village to the street before stopping.

After the public execution, Li Xiaotuan only felt that her life had been ruined, and was considering whether to kill her to silence her. In this way, no one in the entire Guangbei Village would know about her embarrassment.

Of course, this is impossible, so we can only think about it.

Li Quan, is it really okay for you to do this?

Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong stood on the left and right sides of Li Quan respectively. Looking at Li Xiaotuan who was publicly executed, and looking at the expression on Li Xiaotuan's face, Wang Keyuan, who was also quite serious, could not help but laugh at this moment.

Why is it bad? This girl is just too dancing.

If something goes wrong now, I can still discipline her. What if this girl gets into big trouble when we're not around in the future?

Therefore, children must be educated from an early age, and they must correct their mistakes if they know they are wrong.

Li Xiaotuan's character has a great influence on her living environment.

For example, the superior environment he grew up in made Li Xiaotuan's character completely different.

Because of his outstanding talents, he will be dealt with when he causes trouble.

In the long run, there will definitely be problems. As Li Xiaotuan's brother and being entrusted with the task by Li Zhen, Li Quan has the obligation to discipline Li Xiaotuan.

Of course, the biggest point is that Li Xiaotuan's life as a child was much better than that of Li Quan when he was a child.

In order to maintain a psychological balance, he must let his new sister experience Li Quan's tragedy.

Of course, Li Quan would not say this.

Okay, but after all, Tuan Tuan is a girl, so don't go too far.

Well, I know that.

While speaking, Li Quan fired a small attack at the head of Li Xiaotuan, who was trying to escape secretly.

The power of this attack was the same as the force Li Quan used to hit Li Xiaotuan on the head.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about hurting Li Xiaotuan.

Ah! Brother, what if you hit me like this again and beat me stupid?

Are you raising me?!

Huh? I'm sorry, I can really afford to support you. Even if I break your hands and feet and let you live at home and grow old, I can still afford it.

After hearing this, Li Quan said with a nonchalant expression.

He told the truth.

Ahh! Oh my God! Why do I have a brother above my head!

Who can take my brother away!

Complaints are complaints, and public executions will continue.

In the house, Li Zhen and Wang Yun couldn't help laughing after hearing Li Xiaotuan's complaints.

I was originally worried about conflicts between these two children, but I didn't expect them to get along so well.

What nonsense are you talking about? This kid, Xiaoquan, has wanted to have a sister since he was a child. Now, isn't it just what he wanted?

That's true, but if it continues like this, wouldn't it be bad?

Wang Yun asked a little worriedly.

What are you afraid of? Don't you know what Xiaoquan's identity is?

And, wife, are you interested in getting a younger brother or sister for the two of them?

Fuck you, it's already a headache with two of them, you still want a third one?

After hearing what Li Zhen said, Wang Yun slapped her hand directly on Li Zhen's chest.

Hey, even if the third one doesn't come, we still need a little sentiment to adjust the relationship between husband and wife.

You pervert, as expected, that's what men are like.

While speaking, Wang Yun rolled her eyes at Li Zhen and said, But it's broad daylight now, are you so hungry and thirsty?

Broad daylight? In other words, it doesn't have to be daytime?

You guys are not serious. Don't talk about this. It just so happens that Xiaoquan is back. With this guy taking care of Tuantuan, we can relax a bit.

I plan to travel to Mars. I heard about Mars.

At home, Li Zhen and Wang Yun were discussing how to release themselves after leaving Li Xiaotuan in the care of Li Quan.

And Li Xiaotuan was planning to talk to Li Zhen and Wang Yun after returning home.

What would be your reaction if you knew what Li Zhen and Wang Yun had just said?

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