Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 172 The hunted Li Xiaotuan

·After washing up, Li Quan was taken by Li Xiaotuan to an empty alley not far from his home.

Basically no one would pass by this alley, so it was a suitable place for teaching spells and the like.

Brother, what skills are you going to teach me today?

Tomorrow is the duel with Wang Xiu. If Wang Xiu is really as powerful as he told you, what will I do if I lose?

You girl, why are you starting to panic now? Li Quan flicked Li Xiaotuan's forehead and cursed with a smile.

Luanluanluo, if I lose, I will lose face.

If I lose, our Lao Li family will lose face. So, brother, what do you think?

Yo yo yo, have you learned how to threaten your brother and me? While saying this, Li Quan directly held down Li Xiaotuan's back, causing Li Xiaotuan to protest outright, but unfortunately, the protest was ineffective.

After the brother and sister played around for a while, they finally got down to business.

Okay, don't make trouble. What I want to teach you today is the quick word formula among the seven-character mantra.

Speed-character formula? Seven-character mantra? Isn't this something from those old guys in Taoism?

Of course it's not their stuff. What they have is a low-end version. What I'm teaching you is an advanced version.

The seven-character mantra has existed in ancient times, but unfortunately, it seems that due to inheritance and its excessive difficulty, the real seven-character mantra has disappeared.

The remaining seven-character mantra is a simplified seven-character mantra.

To put it bluntly, it is the castrated version.

However, even if it is a castrated version, its power cannot be underestimated.

Watch it.

Li Quan's hand gestures began to move, and then after reciting a spell, a golden halo began to appear under Li Quan's feet.

The aperture instantly merged into Li Quan's body. In just a blink of an eye, Li Quan appeared behind Li Xiaotuan and tapped Li Xiaotuan's head lightly.

Ouch! It hurts!

Brother! You bullied me again!

After being hit on the head by Li Quan, Li Xiaotuan shouted in protest.

Girl, do you see clearly?

No, just demonstrate it again.

Too lazy to demonstrate.

While speaking, Li Quan shot a golden light spot into Li Xiaotuan's forehead.

The golden light spots are exactly the formula of Su Zi Jue and the way to use it.

After Li Xiaotuan received the inheritance from Li Quan, he used the newly learned techniques somewhat abruptly.

With the addition of Su Zi Jue, Li Xiaotuan felt that his body became lighter.

Not to mention anything else, the speed alone has been increased by as much as twice.

Before, it was impossible to catch up with Wang Xiu, but now, with the help of Su Zijue, Li Xiaotuan's shortcomings have finally been made up for.

At the very least, now that Li Xiaotuan has used the Suzi Jue, he can finally catch up to Wang Xiu's footsteps.

After successfully performing the Quick Word Jue, Li Xiaotuan had a bold idea.

Now that her speed has doubled, can she try to sneak attack Li Quan?

Since Li Quan came back, Li Xiaotuan has been extremely depressed.

Now that I have obtained the entire series of spells, of course I have to use Li Quan to test them.

Li Xiaotuan's speed was so fast that he left only an afterimage in the air, and appeared behind Li Quan the next second.

Just when he was about to hit Li Quan on the butt with his small fist, Li Quan's figure disappeared in front of Li Xiaotuan in an instant.

As for Li Xiaotuan, he only felt that his waist seemed to be hugged by a hand, and then he saw Li Quan pressing Li Xiaotuan on his thigh, holding a ruler from somewhere in his hand.

You girl, your Su Zi Jue was taught by me. You want to use Su Zi Jue against me?

While speaking, Li Quan was about to hit Li Xiaotuan on the butt with a ruler. However, the moment Li Xiaotuan was about to be hit, his body suddenly shrank, and the next second he turned into an eagle and spread his wings to fly high.

Seventy-two Transformations of Earthly Evil?

Li Quan said subconsciously after seeing Li Xiaotuan who had turned into an eagle.

Li Xiaotuan, who was in the sky, started to taunt Li Quan after successfully escaping from Li Quan's clutches.

Obviously, this girl is drifting.

Not only that, after taunting Li Quan, Li Xiaotuan used the Suzi Jue in the eagle form.

The speed was extraordinary, and it disappeared into the sky in an instant.

As expected of a talented person, he could directly combine the Su Zi Jue with just one study.

However, it is a pity that Li Xiaotuan may have forgotten that there is a mountain higher than the other, and there are people outside the world.

Eagle? After Li Quan sneered, his figure gradually transformed into a golden eagle. He spread his wings, flapped, and flew high into the sky quickly.

And Li Xiaotuan, who was using the Su Zi Jue he had just learned in the sky, was flying in the sky at this moment after successfully escaping from Li Quan's clutches.

Hey, hey, I didn't expect someone to be able to use Su Zi Jue so quickly. It's not that easy to hit me.

While speaking, Li Xiaotuan flapped his wings and continued to fly high into the sky.

Now that he has offended Li Quan, Li Xiaotuan does not intend to go back so soon.

However, when Li Xiaotuan flew above the clouds, he found that the shadows shining on the clouds seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

Not only that, Li Xiaotuan could notice that something seemed to be hanging over his head.

Li Xiaotuan looked slowly upward and saw a ten-meter-sized Dapeng golden eagle appearing in front of Li Xiaotuan.

And there seemed to be a sense of disdain in the eyes of the Dapeng Golden Eagle.

That feeling of disdain, full of contempt.

Not good! When Li Xiaotuan saw this, his figure dropped rapidly.

When Li Quan's incarnation, the Dapeng Golden Eagle, saw Li Xiaotuan trying to escape, he smiled with a hint of ridicule: Run, just let me run for your brother. If I catch you, you will feel better.

After Li Xiaotuan heard Li Quan's voice, he was so frightened that he flapped his wings much faster.

Moreover, Li Xiaotuan found that his speed increased a lot when being chased by Li Quan.

Sure enough, only when you are infinitely close to death can you understand the true meaning of survival.

Li Xiaotuan discovered that after being chased by Li Quan, his strength and use of magic had improved a lot.

At the moment of being chased, Li Xiaotuan directly released a series of spells such as Glazed Fire Tornado and Scorching Fire Wire.

It's just a pity that Li Quan doesn't play according to the routine at all. No matter what kind of spell Li Xiaotuan uses or how powerful it is, Li Quan is always tough.

In the end, Li Xiaotuan seemed to have successfully gotten rid of Li Quan.

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