Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 17 Heart-protecting dragon scales!

Dragon scales are clothes?

Li Quan was confused, is there such an operation?

Why didn't he know?

However, as a dragon of heaven and earth, Li Lan definitely knows more about dragon matters than Li Quan, a half-hearted dragon.

Therefore, Li Quan did not doubt whether Li Lan's words were true or false.

At the very least, until Li Quan understands some of the mysteries of his dragon clan, Li Lan's words will be what he says.

Sure enough, when Li Quan thought of this, the Ultimate Dragon Evolution System that had just demonstrated its presence popped up again.

However, what pops up is not the properties interface, but the system interface.

Heart-protecting Dragon Scale (100,000 wealth value, now discounted to 1,000 wealth value!)

Is there such an operation?

Li Quan was shocked, but he was a little resistant to the extreme dragon system's arrogant operation.

It's just a thousand wealth points. For Li Quan, who now has more than two thousand wealth points, it's really nothing.

After redeeming the ability of the Heart-Protect Dragon Scale, Li Quan's wealth value was still 1,561 points.

The method of using the heart-protecting dragon scale appeared in Li Quan's mind at this moment.

Not only that, after redeeming the Heart-Protect Dragon Scale, Li Quan's dragon scale defense increased significantly. At least, it was three times stronger than before learning the Heart-Protect Dragon Scale.

In the past, tank shells could penetrate Li Quan's armor. Now, even if Li Quan is bombarded by tens of millions or millions of tank shells, he still can't break any dragon scales on Li Quan's body.

At this time, Li Quan can say without hesitation that his scales are probably the strongest and hardest on the entire Blue Star.

As for nuclear bombs, Li Quan didn't dare to use steel.

However, the most powerful thing about nuclear bombs is not the moment of explosion.

It's not that Li Quan looked at the power of a small nuclear bomb explosion. Although the power of the explosion was strong, as long as it was not in the center, it would be difficult for the explosion of the nuclear bomb to hurt Li Quan.

In addition, the most powerful thing about a nuclear bomb is its radiation.

Radiation is very harmful to living things like humans, but it can be said to have no effect on life forms of Li Quan's level.

Is that so?

Li Quan controlled his heart-protecting dragon scales and turned them into a handsome costume.

The whole person looks like the image of the Death with white skin in the pesticide game, but the dragon scales are light yellow, so it looks like a light yellow Baiqi.

Yes! That's it.

What? It turns out that dad can do it. Why didn't he come out just now?

Li Lan pursed her lips, obviously dissatisfied with Li Quan's deception.

After hearing this, Li Quan was helpless.

He just learned it, how could he use it before he learned it.

Ahem, dad forgot, yes, forgot.

Hey, where's the mouse?

At this moment, Li Quan suddenly noticed that one person was missing.

Fang Tonghao!

He remembered that Fang Tonghao left with him.

Uncle Mouse?

Uncle Mouse, if this lets Fang Tonghao know that Li Lan calls him this, he doesn't know what expression to use to express it better.

Yes, that's your Uncle Mouse.

I just saw Uncle Mouse leaving with a beautiful aunt.

Beautiful aunt?

Li Quan was confused, where did the beautiful aunt come from?

At this moment, in the safe haven, Fang Tonghao looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with a shy expression.

Fang Tonghao, tell me, your parents asked me to go on a blind date with you before, but I didn't come before. I'm sorry.

Now let me tell you what I want.

My request is very simple. I have a 100-square-meter house in the center of Jiangdu City. Oh, and you also need a car. It doesn't need to be too expensive. Just a BMW. If you have a deposit, you don't need much. I have one. Ten million is enough.”

By the way, I don't want to live with your parents. You'll take care of all the housework, or you can hire a servant.

Other than that, just give me 100,000 yuan a month for living expenses. It doesn't take much.

If you can do that, let's register tomorrow.

The beautiful woman looked at her newly made nails and completely ignored Fang Tonghao, whose expression became more and more embarrassing the more he listened.

I said Mouse, why did you suddenly leave without saying goodbye?

At this moment, Li Quan's figure appeared in the haven.

As for how he found Fang Tonghao, it was all thanks to Li Lan, his cheap daughter.

As long as he is in an important place in Tenglong Kingdom, Li Lan can accurately find where anyone is.

The dragon veins of heaven and earth are so powerful.

It's just a pity that because of the external demons, that is, those foreign guys, the area covered by Li Lan's dragon vein today is only the Tenglong Kingdom.

If Li Lan was in his heyday, he could even control the terrain of the entire Blue Star. This is the power of the Dragon Veins of Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, finding someone is nothing to Li Lan.

Fang Tonghao, who is this guy?

Looking at Li Quan holding Li Lan with one hand, the beautiful woman had a look of disgust on her face.

However, after seeing Li Quan's extraordinary handsome appearance, his tone became much more relaxed.

Li, Li Quan, why are you here?!

Why am I here? Why did you leave so suddenly before I asked you.

After saying that, Li Quan looked at the beautiful woman sitting opposite Fang Tonghao and asked, I am this guy's best friend and brother, are you his blind date Tang Ruo?

Li Quan knew that Fang Tonghao was going on a blind date. After all, he had mentioned it to Li Quan before.

At that time, Fang Tonghao was complaining to Li Quan that he was only twenty-one years old and was about to go on a blind date.

Just don't go too fast.

Yes, I am Tang Ruo, who are you?

My name is Li Quan, so I heard what you just said.

I do have a question to ask you.

Li Quan bared his teeth and smiled, his smile was so sunny and charming.

Just ask.

How much is your monthly salary?

After hearing Li Quan's words, the expression on Tang Ruo's face froze.

Four, four thousand, what's wrong?

Only four thousand? You only have a salary of four thousand, how can you have the nerve to mention a savings of ten million to a rat?

Who gave you confidence?!

I, if I marry him, isn't it worth the price?!

Oh, it turns out you are here to sell it.

When Tang Ruo heard this, he wanted to pick up the water glass in his hand and throw it at Li Quan angrily.

However, the quick-footed Li Quan snatched it away and then threw it towards Tang Ruo.


What are you? If I remember correctly, you are not a virgin, right?

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