Oh, brother. Fang Tonghao on the side didn't know what to say. All of this simply refreshed his outlook on Li Quan and him.

It is estimated that Fang Tonghao will believe it now that they are actually the descendants of monsters.

By the way, Li Quan, we have arrested someone regarding the dismemberment case.

Thanks to the evidence you provided earlier.

It's okay. This is what the miserable ghost said himself. I didn't say anything.

That same night, Li Quan went to see the miserable ghost. Li Quan's appearance almost scared the miserable ghost out of his wits.

However, the dead man told Li Quan all about his tragic death afterwards, and Li Quan also told Fang Tonghao all the evidence.

The murderer had been caught, successfully arrested, and sentenced to death.

After the miserable ghost learned about this incident, he put an end to his chores in the world of mortals and successfully entered reincarnation.

And Li Quan, because of this incident, dared to get +100 wealth value.

This is the third channel for obtaining wealth that Li Quan knows.

Helping others can also accumulate wealth.

Thanks to you, my position has been promoted. Now, I am the deputy director of the Security Bureau.

After solving many cases in succession, Fang Tonghao is now a popular figure in the Security Bureau.

Colleagues in the Security Bureau even called Fang Tonghao friendly detective.

Although, this detective can be regarded as secretly with the help of Li Quan.

Look! It's a cultivator!

Just then, a passerby who was filming pointed at the two people flying in the sky and shouted.

The cultivator, now announced by Tenglong Kingdom, has become a hot topic on the Internet. Of course, the appearance of Shenlong still ranks first.

The two cultivators in the sky seemed to be fighting.

The aura exuded by the cultivation of one of them is very evil, and it is obvious at a glance that he is a naked evil cultivator, while the other one is full of righteousness, holding a sword, and is chasing the evil cultivator.

Hei Kun, you can't run away anymore! Let's capture him without mercy!

Hahaha! Chang Sheng, why do you think I flew here?!

Hei Kun was suspended in mid-air, laughing and asking Chang Sheng.

Huh? No! Hei Kun! The world of cultivation does not involve ordinary people. Don't you know this rule?!

Rules? Rules are dead! People are alive.

Why should we be bound by rules?

As long as I kill everyone here, I can successfully practice the Blood Demon Technique!

When the time comes, I can achieve the body of a blood demon and become immortal!

I want to see who else is my opponent in this world?!

While speaking, Hei Kun raised his right hand high, and a ball of blood began to condense, and gradually expanded, eventually expanding to a size of more than 20 meters.

not good!

Seeing this, Chang Sheng began to condense his handprints, and while he was chanting a mantra, a Yin-Yang Tai Chi pattern appeared behind his back.

Yin and Yang are infinite, Taishang Dao's decree, Taiji Yin and Yang seal!

The Yin Yang Tai Chi pattern continued to expand, moving towards the blood beads in Hei Kun's hand.

Chang Sheng, you are still too naive.

After Hei Kun mocked Chang Sheng, he crushed the blood mass with one hand. At the same time, the crushed blood mass, like meteor droplets, hit all the passers-by in the square.

not good!

The sudden battle caught everyone off guard, and the people watching in the square would suffer because of this.

Li Quan stood up and ran towards Li Lan quickly, because a ball of blood was heading towards Li Lan.

However, a scene that dumbfounded Li Quan appeared.

Li Lan just silently glanced at the incoming blood beads, then stretched out his little hand and flicked the blood beads away in an instant.

Then he continued to play with the child who was playing with him, but unfortunately, the child was already frightened by the scene around him.

Li Quan was relieved when he saw this.

He almost forgot that Li Lan's true identity was the Dragon Vein of Heaven and Earth.

As the Dragon Vein of Heaven and Earth, doesn’t Li Lan still have some means?

However, Li Lan was fine, but the passers-by around him were in trouble.

Blood drops fell on passers-by, constantly eroding the blood on passers-by.

It won't be long before anyone hit by the blood beads will die due to the loss of blood.

Li Quan?

Fang Tonghao on the side glanced at Li Quan. Upon seeing this, Li Quan nodded silently.

Blood is 90% water, that's why.

Li Quan used the water control technique to forcibly stop the blood beads.

Sure enough, just as Li Quan thought, all the blood beads stopped.

Not only that, the blood in Hei Kun's body, which was fighting Chang Sheng, was also stopped by Lin Bei.

The blood stopped flowing, and Hei Kun was stunned for a moment. Chang Sheng seized the opportunity and knocked Hei Kun unconscious with a sword.

There was no killing, because there were children here, and killing people might cast a shadow on the future of these children.

Hei Kun was knocked unconscious, and all the blood beads stopped running and turned into an ordinary drop of blood.

After Chang Sheng caught Hei Kun, he shouted to everyone around him with a respectful look on his face: I wonder which senior made the move?

Would you like to come forward and meet me?

However, after hearing this, Li Quan ignored it. Instead, he hugged Li Lan and left with Fang Tonghao.

Chang Sheng stayed in mid-air for several minutes. Except for passers-by taking photos on the ground, the so-called senior did not appear.

Could it be that senior doesn't want to show up?

It seems that I was rude, but if it weren't for senior, everyone here would probably be dead.

Having said this, Chang Sheng left with Hei Kun.

He is one of the Dragon Guards, and his strength is also at the top level, a foundation-building powerhouse.

Although in ancient times, foundation building was nothing, but nowadays, it is a top-notch master.

Dad, why didn't you stand up just now and say that you are the senior he said?

On the way, Li Lan looked at Li Quan with a puzzled look and asked.

Haha, well, if dad steps forward now, our quiet life will be disturbed.

You don't want us to live like those big stars, right?

Even dragon guards like Chang Sheng need to wear masks to perform tasks. Once their true identity is discovered, trouble will surely follow.

Unless dad can hide his face just now, otherwise, it's better to keep a low profile.

It's easy for Dad to hide himself.

Dad, have you forgotten that your dragon scales are actually clothes?

Li Lan said to Li Quan seriously.

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