Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 140 Insufficient Strength Needs Improvement

Ang! Accompanied by a powerful dragon roar that suddenly resounded throughout the galaxy, Dongfang Qingwan finally succeeded in breaking through the super galaxy level.

If it weren't for Li Quan's help, Dongfang Qingwan would have disappeared into thin air.

After all, he had not felt the energy baptism from the extragalactic galaxy for hundreds of millions of years, and the next time he came into contact, he immediately broke through. As a result, his body was not adapted to the energy impact from the extragalactic galaxy, and he almost died.

Fortunately, with Li Quan's help, the whole process was a success.

Thank you, Lord True Dragon, for your help! After successfully breaking through to the super galaxy level, the first thing Dongfang Qingwan did was not to show off her own power, but to thank Li Quan.

Without Li Quan, there would be no new Dongfang Qingwan.

Okay, for the sake of you being my dragon clan, I will help you just once.

Remember, don't let me down.

Please rest assured, Lord True Dragon! Qingwan will definitely bow and follow closely, treating death as life!

Okay, in that case, you can guard the galaxy on my behalf.

Under normal circumstances, a super-galaxy-level powerhouse can dominate an extragalactic galaxy in the universe.

A mere Milky Way galaxy, located among extragalactic galaxies, occupying such a place is simply overkill.

After all, every super-galaxy level powerhouse is in charge of an extragalactic galaxy.

Not only that, as long as you become a super galaxy level powerhouse, your life span will be directly increased to 10 billion years.

And because of the dragon clan and race, Dongfang Qingwan's lifespan has directly reached the terrifying 100 billion years.

However, if you are just asked to take care of the galaxy, it may be overkill.

Let's do this. You can take my place and gather all the dragons in the extragalactic galaxy together.

Now that Li Quan knew that the dragon race was the top race in the universe, he naturally had a bold idea.

Develop the dragon clan to dominate the entire universe!

Yes! Lord True Dragon!

Originally, Dongfang Qingwan, who had successfully broken through to the super galaxy level, still felt a little aggrieved. After all, her strength could easily destroy the entire galaxy.

Letting her sit directly in the Milky Way is simply overkill. Now that Li Quan has appointed Dongfang Qingwan to start bringing the dragon clan together, Dongfang Qingwan is much happier.

Nothing compares to the joy of leaving the galaxy.

It has been 'sealed' in the Milky Way for hundreds of millions of years, and now it is freed from the trap and flies directly towards the sea of ​​stars!

If you, Lord True Dragon, have no other instructions, Qingwan will leave first.

Suppressing the joy in her heart, Dongfang Qingwan said to Li Quan.

Well, okay, you can go. After hearing this, Li Quan waved his hand towards Dongfang Qingwan and said.

Seeing Dongfang Qingwan disappear in an instant, Li Quan mobilized his system template.

Species: dragon

LV.132 (one hundred billion/two gigabit)

Body length: two trillion meters

Abilities: Devouring, form transformation, lightning control, five elements, heart-protecting dragon scales, dragon power, dragon soaring, law of heaven and earth, dragon concealment, transformation, shrinking the earth into an inch, Bagua Ruyi Formation, the power of the virtual dragon, dragon Blood Technique, Dragon Qi Amplification

Wealth value: 850 billion.

Because the seal of the Milky Way was directly broken, at this time, Li Quan's experience points also began to move, heading towards the super galaxy.

It seems that it's time to improve my strength. Li Quan touched his chin and sighed.

However, if you just swallow one energy body now, you can only contribute so many billions of experience, which is really too little.

If you want to increase your strength quickly, you must devour things with more energy.

For example: galaxies!

Although Li Quan has never done this before, directly swallowing a galaxy, this is the fastest way to increase his strength.

Not to mention anything else, Li Quan's devouring ability alone can achieve this step.

As long as you activate your devouring ability to the maximum and expand your size to the maximum, it is enough to directly devour a galaxy.

That's it. Now that he has decided to improve his strength, what he needs to do now is to deal with all his affairs on Blue Star.

After all, there are Li Quan's parents, partners, etc. on Blue Star.

Moreover, their strength is still very weak, even a strong person at the level of a small galaxy can kill them.

Moreover, Li Quan doesn't know how much time it will take to improve his strength this time, so these things must be dealt with.

I saw Li Quan's figure appear on the Blue Star in an instant, not on the island before, but in the villa.

As for Li Lan and Li Ya on the island, they hugged their eggs and left early.

Because the seal of the Milky Way was broken, the body that originally took a month to hatch is now nearly several times faster, taking only a week.

After returning to the small villa, Li Quan sensed that Wang Keyuan was still practicing. As for Ren Hong, it seemed that she was still blushing and snickering because of what happened before.

Li Quan returned to his room, and in a flash, he saw the figures of Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong appearing beside Li Quan's bed.

Wang Keyuan, who was practicing, seemed to feel changes around her. She opened her eyes and found Li Quan sitting in front of her.

After taking a look at the surrounding environment, he realized that he had been taken into the room by Li Quan.

Li Quan, what's the matter with you? For some reason, Wang Keyuan always had an ominous premonition after seeing Li Quan's expression.

Ren Hong on the side seemed to have noticed the changes in the surrounding environment, and then realized that like Wang Keyuan, she had been summoned to the room by Li Quan.

Li Quan, what are you doing?

It's nothing, there's just something I need to talk to you about.

whats the matter?

After hearing what Li Quan said, the two women asked with puzzled faces.

Now that the seal of the Milky Way has been broken, the speed of your cultivation can be said to have doubled. However, because of this, the seal of the Milky Way has been broken, and the Milky Way will be exposed to the eyes of all forces in the universe in the future.

There are many extragalactic galaxies, and the extragalactic galaxy where the Milky Way is located is an extragalactic galaxy called the Kamigawa galaxy.

Outside the Shenhe Galaxy, there are various galaxies of the same level, and there are many strong ones among them, such as small galaxies, large galaxies, and even their own super galaxy strong ones.

And because there is no seal in the Shenhe Galaxy, or there is a seal, and Li Quan doesn't feel it, the enemies he will face in the future will become stronger and stronger.

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