Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 139 The seal of the Milky Way is broken!

Breaking the seal is just a snap of the fingers. As he said this, Li Quan picked up a palm-sized stone on the island, and then attached his dragon energy to it.

The dragon energy transformed this ordinary stone into a dragon weapon in an instant.

Li Quan weighed the stone, then looked at the horizon, and threw it hard into the sky.

I saw that the dragon weapon stone directly broke the barrier of space and was flying continuously at a speed of 10,000 light-years per second.

And just ten seconds later, on top of the seal of the Milky Way, a dragon weapon stone was smashed directly into the seal. The powerful force directly tore apart the seal that could withstand the attack of a powerful person at the level of a large galaxy.

Only super-galaxy level experts can break the seal, but it was so easily broken by Li Quan with a stone as big as a palm.

The moment the seal was broken, the huge dark energy from the extragalactic galaxy poured into the Milky Way crazily.

The speed was very fast. In just a few seconds, Li Quan could already feel that the spiritual energy on the Blue Star was rapidly transforming.

The spiritual power at this time is wrong!

This should be called Lingyuan.

Lingyuan is richer than its psychic energy. Blue Star was already in a stage of ultra-rapid development. Now, after Li Quan broke the seal of the Milky Way, the dark matter energy from extragalactic galaxies finally swept across the entire Milky Way.

The dark matter energy produced by extragalactic galaxies is much higher than that of the Milky Way.

At the same time, this is also an important energy source that is necessary to become a super galaxy level powerhouse, or even a large galaxy level powerhouse!

Without the dark matter energy from extragalactic galaxies, it would be impossible to become a powerful person at the level of a large galaxy or even a powerful person at the super-galaxy level in the sealed environment of the Milky Way.

However, it is possible now.

After the seal of the Milky Way was broken, the remaining small galaxy-level powerhouses in the Milky Way felt at this moment that they could no longer improve their strength and finally moved.

I saw in the Milky Way, the top races in the small galaxy, the peak level powerhouses, involuntarily broke the boundaries and became the powerhouses in the large galaxy level.

Although he has just stepped into the level of a large galaxy, he still has the ability to almost destroy the entire galaxy with a full burst.

After the seal was broken, the strength of the cultivators in the galaxy surged like mushrooms after a spring rain, soaring crazily.

And right in front of Li Quan, Dongfang Qingwan, who has been at the peak of the galaxy level for hundreds of millions of years, is finally about to break through at this moment!

The strength soared crazily, and a powerful force almost swept across the entire Blue Star.

However, Li Quan couldn't let Dongfang Qingwan break through here.

On the Blue Star, although people today, even if they do not practice, their own strength is comparable to the body refining realm physique before the seal of the solar system was broken.

However, Dongfang Qingwan is a strong person who has broken through to the super-galaxy level. But any strong person who can achieve the super-galaxy level, even the kind that has just been promoted, can destroy nearly half of the extragalactic galaxy with all his strength.

Naturally, when a breakthrough occurs, the pressure generated is undoubtedly extremely terrifying, no less than the full power explosion of a small galaxy-level powerhouse.

Therefore, in order to prevent Blue Star from being destroyed by Dongfang Qingwan, Li Quan waved his hand, and then the two of them disappeared in an instant.

In the next second, a full three hundred light years away from the Blue Star, space began to distort. At the same time, the figures of Li Quan and Dongfang Qingwan appeared in this empty space after the battle.

Dongfang Qingwan seemed to know that what she had just done might lead to the destruction of the entire Blue Star. Therefore, when she faced Li Quan's face, there was an unnatural look of embarrassment on her face.

Thank you, Lord True Dragon.

Okay, let's break through. After hearing this, Li Quan waved his hand casually and said.

Seeing this, Dongfang Qingwan's expression finally relaxed a little.

If Li Quan thought that Dongfang Qingwan did it on purpose, he would have slapped Dongfang Qingwan to death long ago, even if Dongfang Qingwan is a member of the dragon clan, and is the most powerful dragon clan that Li Quan has ever seen. .

Fortunately, Li Quan knew that Dongfang Qingwan didn't do it on purpose.

After Dongfang Qingwan felt the aura around her, she found that there were no other living beings within hundreds of light years. She could safely break through without worrying about affecting other people.

However, the reason why there are no other living beings is naturally because this place is the place where Huo Lin, Beichen and Dongfang Qingwan fought against Feng Jiutian.

Except for some broken energy left here, all other creatures are dead.

Relaxing, Dongfang Qingwan loosened the control on herself, and saw the energy from the extragalactic galaxy pouring into Dongfang Qingwan's body.

The huge energy acted directly on Dongfang Qingwan's body. Dongfang Qingwan could only feel that countless energies were beating crazily in her body.

He just wanted to tear her body into pieces.

If a strong man at the level of a large galaxy wants to break through to a strong man at the super-galaxy level, he must endure the baptism of super energy from extragalactic galaxies.

If you can survive, you can become a super galaxy-level powerhouse. If you can't survive, you can only be blasted by the super energy.

Dongfang Qingwan clenched her teeth, her expression was filled with pain, and the pressure on her body was spreading to the surroundings all the time.

Even though he deliberately suppressed his own pressure, within a radius of hundreds of light years, he had been shrouded in Dongfang Qingwan's pressure for a long time.

It seems that Dongfang Qingwan's background is not enough.

Seeing the pained expression on Dongfang Qingwan's face and observing the strength of Dongfang Qingwan's body, Li Quan sighed helplessly.

Li Quan suddenly took action, and his own dragon energy began to bless Dongfang Qingwan's body.

And Dongfang Qingwan's body, which was about to be torn apart, became much stronger after receiving the help of Li Quan's dragon energy.

Dongfang Qingwan, who was originally unable to resist the super-powerful energy impact, finally resisted at this moment!

Note: As mentioned in the previous article, there are extragalactic galaxies outside the Milky Way.

It is indeed an extragalactic galaxy, but the Milky Way is also one of the extragalactic galaxies.

After checking the data, we found that the Milky Way belongs to a super-galaxy group. Nowadays, extragalactic galaxies are defined as being ten thousand times larger than the Milky Way. In this way, we can only make mistakes.

The realm strength remains unchanged. Small galaxies are equal to the solar system, large galaxies are equal to the Milky Way, and super galaxies are extragalactic galaxies. That's it. There are three more updates, eh eh eh.

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