Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 13 Methods of Harvesting Wealth Value

After going on a plane, killing Zhang Jing and saving the plane, Li Quan returned to Jiangdu where he was.

At this time, the Internet had already exploded, but it had nothing to do with Li Quan.

On the contrary, the bigger this matter becomes, the more advantage Li Quan will have.

After all, as long as things get serious, Li Quan's popularity will expand rapidly.

Although, it is only famous in Shenlong state.

After returning to Jiangdu City, Li Quan returned to his small rental house.

At this time, Fang Tonghao called.

As before, Fang Tonghao made nearly a dozen calls.

Hey, Mouse, what's the matter?

Li Quan asked with a hint of doubt.

On the other end of the phone, Fang Tonghao was silent for a moment, then asked Li Quan: Li Quan, tell me honestly, did you make that dragon?

Don't worry, I won't tell the second person about this. At the same time, this phone call is absolutely confidential and will not be monitored by others.

On the other end of the phone, Fang Tonghao's tone was very serious, obviously he took this matter very seriously.

What would you do if I said I was the dragon?


Are you sure you're not joking?

You and I have known each other for so many years, do you think I am someone who likes to joke?

Li Quan's tone had a hint of ridicule, but Fang Tonghao didn't know how to describe his current mood.

Dragon, does it really exist?

Do you need me to prove it in front of you in person?

No, no need!

Forget it, this incident has a great impact on me. I need to take a few days to relax.

By the way, Mouse, I have something to give you.


Fang Tonghao asked with confusion when he heard that Li Quan wanted to give him something.

A recording, wait a minute, I'll send it to you.

Wait a minute. At this time, Fang Tonghao suddenly stopped Li Quan and responded quickly. Let me deal with the things on our mobile phones first, and encrypt the mobile phones first.

Since Li Quan has something to give to Fang Tonghao, this kind of thing is not trivial. In order to keep it secret, only adequate protection measures can be taken.

Soon, Fang Tonghao called again. After Li Quan answered the call, he only heard Fang Tonghao say: It's okay, feel free to pass it over.

Why don't you go to such trouble?

After Li Quan complained, he hung up the phone and sent the recording on his cell phone to Fang Tonghao, which contained all the testimony about what Zhang Jing said on the plane.

Li Quan, is this all true?

Is there still a holiday?

After receiving the documents sent by Li Quan, Fang Tonghao asked with a look of surprise.

That's not right! You recorded this recording on the plane, right?

Well, what's wrong?

Li Quan, let me ask you an honest question, do you want to expose your current life?

Fang Tonghao's words suddenly became heavy. After hearing this, Li Quan thought for a while.

If this recording is exposed, then searching for the root cause will lead to Li Quan.

As for Li Quan, although he didn't mind exposing his true identity, the true identity he wanted to reveal was in dragon form, not human form.

Once the human form is exposed, Li Quan is not afraid of trouble, but he will also face paparazzi and other news media tracking him every day, and he will also have to face a series of people asking questions.

Is this kind of life really what Li Quan wants?

Fortunately, Fang Tonghao immediately reminded Li Quan, otherwise Li Quan would have almost forgotten the danger of his true identity being exposed.

As long as Li Quan is in human society, he will face so many troubles unless Li Quan leaves human society.

What should we do?

It's okay. I just need to make a few modifications. Just leave this to me.

While speaking, Fang Tonghao seemed to have thought of something, and continued to ask Li Quan: By the way, Li Quan, if you are interested, would you like to be a superhero for fun?

Superheroes, this was the dream of Li Quan and Fang Tonghao when they were young.

After watching some superhero movie, I dream about saving the world all day long.

However, as they grow older, their thoughts have matured a lot. Now, when Fang Tonghao mentioned the current incident, Li Quan felt a little embarrassed.

Why did you bring up the past things?

Ahem, no, I just wanted to ask you if you are interested.

On the other end of the phone, Fang Tonghao's tone was a little awkward.

After all, who hasn’t been in the second grade?

After hearing this, Li Quan thought about it carefully, maybe this would be a good idea.

As long as Li Quan doesn't reveal his true identity and just appears in the form of a dragon, it's not impossible.

By the way, Li Quan can also appear in the eyes of everyone in human form. He only needs to make some costumes similar to those of a superhero to cover his clothes.

As long as he builds a certain reputation, saves people and makes people believe in him, Li Quan's wealth can be greatly increased.

Not only did he gain good reputation and wealth, but he also fulfilled his childhood dream of becoming a second grade student. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

If I'm interested, what about you?

If you're interested, how about the two of us joining forces?

With my computer skills, I think I can make it into the top ten in the world. Add your strength to it, and it's perfect!

As soon as he said this, Fang Tonghao's tone became excited.

Okay, but I have something to ask you.

whats the matter?

Can you help me investigate if anyone has died tragically on Jianghai Beach recently?

Generally speaking, miserable ghosts are existences that can harm people.

Of course, when it is first born, it will not harm others, but it will take a period of time to gather praise and resentment before it will harm others.

Near Jianghai Beach?

Don't tell me, we actually received a case recently. A man was cut into three parts and his head was thrown into an alley near Jianghai Beach.

His body and thighs were thrown into a trash can a hundred meters away from Jianghai Beach and next to a school two hundred meters away.

Why, why do you ask this all of a sudden?

If I said that I saw the soul of the deceased you mentioned, would you believe it?


This time, Fang Tonghao absolutely trusted Li Quan.

If not for anything else, just because Li Quan today is very unusual.

Li Quan, if you find the deceased, remember to hand him over to us. If you kill him, your image will be affected.

Of course, this is based on the fact that you want to be a public figure.

Fang Tonghao reminded kindly.

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