Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 12 Kill! Another way to obtain wealth value

Otherwise, I will really die on you this time.

Zhang Jing's body suddenly moved and came to life.

wrong! Not alive, but alive in another form.

I saw that Zhang Jing originally had a handsome face, but now it was half skeleton and half normal human face.

I became like this, it's all because of you!


Suddenly, the plane was hit by lightning that struck Zhang Jing on the wing, and it was now out of control.

Did you see it?!

Everyone here will die because of you!

Is it worth it to kill me?!

Zhang Jing's face was full of madness.

The passengers around were scared to death.

If an accident occurs while flying, the mortality rate is almost 99.9%.

It can be said to be a doomed situation.

Facing Zhang Jing's appearance, Li Quan was not afraid at all. Instead, he was curious about Zhang Jing's master.

Being able to possess a lightning protection talisman to avoid thunder is not something that ordinary people can do.

And that evil sword.

Can you tell me who your master is?

After hearing this, Zhang Jing did not answer, but chose to rush towards Li Quan.

At the next scene, all the passengers on the plane were shocked.

Because Zhang Jing, who rushed over, was pinned to the ground by Li Quan with one hand. In addition, all the lightning outside the plane was struck on Li Quan at this moment.

At this time, Li Quan was bathed in the thunder, just like a god in the thunder and lightning, majestic and terrifying.


Zhang Jing is still in the state of overcoming the tribulation. The sky thunder cannot hit Zhang Jing directly because there is a lightning protection talisman on Zhang Jing's body.

But now, Li Quan strangled his neck with one hand, and Tianlei followed Li Quan's arm and struck Zhang Jing directly on the body.

Sky thunder has a restraining effect on evil spirits, because evil spirits are existences that are not recognized by the will of heaven and earth.

Zhang Jing's body, which was still intact, was chopped to pieces, while the other half of the bones were chopped into pieces.

No! No! I am immortal!

However, with the sound of an explosion, Zhang Jing's body exploded in vain.

His soul was shattered, not even his body was left.

Ding, kill the evil spirit and get +50 wealth value.

After Zhang Jing died, Tianlei naturally stopped and began to disperse.

However, the plane was still falling, and it was falling very fast.

After Li Quan silently glanced at everyone, he glanced at the hole above his head that had been opened by thunder, and jumped out.

The mythical hundred-meter dragon was entangled around the crashed plane. The plane that had been falling became stable at this moment, and Li Quan slowly brought it down to the ground.

In the plane, everyone was speechless after seeing Li Quan's body.

Because, this is really amazing.

Dragon! That person just now turned out to be a dragon!

It turns out that the beliefs of our Tenglong Kingdom are all true! Dragons really exist!

Everyone who had survived the disaster had a look of horror on their faces when they recalled what had just happened.

There were no near misses, it was really scary.

It was Shenlong who protected us just now! It was he who found the monster hidden on the plane! It was he who saved us!

At this moment, an old man suddenly shouted, and everyone started to worship Li Quan.

Wealth value +5!

Wealth value +6!

Wealth value +4!

what on earth is it?

Li Quan, who was sending the plane safely to the ground, suddenly saw the wealth value increase prompts coming from his system panel.

There were more than 300 passengers on the plane. Although the wealth value provided was only single digits and most of them were in the +5 range, Li Quan also gained 1620 wealth value instantly.

The originally empty wealth value was directly converted into 1620 at this moment. Adding the 50 wealth points obtained from just killing Zhang Jing, he now has 1670 wealth points.

It was a huge fortune!

Li Quan was still wondering at first. Killing a little devil would give him one point, and killing a red-clothed devil would give him ten points. How many years and months would it take before he could redeem items in the store?

I didn't expect that there is such a way to obtain wealth value.

In other words, if Li Quan wants to collect more wealth, he must appear often.

This method of obtaining seems to require sincere prayers from these people.

And thanking Li Quan from the bottom of my heart, isn't this the same as gaining faith.

After landing safely on the ground, Li Quan let out a dragon's long roar and left under everyone's attention.

Ten minutes after Li Quan left, Teng Longguo's rescue came.

And after taking the confession, Li Quan transformed into a human form to kill the evil ghosts and save their lives, which also broke out like locusts.

The entire Internet was filled with news about dragons.

There was no way, this kind of thing actually happened, and it broke out in an instant, and Tenglong Kingdom couldn't suppress it at all.

In desperation, he could only choose to remain silent and was investigating Li Quan's existence, where he went, etc.

At the same time, in the suburbs of Cheyenne City, there is a large mountain that is in a gloomy state all year round.

An old man who looked strange suddenly opened his eyes.

Master! It's not good, master!

At this time, the door suddenly opened, and a boy who looked to be only five or six years old ran in, holding a tablet in his hand.

Wanzi, what's wrong?

Master! Senior brother was killed!


There was a look of shock on the old man's face, then he took the tablet and clicked on the hot headlines.

The real dragon appears and the evil ghost slays him!

After reading a long exaggerated description of the fight, the old man saw the picture of the evil ghost.

It was the photo of his apprentice Zhang Jing.

Jing'er, are you really a dragon? Are there still dragons in Blue Star today?

Didn't all the dragons leave Blue Star a hundred years ago?!

Why does it still exist?!

Moreover, after seeing Li Quan's hundred-meter-long figure, the old man instantly withered.

If Li Quan was smaller, the old man would consider whether to slay the dragon and avenge Zhang Jing.

However, after seeing the report describing the 100-meter giant dragon.

What is the concept of 100 meters?

In front of Li Quan, he existed like an ant.

It is estimated that Li Quan didn't feel anything when the spell or something hit him.

Master, what's wrong with you?

It's okay, Wanzi, you have to remember that you are the only disciple in my sect from now on, do you understand?

The old man patted the boy's shoulder seriously and said.

Master, that senior brother Zhang Jing

Who is Zhang Jing? Do you know him? Why don't I know this name?

Wanzi looked at the old man pretending to be stupid and didn't know what to say.

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