Dragon Clan: No one wants me, Lu Mingfei

Chapter 201 Lu Mingfei: Your map of Yan State is a bit long

"Red-haired miko? Who is this?"

In the simple blue interface, there is a simple image of a red-haired girl. QQ these days only has the most basic system avatar, and you cannot upload your own photo as an avatar.

Lu Mingfei looked at his friend list. Apart from the group of professional e-sports players, there were only three people, namely [Asuka my wife], [Mediocre handsome guy], and [Rainy Night with a knife].

You know who the first two are without making any remarks, and the last one in the friend list is Chu Zihang. Originally, his nickname was his own name when he first registered on QQ, but after walking around the viaduct, he changed his nickname to his current name. .

Perhaps it was the first actual combat in his life that left an indelible impression on the unsmiling young man. On that heavy rainy night, he and his junior brother were trapped in a car unarmed. In the end, he took a swing stick and tried to break out of the way for his junior brother. He tried to survive, but in the end he couldn't break through the defense of the black-clad dead waiters at all.

At the critical moment, he and his junior brother managed to escape thanks to Master Xia's "gift". In the final stage, the small universe even exploded and killed four Deadpools with a long knife. And every night after that, he thought more than once if he had a knife in his hand, would he be able to lead his junior brother out of the siege?

In order not to repeat the same mistake, Chu Zihang now always carries weapons with him. The reason for changing his nickname is to commemorate everything he experienced on the viaduct on that rainy night, and to remind himself not to slack off in practicing swordsmanship in the future.

Lu Mingfei's own QQ nickname is relatively middle-class - Invincible.

What is the specific connotation? I can only say that everyone understands it, and it is inconvenient to explain it to those who don’t understand it. It can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

Originally, he wanted to give him a nickname that meant he was the only one in the world, but later he found that it was too domineering and could easily be punished, so he changed it to "Under One Person", thinking that when he would be able to beat everyone like Old Xia Tou, he would be one person. Then change it back to "I am the only one".

But after thinking about it carefully, I realized that this nickname sounded weird.

Although Old Xia Tou is indeed a bachelor and has no desire to choose a mate, and Prince Lu is right, it always feels like the eunuch Wei Zhongxian, who is known as the "Nine Thousand Years Old" in his connotation, only intends to securely inherit the throne. Lu Mingfei, who had been crowned president, did not want to be the father-in-law who brought disaster to the country and the people, so he changed his name again.

After looking at the QQ account of the red-haired witch, I first excluded Chen Wenwen. That literary girl would not have such a childish nickname.

Is that the foodie Xiao Xiami?

It shouldn't be. She mentioned during dinner before that she didn't have a computer at home and had never registered a QQ account.

The only girl he knew was excluded. Lu Mingfei wondered if it was Fingel from the other side of the ocean who was teasing him. But that guy would occasionally talk coquettishly, but he shouldn't be pretending to be a woman. As for.

Opening the computer of Lao Xia Tou next to him, Lu Mingfei tried to log into the ordinary Shuaibi account to see if the two adults were working together to trick him.

Remember password is not set and cannot log in.

"Pah!" Lu Mingfei slapped the table and was very dissatisfied: "Who are you guarding against? Do I look like a guy who peeps into other people's privacy? Not everyone is like Astra!"

Lu Mingze, who was hiding in a certain spiritual space and peeping:? ? ?

Are you polite?

After thinking for a while, Lu Mingfei successively excluded Su Xiaoyan and her group of girlfriends.

That leaves only two possibilities:

The first is the prank played by Zhao Menghua's small group. The Xu family's Shuangpang and his classmates A, B and B had a history of pretending to be a girl and writing him a love letter to ask him to go to the woods after school, so they had to guard against it.

The second is telecommunications fraud. As the Internet develops more and more rapidly, those who deceive people through phone calls and text messages have also learned new fraud methods. Many people have been defrauded of the money in their bank cards because they trusted netizens.

After clicking the mouse and choosing to refuse directly, Lu Mingfei let out a long sigh of relief. He almost got tricked, but luckily he was smart.

Enter Chen Wenwen's QQ account. The search result is an account with the nickname "Snow Lotus". The avatar is a girl with long blue hair wearing a hairpin. Click to add a friend.

After the matter was settled, Lu Mingfei looked at the time. It was nine-thirty in the evening. If he had a plate of Star Wars with those big guys, it might be past ten o'clock. By then, his aunt's Hedong Lion's Roar would start ringing again.

Nowadays, his aunt's rules can no longer restrain Lu Mingfei, because his place of residence has changed from his uncle's house to Lao Xia Tou's house. He basically spends three meals a day and activity time here, except for bathing and sleeping. Will go back.

It can be said that his uncle's house is now where he stores his luggage and provides accommodation. This month, his uncle and nephew have not had a meal at the same table. Lu Gucheng painfully discovered that his nephew had completely transformed into Xia Di's shape.

Lu Mingfei didn't know if her aunt would complain behind her back that she was an immature wolf, but she asked Lu Mingze to go to bed on time at 10:30 in the evening. If she didn't go back at 10:00, her aunt would ban her. He called Lu Mingze back for disturbing his sleep.

I was about to turn off the computer and go next door to take a shower and do my homework. Suddenly the computer beeped again, and the profile picture of a blue-haired girl jumped, indicating that his friend application had been approved and he could start chatting.

"So fast?" Lu Mingfei was a little surprised. It only took more than half a minute from when he added friends to when the application was approved. Could it be that Chen Wenwen had been waiting for his friend application in front of the computer, right?

It must be a coincidence.

I clicked on the message and looked at it, it was a smiley face symbol.

Lu Mingfei pretended not to see it and was about to close the chat window, but before he could click the ×, Chen Wenwen sent another message: "Good evening, Lu Mingfei."

The young man's hand paused slightly, worried that if he pretended to be offline and did not reply to her message, he would most likely see a wronged Bala staring at Chen Wenwen at him like a betrayed man tomorrow, so he typed a reply: "Hello to you too ."

"Have you finished your homework? I feel like I have a lot of homework today." A new message came quickly from the other side, which seemed to be a complaint between classmates.

But Lu Mingfei was keenly aware that something was wrong. Could it be that this guy wanted him to lend her his homework to copy? Or even more extreme - want him to help with homework?

Damn it, your parents spend money to let you study because they want their daughter to become a phoenix. They don’t want you to read miscellaneous books after class every day and not do your homework!

After thinking for two seconds, he cautiously replied: "Not yet."

The person opposite was not deterred by his two-word mantra, but continued to chat awkwardly with him on various inexplicable topics. Just when Lu Mingfei couldn't bear it anymore and was about to scold her for being too despicable for delaying other people's homework progress, Chen Wenwen Finally, the picture shows:

"I heard from my classmates that Uncle Xia Di drove your car into the school with you this morning and became the leader of Shilan Middle School. Is this true?"

After the message was sent, she added: "The classmates in the class have different opinions, and I don't know what the truth is. I'm just curious so I'll ask you. If it's inconvenient, forget it :-)"

Looking at these two pieces of information, Lu Mingfei said to himself, "Good guy, Chen Wenwen's map of Yan State is really long. It has been laid out for so long just to get my information, right?"

But with so many people seeing it, he had no need to hide it: "It's true."

"It's true. I always thought that Uncle Xia Di was just a low-key writer. Even my parents don't know about this." Chen Wenwen tried to find out the information about Lao Xia Tou in a roundabout way. Mingfei frowned.

How could this old Xia Tou be messing around with women like Chu Liuxiang? From time to time someone would show up who was interested in him, adding one plus one plus one to Prince Lu's rival.

Fortunately, the enemies at this stage are all Xiao Xiami, and his senior brother will not be his enemy. Xiao Xiami is not afraid of being suppressed by his senior brother. Chen Wenwen even has no desire to let Uncle Xia take another look. No one can threaten him yet. to his position.

It's just that there is no room for others to snore on the side of the bed. An insignificant character like Chen Wenwen should not get involved in the battle for the heir apparent.

Lu Mingfei narrowed his eyes slightly, watching the time passing by, and decisively used the secret method to end the chat - "I'm going to take a shower first, and we'll chat next time."

This move is very powerful, and if used too much, Tianhe may be harmed. Lao Xiatou repeatedly warned that it must not be used indiscriminately, otherwise interpersonal relationships will become very... unspeakable.

When Chen Wenwen saw this, she had no choice but to end the chat: "Okay, let's chat next time:-)"

"Yes!" Lu Mingfei clenched his fist. Without saying a word, he shut down the computer and headed straight to the balcony.

Xia Di, who was watching TV in the living room, saw him scurrying over like a big black mouse, and couldn't help but laugh and curse: "Why are you so impatient? There is a tiger chasing you?"

In the "California Sunshine" villa area in the west of the city, in a duplex villa of more than 400 square meters, Nono, who had just taken a shower, came out of the bathroom wearing blue and white water. He didn't even dry his hair before running back to the room with his slippers. , Nuonuo's mother, who was looking at cutting fruit, shook her head: "You are already in junior high school and you are still so rough."

Back in the bedroom, Nono took off his slippers and sat at the computer desk, wanting to see if the two friend requests he had sent out had been approved.

The dormant screen came back on, and Nono's bright pupils reflected the blue QQ interface. The friend application sent to the narcissist is waiting for verification, while the one sent to the arrogant has been verified. The result is :

TianxiaWudi has rejected your friend application!

"What? How dare he!" The girl, who had just finished bathing, looked as pretty as a flower with her eyebrows raised, as if she had suffered a great shame.

She has always rejected other people's friend requests. When did it become someone else's turn to reject her?

The girl stared fiercely at the account with the stupid bear as its avatar. She applied for a friend again and made a note:

"I'm Shano."

"Humph, I don't believe you can still sit still!" Nono raised a provocative smile, picked up the hair dryer and turned it on. Her red hair was blown wildly by the hot wind, making her look like an arrogant woman. Uninhibited, the witch is laughing arrogantly.

No one in this world can refuse her, no one!

I feel something is wrong, I'm coughing like crazy, and my throat still has a vague rusty smell... Everyone, remember to wear a mask when going out to prevent influenza, influenza A and mycoplasma pneumonia!

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