Chapter 200 Ding~ "Red-haired Miko" applies to add you as a friend!

"You want it? Here it is for you."

Lu Mingfei glanced at the QQ number on the note and casually gave Liu Yuning something that some boys in the class coveted.

"Are you crazy?" Classmate Xiao Liu quickly returned the note and warned in a low voice: "This is the beautiful girl's wish. Even if you don't cherish it, you can't throw it away in front of so many people. Otherwise, you will be dead." When someone loses face and feels hurt, her admirers will also bear a grudge against you."

The film reader who has watched a lot of bloody romantic dramas and stomach-ache love shows solemnly warned Lu Mingfei that he had to pay attention: "Is this serious? Don't fool me."

"You can't be careless about this. If you accidentally leak someone else's QQ account, causing her to be harassed, followed or even molested, the problem will be huge. You know there are a lot of perverts in this society, even if you put the paper After tearing it up and throwing it in the trash, someone picked it up, like a crazy guy... like a perverted killer in a movie."

"Then are you this kind of person?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Of course I'm not." Liu Yuning held his head high and patted his chest, which was where he would wear the league emblem in the future: "Brother, I'm a gentleman and have no interest in three-dimensional women."

"Then what if someone looks as good-looking as the heroine in the animation?" Lu Mingfei put the note in his pocket and prepared to flush the sewer after going home. After all, what Xiao Liu said was decent, if not He knows the moral bottom line of the other party, so he should doubt whether this guy has gone through the trash can.

"Impossible, no one can compare to Asuka, the tsundere with her twin ponytails is invincible in the world!" the film reader insisted, with a firm tone like a priest swearing in church that he would never be lewd by women in his life:

"Even if I die and am nailed in the coffin, I will still shout out from my grave with this rotten voice - Asuka is the best in the world!"

The voice of these words was a bit loud, and the students around him couldn't help but cast their eyes over. Lu Mingfei was shy and chose to take the first step, leaving Liu Yuning standing proudly, accepting the admiring looks of his classmates.

After a slight delay in the classroom, by the time Lu Mingfei arrived at the administration building, Chu Zihang had already stood there in a daze for a while. The coldness of being immersed in his own world made the passing girls couldn't help but clasp their hearts in their hands, feeling that today Chu Zihang's energy was fully charged again.

Not caring about the eyes of others, Chu Zihang was thinking about something, a very important thing.

Today at noon, he and his junior brother were eating in the canteen, and happened to meet Master Xia who was surrounded by leaders and came to the small restaurant. When he saw old Xia Tou wearing a custom-made suit, his hair was meticulously combed, and his every move was filled with success. When I was a child, I was thinking about whether my father, who pretended to be a good-for-nothing, was as high-spirited as Master Xia.

I remember that on the second day of camping during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, he and his junior brother were practicing swordsmanship, and Master Xia and his father were chatting and fishing. Although they were far apart, they could still clearly see the lively discussion between them.

I don’t know what they talked about. Master Xia took out a box of cigars from his arms and handed it to the good-for-nothing dad. Then the man picked up the scissors, trimmed it and put it into his mouth. His posture was skillful and elegant, and he spit out the cigars after passing through his lungs. The thick smoke is like floating clouds in the sky, and the breeze still refuses to disperse.

His vision and memory were very good, and he clearly remembered the packaging of the cigar box. He planned to go back and check it carefully, but unfortunately he could not find similar packaging online.

Until yesterday, "Dad's" business partner came back from a trip to Cuba and brought a box of cigars to him, saying that it would be good to put it in the office for show purposes, and the packaging box of Cuban cigars was the same style as that day.

It is one of the oldest brands of Havana cigars, Partagas cigars, and it is the most famous Giant Crown Lusitania. Although it is not as strong as the Bolivar cigar, known as the "vodka among cigars", it is If a first-time user is not trained, one puff may cause them to cough out their lungs.

But his good-for-nothing dad was so good at it that he didn't even frown when the thick smoke entered his throat, and even blew a smoke ring at Master Xia quite proudly.

At that moment, Chu Zihang guessed that maybe his good-for-nothing dad was not as miserable as he appeared.

Although Chu Tianjiao was working as a driver for the boss of the Black Prince Group and accompanied him to banquets to toast and make witty remarks, the Lu family also had business dealings with the Black Prince Group. "Dad" once took him and his mother to the Black Prince Group's dinner.

And at the dinner, he heard Chairman Shao say with his own ears that he was not used to smoking cigars and did not like the taste of cigars. So as his driver, how could the good-for-nothing dad come into contact with cigars at work or while drinking? What about cigars?

With his meager salary, can he afford a box of top-quality cigars costing tens of thousands of yuan?

Chu Zihang didn't dare to think about it, because it might expose another layer of his good-for-nothing dad's disguise, and destroy the image of his tragic hero that he had finally rebuilt.

If he pretends to be a loser on the surface, but secretly smokes expensive cigars, drinks top-notch wine and alienates his only son, then whether before the divorce...

Just as the depressed look in his eyes became darker and the frost and snow covering his face became thicker and thicker, a voice interrupted his thinking, and at the same time, a warm hand appeared on his head, straightening him. The hairstyle is crumpled into a bird's nest:

"What are you thinking about? You are so absorbed. Are you thinking about when you can take Xia Mi back to meet your parents?"

His thoughts were interrupted. Chu Zihang looked back and saw that the man behind him casually put his suit jacket on his shoulders. His white shirt unbuttoned three buttons to reveal his collarbone. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. There was a smile on his handsome face. A bit joking and easy-going, he looks like an office worker who can finally relax after a tiring day.

Without responding to the ambiguous teasing, Chu Zihang shook his head: "Mom said she planned to take Xia Mi to play with Aunt Yaya and the others after the weekend. Let me ask your opinion."

For well-known reasons, Xia Mi shied away from the fact that her parents were too busy at work and had to take care of her brother from nine to seven every day, so she did not give their godmother Su Xiaoyan their contact information. Instead, she conveniently handed over Xia Di's phone number. So much so that if Su Xiaoyan wanted to take her out to play, she had to find a middleman to negotiate.

"If I have any objections, let's take her out to play. Anyway, this girl wants someone to take care of her food and drink. If you are willing to live with her directly, that's fine." Xia Di said the outrageous words happily.

"Child brides are the dregs of ancient times." Chu Zihang's mouth twitched slightly, but he still did not say these words. He had a hunch that there was definitely something waiting for him behind Lao Xia's head.

"Brother, uncle! I'm coming!"

At this moment, his junior brother arrived in time to relieve his embarrassment, and the depression lingering in his heart was quietly dissipated.

"Children, don't get involved in adults' affairs. I'll help you get revenge when the time comes." Xia Di ruffled the Bingshan boy's straightened hairstyle again, directly hooked the two little kids' shoulders and stuffed them into Rouse Les Phantom, announcing that today he officially has a stable job, has to celebrate.

"Uncle, you haven't told us clearly what happened today." Lu Mingfei was lying on the backrest of the driver's seat, yelling for Xia Di to replace the shotgun with a cannon and become the chairman of the board. Talk through the results.

"That's a long story, so don't tell me." Xia Di waved her hand and drove to the public elementary school to pick up Xiao Longnu. Her plan to win over people was still in the implementation stage, and she had to be sent to please those old women on weekends.

There is no way, the little dragon girl, who is delicate, weak, tough-tongued and greedy, can only do this for now.

That night, after returning home after eating and drinking, Lu Mingfei took out the scale and weighed himself: 115 pounds.

"Have you eaten too much recently?" Lu Mingfei thought about his recent life. The amount of exercise he did every day was morning exercises and lifting dumbbells in the living room at night. The intensity of exercise was much lower than during the winter vacation, but he ate more and more. Abundant, if you continue like this, you should be closer to the body shape of a little fat man.

No, I have to restart my night running plan.

Xiaolu frowned, sat on the ergonomic chair, turned on the computer, and prepared to rub a plate of StarCraft first. By the way, he added Chen Wenwen's QQ, so that he would not ask him again tomorrow why he didn't add her, or if he thought she was annoying again. Category.

When I opened QQ, before I had time to open the component for adding friends, I heard a "ding" sound coming from the small speaker next to the computer, indicating that there was new news.

When he clicked on it, a stranger named "Red-Haired Miko" applied to add him as a friend.

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