Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1095: Blasting

There is no doubt that the use of the illusory stone is not extensive.

Because it can only flaunt the attack type of warfare, it still needs the warrior with the void warfare, and the number of the void warfare can not be too small, or else it can not exert its power.

This is a powerful stone that can extract energy from the void!

Just in line with the sacred ghost book, the heavenly-level Holy Spirit dragon soldier, there are two hundred and forty pieces of void warfare in the virtual ghost book, which can match the exhibitor’s perception of the power of the void, and can draw a lot from the void. The energy to enhance the caster's offensive.

Jiang Shenwu directly launched the ability of the illusory stone, and then, the nine-polar road dark dragon burst!

The power of terror broke out directly from Murong Yu!

This time, the Jiuzhongjidao dark dragon burst is almost five times stronger than Jiang’s offensive in the heyday. This is the role of the illusory stone. Of course, the key is the number of void warfare in the virtual ghost book. Shang Jiang’s perception of the power of the void is almost at the peak of the royal level.

Therefore, the illusory stone can directly draw more than four times the power from the void, so that the initial attack has more than five times the lethality!

And with the increase in Jiang Shenwu's perception of the power of the void, the power of this power will continue to increase.

However, Jiang Shenwu’s killing and destructive power in accordance with the Jiuzhongjidao’s dark dragons has almost reached the flame beam that Murong has just displayed!

The power of terror bursts directly beside Murong!

But then, Murong's body flames condensed into an oval egg-shaped barrier, completely enveloping her own flame phoenix body... The defense of this flame barrier is almost the ultimate level that the royal family can achieve. Ginger Shenwu’s nine-polar road dark dragon burst completely resists isolation!

And these flames seem to be able to burn the void, burning a layer of void outside the body of the phoenix, and when the power of Jiang Shenwu was bombarded, they all rushed into the void, and it was almost impossible to threaten Murong. may……


Murong is not the ninth-tiered peak of the Imperial level. Not only is the attacking ability extremely strong, but the defensive ability is also dripping, and it does not give people a chance!

"Ginger Shenwu, you have a strong attack power, and they are almost the same as my strongest attack. Sure enough, you have hidden a hand, and you want to yin your sister, hehe!"

Murong’s voice rang from above the ring!

However, Jiang Shenwu’s opportunity was to continually explode and devour the past. The flame barrier of the other side was swallowed up. After the flame barrier of the other side was swallowed into the body of Jiang Shenwu, he directly transferred it to him. The power of brilliant stones.

Then, Jiang Shenwu began an unrestricted attack!

The nine-polar road dark dragon burst, the dragon's hegemony's strong attack posture, the virtual ghost book, the virtual stone!

All kinds of means were brought together, and they continued to blast around Murong’s body, so that Murong had no way to take time to counter Jiang Shenwu. During this time, Jiang Shenwu constantly swallowed the flame barrier of each other...

I have to say that the flame barrier strength of the other side is almost sturdy to the extreme, and the power is so rich that it is not swallowed up for a while, but Jiang Shenwu has spread all of it to the glorious stone.

Make sure you can still deal with each other's next offensive.

Moreover, when Jiang Shenwu used the attack of the Jiuzhongjidao Dark Dragon Blast, the other party also continually consumed power to defend. It must be said that Jiang Shenwu’s attack intensity is almost the peak of the royal family, and almost no consumption is required. The same force continues to bombard!

This kind of means has exceeded the perception of people in the whole place. After all, this kind of intensity attack will definitely consume energy soon.

But... Jiang Shenwu is as crazy as the power, and it seems that there is no weakness or weakness.

Finally, in the end, after launching ten offensives of the Nine-Hole Extreme Dark Dragon, Jiang Shenwu felt that the defense of the other side seemed to be a little loose.

The opportunity is coming!

"Flame, shock!"

Jiang Shenwu has just swallowed up too much flame power!

At this time, he directly felt the loosening of the defensive power of the other side. Then, when it does not break out, what time is it?

Under his constant bombardment, the flame barrier of the opponent's defense was loosened. At the same time, Jiang Shenwu broke out with endless flame power, as if a fire came to the other side of the flame phoenix body, and crashed!

At this time, Jiang Shenwu suddenly felt bad.

Just in front of the void in front of him, a emptiness flame burst out and directly bombarded the area where he was. This emptiness flame feels strong, but there is a strange feeling, not the absolute power and destructive power. It seems that there are some strange effects...

However, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, Jiang Shenwu directly exerted the power of brilliant stone, directly resisting this virtual flame!

No matter what attack, what special effect, anyway, it will be right!

The golden light curtain of the brilliant stone appeared in front of the virtual flame. At the same time, Jiang Shenwu discovered that the infinite flame power that he broke out had completely wrapped up the flame phoenix body of Murong.

The flame power that he broke out is equivalent to the strength of several attacks by the other party. It is definitely not easy for the other party to resist!

The strongest strength of oneself, and then turned up three or five times, where is it possible to be resisted by myself? Murong Yu is not the kind of pure defensive type of ancient Fengzu repairers, so she said that she was burned by the flame power!

Murong's own resistance to the flame power is extremely strong, but at this moment, it can not withstand the bombardment of such terrible flame power.

Not to mention the following, there is the bombardment of Jiang Shenwu's continuous three-wave nine-pole polar dragon explosion!

The bombardment of the nine-polar road, the dark dragon burst, the same use of the virtual ghost book, and the power of the illusory stone, is directly in front of Murong Yu from the void, Murong 涟漪 did not have time to block ~www.novelmtl .com~ Her flaming phoenix body, suddenly in the endless flame burning, was rushed out of the ring...

At the same time.

The same is true of Jiang Shenwu!

Although Jiang Shenwu resisted the hollow flame of Murong Yu with brilliant stones, the special effect of the Void Flame turned out to be... push the void together to go outside the ring!

The glorious stone of Jiang Shenwu resisted the offensive of the Nether Flame, but the space in which the whole Black Dragon's body was located was slammed out by the Nether Flame.

Almost at the same time!

Jiang Shenwu and Murong Yu were blasted out of the ring...

Moreover, Jiang Shenwu felt that Murong’s breath seemed to be a little weak. Obviously, under the attack of his infinite flame and the nine-pole polar dragon explosion, Murong Yu became weak and even hit hard.

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