Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1094: Void stone

No one can think of it. When Chu Yuezhen’s battle against Taiwan, he was repeatedly hit hard and even lost his fighting power. He eventually ran out of life.

It’s all because of Jiang Shenwu!

When Chu Yuexi played in a state of full prosperity, he directly crushed the imaginary strongman!

If both sides are in a state of full prosperity, then the virtual human strong will not necessarily lose, after all, there are many means.

But now, the virtual humanity has always been lingering. After all, the injury itself has not healed. For Chu Yuexi, even if it is only defensive, even if it is within a fragrant time, neither side has any results, Chu Yuexi is also Can win.

Because the other party has been injured... Chu Yuezhen does not have to fight hard with each other.

Chu Yuexi does not want to fight hard with each other. It is really too flexible for the other party. Although it has been hurt, the other party’s perception of the power of the void by virtue of the virtual force is not exactly what Chu Yuexi can keep up with.

Therefore, Chu Yuexi was eventually attacked by the other side and suffered injuries. After all, it is not such a strong presence as Jiang Shenwu.

Now Chu Yuezhen, it can be said that the combat power is not as good as Jiang Shenwu.

Therefore, it is normal to be injured in this kind of battle, but she will react quickly and take advantage of the moment when the other side attacks, and then seize the opportunity to counterattack at this time!

Although the other party injured Chu Yueshun, but Chu Yueshen's cold ice offensive is stronger, directly from the other side from a half-injured into a serious injury!

The power of terror continues to break out in the ring, and each time the opponent attacks, Chu Yueshen can grasp the flaws and counterattack the opponents... This is the ability to counterattack, although Chu Yue is not as flexible as the other, but she Change the same, or let the other party always be at a disadvantage!

In the end, Chu Yuexi was seriously injured again, and the opponent was a virtual human... The guy was seriously injured and dying.

After a fragrant time, Ju Chuyi won the battle. There is no doubt that Chu Yuexi entered the semi-finals.

This is what Chu Yue has never thought of. For a time, the original cold-faced face has a faint faintness on it, even if it is under severe injury, it is somewhat awkward.

Of course, anyone who is in this moment will be in a state of turmoil and mood.

But she was seriously injured again...

So it was only Jiang Shenwu who went out to help her in the ring, and then let her sit on her own black dragon's body and fly back.

This is the third time!

Chu Yue became a dragon emperor, and couldn’t help but blush. This is actually a little shameful. Even three serious injuries were saved by Jiang Shenwu... There is no doubt that she can enter four. Strong can be the credit of Jiang Shenwu.

However, Jiang Shenwu himself, but because of the Murong Yu, may not be able to break through the semi-finals...

Anyway, then she just has to watch the war.

Without an accident, Chu Yuexi is unlikely to be the top two. The semi-finals are already the best result. Even in the semi-finals, she is the weakest, probably the fourth, not the third.

After all, the next possible opponents for her are the people like Huang Yun and Murong Yu.


Soon, Jiang Shenwu appeared on the ring, once again facing the ninth-level peak of the ancient phoenix from the ancient phoenix, Murong Yu!

"Let's meet again."

Murong squinted, and the beautiful face was curious: "Jiang Shenwu, I saw your previous battle and found that you didn't use all your strength. I am afraid, I am not your opponent."

This is called showing the enemy weak, let the opponent lose the war, or let the opponent swell, and then make mistakes under the numbness.

But where is Jiang Shenwu?

He also smiled and said: "Where is it. Murong sister, your strength is far more than mine, I can not be your opponent, I am going to see how big the gap with my sister, or else directly Just admit defeat."

"You are really a little slippery."

Murong Yan will obviously not be confused by this "sister". Although she appreciates Jiang Shenwu and even wants to cooperate with him, she must win the battle. Her goal is to win the championship. Come!

Of course, she actually had some contempt for Jiang Shenwu, so she planned to attack Jiang Shenwu directly with all her strength, and blasted Jiang Shenwu to the collapse of the fastest speed!

The last time she played against Jiang Shenwu, she had not used the top soldiers of her Gufeng family, but this time, she decided to show it directly.

Immediately, her two top-level soldiers appeared next to her. They were two fan-like warriors, which burned endless flames. With her incarnation as a phoenix, the temperature of the audience rose. High, even the void is distorted in the heat.

Her strength is too strong!

Then, a flame beam burst into flames, and it slammed into Jiang Shenwu at an unimaginable speed. Moreover, under the circumstances of the flames around, Jiang Shenwu felt that the void was burned and closed, and it was impossible to display the shadows. Come.

This makes Jiang Shenwu somewhat depressed. He seems to need to break through the shadows of the shadows as soon as possible. It all depends on Shangguan Butterfly. When you have time, you must "learn and learn" with her.

At this time, Jiang Shenwu faced the other side's concentrated attack and could not escape. There was only one way left.

Brilliant stone!

The golden light curtain of the brilliant stone once again appeared in front of Jiang Shenwu, and at the same time, the power of Jiang Shenwu's engulfing spread to the surrounding, and the power of the surrounding flame was swallowed up!

The golden light curtain of the brilliant stone unfolds ~www.novelmtl.com~ Blocked by Murong's flame beam bombardment, completely resisting it!

The limit of the glorious stone is to resist the full attack of the super-powerful peak, so it is far from its limit, only... Murong Yu this strongest offensive bombarded the golden light curtain of Jiang Shenwu's brilliant stone Above, let the glorious stone of Jiang Shenwu fall directly into the silence of two months.

If you want to make it back to use, you may have to devour the opponent's three attacks. This is what Jiang Shenwu had worried about before.

The brilliant stone can't be displayed without limit. After all, the attacking strength of the opponent is much more than the previous black dragon demon inheritor!

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu has no choice but to consider other means.

Fortunately, his imaginary ghost book also carried out other aspects of the glory, and at this moment, he finally launched another imaginative ability of the vain book... the glory of the illusory stone ability!

The illusory stone is able to determine the increase in power by virtue of the perception of the power of the void and the virtual warfare on the dragon.

This is a powerful stone that can extract energy from the void!

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