Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1065: Ultimate defense

The imaginary powers are dispatched!

The most powerful imaginary power of the imaginary people is the heavenly imaginary power squad. This kind of thing is also known as Jiang Shenwu, so it is clear how powerful it is for the use of virtual power.

It is because of understanding the opponent that Jiang Shenwu can accurately estimate and confirm how much he can defend against attacks...

Anyway, now Jiang Shenwu’s defense ability has reached its limit!

He swallowed the other side of the distorted void, and the ability to withstand the power of the virtual has reached its peak, and it is still purely resisted by the flesh.

The key now is to resist the opponent's attack, because the opponent has just confronted a Gufeng strongman, so the other side's strength is left, and the other party has not shown the means to quickly restore strength.

Even if he took some kind of recovery medicine in advance, he would not be able to display a similar offensive again.

So as long as Jiang Shenwu resists the other side's move, it will be Jiang Shenwu's home.

At this moment, everyone around is nervously watching the top of the platform of Jiang Shenwu. It can be said that there are 16 seats on the platform. Now, only Jiang Shenwu is the most concerned one.

In any case, it is already very shocking that Jiang Shenwu can fight this virtual human strongman to this extent.

But at this moment, everyone feels that Jiang Shenwu should not have the possibility of resisting the other side's attack.

"You have to use the imaginary powers, oh, would you like me to say that it would be better to use it earlier?"

"That is! The early use of the imaginary power of the soldiers, this Jiang Shenwu can directly step down, and do not have to watch him on the field glory, this feeling is really uncomfortable."

"The dragon gods have such a genius. If you die in the battle of Fujian and Taiwan, it is the most hilarious! I see, the old guy of the virtual human race wants to directly kill the Jiang Shenwu in the ring?"

"I think it is possible! However, this Jiang Shenwu can resist such a powerful offensive, but it is also unexpected."

Many people look straight and shake their heads.

The virtual human family did not expect that Jiang Shenwu’s defense was so powerful. Now, if you use the killer, Jiang Shenwu will probably admit defeat!

Now many people seem to see that Jiang Shenwu should be admitting defeat, because the middle-aged man of the virtual human race used the imaginary powers, but it is the top-level imaginary power soldier, and the middle-aged man of this virtual humanity is not old. Small, the cooperation with the imaginary powers has reached a very high level.

In this way, Jiang Shenwu can never have any way to live if he launches an offensive...

If Jiang Shenwu admits defeat, isn’t there a chance to kill Jiang Shenwu?

This makes many people sigh and sigh!

However, as time went by, many people were still a little surprised. This Jiang Shenwu did not admit defeat, but continued to guard against the middle-aged man of the virtual human race... This kid, still want to continue to resist That attack?

In this scene, the middle-aged man of the virtual human race was somewhat surprised. While concentrating his strength, he provoked the attacking battle pattern in the blue gemstone and calmly asked Jiang Shenwu: "Jiang Shenwu from the Dragon Protoss, You really don't admit defeat, you want to eat me this trick? You know, I don't want to be an enemy of the Dragon Protoss!"

If you kill Jiang Shenwu, then the dragon protoss will certainly be hostile to him. In the future, it may not be easy to do, and some are not convenient.

However, if Jiang can be killed, then he will definitely do it in the case of greeting in advance. This means killing a future enemy. If one day they enter an intermediate ruin together. ?

According to the current growth rate of Jiang Shenwu, this is really too fast. In the future, he will not necessarily be the opponent of Jiang Shenwu.

So if you can kill now, of course, it’s good to kill as soon as possible!

And if you say hello in advance, in the public, the Dragon Protos can not target him for such a reason, this is the safest way!

If it is directly killed, the reaction of the Dragon Protoss is hard to say.

However, what surprised him was that Jiang Shenwu faced his questioning, but he did not respond at all. As if he did not hear it at all, he still maintained the defensive posture as before, and continued to urge the power of the Great Sadness. Moving.

Jiang Shenwu always maintains the strongest defense force!

In fact, at this time, even if he continues to bear the kind of impact for ten times, twenty times, he will not suffer any injuries, and the next offensive will be ten times stronger. Jiang Shenwu will not die!

Because he has swallowed up more than half of the power of the twisted void, and his own defense against the power of the void has reached the limit of the ultimate.

The strength of the other side attacks the body of the dragon of Jiang Shenwu, and the power that can be exerted is less than one tenth!

Seeing that Jiang Shenwu was indifferent, the middle-aged man of the virtual human family sneered in his heart, but on the surface it was a pity that he shook his head. Immediately, the blue gem in front of his virtual totem suddenly burst into blue light~www.novelmtl .com~ These rays penetrate the void, like the sharpest knife cutting the void.

Then, these sharp knifes are directly rolled over to Jiang Shenwu!

The blue emptiness knife is shrouded in the black dragon's body of Jiang Shenwu like a raindrop... The golden light bursts, and the power of darkness swept away!

The blue emptiness knife directly penetrated the golden light defense of Jiang Dabei Tianlong Yin, and then fell on Jiang Shenwu's dark devouring power barrier, and finally penetrated the black dragon's body of Jiang Shenwu!

If Jiang Shenwu does not display a guardian posture, it is likely that this move directly requires the life of Jiang Shenwu.

But now Jiang Shenwu is the strongest defensive form, and has swallowed up two forces of emptiness to enhance their resistance! Therefore, in the face of the strongest offensive of this virtual human being, Jiang Shenwu did not die!

Although he was pierced by some blue hollow knives, the holes quickly healed and he could not be fatally wounded. In fact, even the last time they used the imaginary power attack. Jiang Shenwu, Jiang Shenwu will not die, but the injury will be more serious.

Obviously, this middle-aged man of the virtual human race has now lost the possibility of killing Jiang Shenwu!

Jiang Shenwu’s heart is very clear about this, but the blood on his black dragon’s body splashed out and he was shown by him. This is to confuse the other party and let the other party mistakenly think that he has been seriously injured.


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