Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1064: Blue gem

The middle-aged man of the virtual human race broke out of his own strength, and the infinite power gathered from his virtual **** totem.

He is using some kind of advanced virtual martial arts!

Moreover, Jiang Shenwu can feel that the level of martial arts cultivation of the other side is very high. I am afraid that it has been cultivated to the level of the holy level, and even the whole void is distorted, and a river of twisted voids appears.

If the river that twists the void is swept, Jiang Shenwu is absolutely unable to withstand it. Even the emergence of this twisted-empty river, it also gives off a horrible atmosphere, directly closing the void above the entire platform. .

This is an absolute kind of closure. Jiang Shenwu's understanding of the power of the virtual power is really not comparable to this guy, so Jiang Shenwu can't break the closed void, and use the means of empty shuttle to avoid the other side's attack.

The shadow of the stream is flashing, completely ineffective under the closure of the other side's void!

However, Jiang Shenwu’s discovery that this guy did not use the imaginary power, perhaps because of arrogance? But more likely because of pride, he is a powerful presence of the imperial peak, and his pride makes him better to defeat Jiang Shenwu without using the imaginary power.

Otherwise, if he used all his strength to defeat Jiang Shenwu, wouldn’t he be ridiculed by others?

This is too horrible!

It is necessary to know that the current level of Jiang Shenwu Kehuang is the sixth floor. This inherits the essence of blood. He still needs to use the virtual power to deal with it... This is too weak!

So, this guy didn't use the imaginary power.

And this is the opportunity of Jiang Shenwu!

"Dragons and Dragons!"

"Guardian gesture!"

Jiang Shenwu knows that now is the time to launch all the strengths.

"Da Shou Tian Long Yin! Launch!"

A golden sorrowful dragon seal, this is the heavenly spirit of the dragon, finally appeared in the body of Jiang Shenwu's dark dragon, and burst into a violent golden light, integrated into the black talent defense around him in.

The guardian posture of the dragon!

The Great Sadness Dragon Seal was completely spurred by the 1200th defensive battle pattern that was enchanted!

The defensive ability that broke out, combined with the power of Jiang Shenwu's devouring, can completely resist the opponent's offensive!

Sure enough, the other side of the empty sky swept over, the space passing by was almost twisted, but when bombarded to the black dragon body where Jiang Shenwu is located, he saw the black devour defense force around him, even directly The long river of the blue sky is resisting!

A loud bang, the loud noise broke out.

There was a burst of tremor around the black dragon's body where Jiang Shenwu was located, and a ripple of void was spreading around.

The void above the entire platform trembled!

The space ripples continually blasted toward the surroundings, and Jiang Shenwu’s black dragon’s body was hardly born in this offensive, unscathed, and even the moving bombs were not shaken and moved... the horrible defense ability !

This scene makes everyone around me shocked!

So strong!

The appearance of the first three Netherstorms may be only the tentative offensive of the virtual human strong, but for the virtual human strong, if an attack is not successful, it is absolutely impossible for Jiang Shenwu to resist his second time. offensive.

Therefore, his second attack, in addition to not using the virtual power of the soldiers, basically used all the power.

However, such an attack was actually resisted by Jiang Shenwu from the front!

"The heavenly spirit of the Holy Spirit seems to have been stunned!"

"It's not bad, and it has been stunned by the strongest treacherous stone. Among them, the eight hundred defensive battle lines directly play out the defensive warfare effect of one hundred and two hundred."

"Even if this kid gets this defensive dragon soldier, it is equivalent to making his defense six times stronger. It’s horrible!"

"No, this kid has a good fit with this Holy Spirit dragon soldier, and he has played 70% of the effect, that is, eight times more defense..."

In such a scene, the strong people who watched the situation around the battle of Fujian and Taiwan all changed their faces.

Jiang Shenwu, the great sorrowful dragon seal, the defense ability of this heavenly Holy Spirit dragon soldier is really too strong!

Of course, this great sorrowful dragon seal is a pure defensive warfare. Before Jiang Shenwu had not used it, everyone did not know that he had such a strong defensive ability.

Of course, it is not enough to rely on such a strong defensive ability.

It is impossible for a heavenly-level Holy Spirit dragon soldier to directly let a dragon-level martial artist on the sixth floor of the Imperial Level strike against a virtual human-powered strongman who is at the top of a royal level.

The most important thing is that Jiang Shenwu’s own defense ability is too strong.

This great sorrowful dragon seal only magnifies the defensive ability of Jiang Shenwu itself. If Jiang Shenwu’s own defense is not strong, then the effect of this great sorrowful dragon seal cannot be so considerable.

The most important thing is that Jiang Shenwu’s own defense is too strong!

A variety of refining body dragon martial arts, coupled with the guardian posture of the dragon and the body, let the defense of the **** of the gods of Jiang Shenwu, almost the strongest of all the repairers at this stage, no one!

Even those who are focused on improving the physical body of the demon gods ~www.novelmtl.com~ I am afraid that the strength of the demon **** can not match the strength of the **** of the gods.

This is the power of the dragon!

The martial arts dragon martial arts that Jiang Shenwu practiced, finally shined on the battle of the top ten races.

However, he did not relax because of this. Now Jiang Shenwu is suspended in the ring, still bearing the other side of the distorted emptiness of the long river, but the power of engulfing has surrounded the empty river and began to envelope Devouring the power of it.

Next, the other party should use the virtual power soldier?

Jiang Shenwu thought about it, but all this is entirely in his plan. If the other party uses the words of the imaginary power, then there will be another such offensive. The destructive power may be several times this time. However, Jiang Shenwu still has The method is to counter the opponent's offensive.

that is because……

Jiang Shenwu swallowed the other side of this distorted emptiness long river offensive, and his black dragon's body became more powerful against the power of the void attribute power!

Only, the speed of engulfing is absolutely fast!

Sure enough, the middle-aged man of the virtual humanity saw Jiang Shenwu resisting this offensive, and he did not entangle for too long.

This middle-aged man with a beard and a semi-transparent virtual totem that is shrouded in his body is once again bursting with blue light. At the same time, in front of the virtual totem, there is a silent innocence. The power of the blue gem.

This jewel is his imaginary power soldier!

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