Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 724: plunder

Soon, Jiang Shenwu found a lot of things from the Void Princess.

Among them, there are as many as 30 magic dragons in the level of the upper devil!

If it is converted into a hunting demon score, how much is that?

When Jiang Shenwu saw these thirty upper-class magicians, he even had red eyes.

And then, he also found three extremely high-end magic soldiers from the Crystal Crystal Pendant of the Nether Devil's Princess!

These three magical soldiers, each of which contains incomparably rich magical power, can be taken out alone, and the magical surround can make Jiang Shenwu unable to breathe.

"This magic soldier, I am afraid it is the level of the Holy Spirit, and may even be more advanced!"

Jiang Shenwu thought in his heart.

The Holy Spirit Dragon Soldier, he has not seen it now, only know that the Heavenly Dragons are absolutely impossible to have such a power.

As for whether the three magic soldiers are equal to the level of the Holy Spirit Dragon Soldier, then Jiang Shenwu is not too clear. Anyway, it is very precious. It is converted into a hunting devil's point. I don't know how much it can be exchanged.

These three magic soldiers, one is a short dagger, inlaid with ninety-nine lacquered black crystal crystals, together constitute a magic gas array.

There is also a ring, but she is not wearing it in her hand, but in the storage pendant. This ring seems to contain some space power. The specific use of Jiang Shenwu does not know, anyway, this above The array method is driven by the magic gas, and there is no magic in the body of Jiang Shenwu.

There is also a string of black beads. These beads are completely smooth and have no luster. The lacquer is dark and black, a total of one hundred and nineteen, stringed together. Each black bead is engraved with some magical runes, and I don't know. What does it mean and what does it do?

"Three pieces of magic soldiers, each one is worthless, this time earned a lot!"

Jiang Shenwu carefully put away the three magical soldiers, and of course the thirty magical heroes.

In addition, there are seven magic dragons, which are definitely the magic dragons of the magical level. The value of these seven magic dragons is even higher. Jiang Shenwu directly puts them into his arms, no matter what, even if he Back to Longwu College, these things can not be exposed for the time being.

Seven magical devils, thirty of the upper devils will be magical, for the Void Princess, it is healing, but for Jiang Shenwu, it is a bunch of massive hunting demon points.

Three magic soldiers, and a nameplate that represents the identity of the Void demon royal family, is made of black gold with some magical runes on it to prevent counterfeiting. This material is quite precious, and ordinary people cannot own it.

At this time, Jiang Shenwu also glanced at the space of his own dragon mark blood, and found that the man of the Nether Devil family, many of his body were also captured by the black dragon consciousness, thrown into the space.

There are a total of nine demon magic dragons, and two magical devils, a black dagger, this dagger is covered with a dark and **** atmosphere, and the princess's dagger is different, is the demon of the killing, It looks a lot better.

Of course, the grade may be similar. Maybe the princess's demon soldier has some special effects, which is not known by Jiang Shenwu.

"In any case, wait for the Nether Devil Princess to wake up, these things must not appear in front of her, lest she have any special means to motivate her to run."

Jiang Shenwu thought about it.

He took everything up and began to look at the Nether Princess.

I have to say that this princess's face is very delicate and the facial features are perfect. It is definitely a beauty of a beautiful country. Even if it is compared with Yu Yaji and Yu Tianshang, it is not bad, even Have it.

The key is her identity, which is the princess of the Nether Devil family. It can be seen that the Nether Demon family can compete with the Supreme Dragon, and the overall strength of the Nether Demon family is absolutely strong.

The princess of such a group can be imagined. Her living environment and her elegant temperament are more attractive than Yu Yaji.

It seems that because of the cultivation of the blood of the ancient demon god, the princess's temperament is elegant and charming, full of seductive atmosphere everywhere, before waking up, every move is moving, it is the best woman in the world. .

Unfortunately, Jiang Shenwu is not interested in this.

He just wanted to control the princess and then learned more about her family about the Void.

Then he took the most important things into his hands.

That is the sacred object of the Nether Devil, the Void Holy Magic Ball.

This black sphere is smooth, but unfortunately the power contained in it has been exhausted, and the consciousness has fallen into a deep sleep.

Jiang Shenwu put it in his hands and threw it away. There was nothing in this matter.

He studied it a little bit, he couldn't do it, he didn't find anything different, he could only throw it into the space of the dragon mark blood...

In the space of Jiang Shenwu’s dragon mark, he carries a lot of things with him.

At this moment, when he searched the body of the Nether Devil's princess and determined that there was nothing in her body that could cause a threat, he took a bucket of clear water from the dragon's blood and poured it directly into the bucket. In the face of the Void Princess.

Suddenly, the entire body of the Void Princess was soaked in water, and the wet black robes clung to her seductive curves, leaving her body full of temptation.

After being smothered by the water, the Princess of the Nether Devil finally woke up in a faint...


The Scorpio barrier was broken three days later.

The original dragon of the catastrophe was trying to take the people back, but in the past day, there was no news from the Longwu mainland.

On the contrary, the void monsters around the enchantment seem to be somewhat flustered.

The dragon of the catastrophe in the blue sky grabbed a demon and will directly retrieve its memory and find out that there is something wrong with the sacred sacred ball. Only then does it seem that there is something unexpected about the Scorpio barrier.

He quickly took people to the place, only to find that the gap of the barrier of this day, there is no empty holy magic ball, there is no existence of any empty magic, as if everything does not exist!

It’s just that the Scorpio barrier has been broken through a gap.

In this case, some of the dragons in the Qingtian catastrophe can’t believe it. Is the vain holy magic ball fixed by something?

Soon he made people look for it, and found a stunned laughter next to him. After some inquiries, he realized that there was a powerful dragon, and it was a fight with the Netherball. It seemed to be a void. Suppressed.

As for now, no one knows where the powerful dragon and the void holy magic ball are.

The dragon of the catastrophe in Qingtian personally went down from the gap of the Tianzhu barrier, and did not find any clues. He could only give up. In short, there was some accident in the void of the holy magic ball. Although there was a gap in the barrier of the Tianzhu barrier, the gap was not big. !

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