Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 723: Sleeping and coma

The two giant giants, each exhausted their power and fell into a deep sleep.

The power they broke out had already sent laughter to them and they flew to dozens of miles. They didn’t even know what happened later.

However, Jiang Shenwu is the black dragon consciousness, which is the body that the dragon gods use. Without Jiang Shenwu, there is no dragon god.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu still stayed in place.

The princess of the Nether Devil was originally protected by the Void Holy Magic Ball, but the two sides finally hit, but they stunned the Nether Devil Princess. If there is no Guardian of the Void, I am afraid that this Nether Princess has died. .

It was the man who had been following her, and the man who had been following her for a long time had been completely swallowed up by the black dragon consciousness.

However, some things on the Void Man’s man have not been swallowed up. For example, a magic soldier, and a magical dragon with several powerful monsters, these magical Dans are healing for the Nether Demon family. Resources.

The Void Monster is basically the same thing as the livestock cultivated by the Void Devil, and the Demon of the Nether Demon is the healing medicine of the Nether Demon.

Therefore, the Nether Devil will definitely have some standing.

There are even books that have written some deep magic skills, and they are all left in this void.

Before the black dragon consciousness fell into a deep sleep, all these things were gathered together, and one brain was thrown into the space of Jiang Shenwu's dragon mark blood storage. There is no doubt that these things are quite precious to Jiang Shenwu.

If you take it to redeem the Demon Points, I am afraid that it can be exchanged a lot, and can be replaced with many useful resources for his own cultivation.

Therefore, the black dragon consciousness obviously wants Jiang Shenwu to grow faster. Now the strength of Jiang Shenwu is too weak.


When the Black Dragon consciousness and the Void Holy Magic Ball fell into a deep sleep, Jiang Shenwu and the Nether Devil Princess were also in a coma, and the power fluctuations in the field finally dissipated.

However, on the barrier of the smashed Longwu mainland, there was a huge suction at the huge gap.

After all, the convenience under the Tianzhu barrier is Longwu mainland.

Originally there was a barrier to the Scorpio barrier, so there was no gravity in the place where everyone was there. However, there was a gap in the barrier of the day. Outside of the gap where Jiang Shenwu was located, there was a sudden spread of force, which was to be absorbed into Longwu mainland. Go above.

Just like when it was on the Longwu continent.

If it can't be turned into a dragon warrior, ordinary people can only walk and run on the ground, but can't fly, it is because of gravity.

At this moment, the stunned Jiang Shenwu and the Nether Devil princess were attracted by this gravity and fell directly on the Longwu mainland...

From the top of the sky, fall straight to the top of Longwu mainland!

This location is in the north of Longwu mainland. It is the nearest to Longwu Longwu College.

The two fell, and at least the time of a fragrant incense, which fell into a crater, blasted two cracks on the ground, falling into the vertical and horizontal channels of the underground magma flow...

Jiang Shenwu’s body is tyrannical, even if it is surrounded by magma.

As for the Nether Devil Princess, there are some treasures on the body that fall into the magma, and then she protects her from the magma, and flows along the magma. Jiang Shenwu is also like her, toward the magma river. Flowing deep down.

It took a full three days and three nights.

Jiang Shenwu was the first to wake up. When he woke up, he found himself in a hot magma. His clothes had been burned and burned, and the whole person was naked.

"Before... what happened?"

Jiang Shenwu feels a little headache.

He thought about it carefully, probably still knowing what happened.

The black dragon consciousness appeared, and the battle with the Void Holy Magic Ball, eventually the two sides exhausted and slept, and the Void Holy Magic Ball did not forget to make a gap in the Scorpio barrier.

However, it is also true that there will be such a fierce battle. If the Void Holy Magic Ball does not blast the gap and let the Nether Devil Princess fall to the Longwu Continent, then when the strong one of the Dragon Warriors comes to the place to look at it, they will The Nether Devil princess got caught.

Now they fell and fell directly into the magma river beneath the volcano, and no one really could find them.

"I don't know what's going on outside?"

There are some doubts in Jiang Shenwu’s heart.

He does not know that the dragon of the catastrophe has been ordered to retreat, but now, the threat from the vain holy magic ball has been resolved, even if it was decided to retreat before, when the situation is discovered, it will quickly react and decide to re-hold it. Longwu mainland.

"Hey, is that the princess of the Void?"

Jiang Shenwu climbed out of the magma pool, and in a blink of an eye, he saw the Princess of the Void, who was protected by a magical force.

It is still the graceful figure, and the charming and beautiful face.

But now... the magic that protects her has almost disappeared, and even the tight-fitting black clothes on her body have been burned a large part of the magma, and the original white skin is now burnt into coke. .

Obviously, the emptiness of the Void Princess is not strong.

"It seems that the cultivation of the realm is not high, perhaps it is an ordinary void democrat royal family, the strength is not strong, so it is necessary to protect the man before."

Jiang Shenwu thought in his heart.

He thought for a moment, since the Nether Devil princess is not strong, then save her first, perhaps ask some secrets about the Void.

He thought of doing it, and took the body of the Void Princess from the magma pool.

At this time, the magical body of the body of the Void Princess was just completely consumed by the light, and the tight black body of the body was burned by the magma.

The white body was actually held in his arms by Jiang Shenwu.

Under this circumstance, Jiang Shenwu is a teenager who naturally has some blood and blood floating. Fortunately, his endurance is very extraordinary~www.novelmtl.com~ not to mention the other party is the princess of the Nether Devil family. For her, Jiang Shenwu is naturally not Maybe something really is going to happen.

Even his subjectiveness is not interested in her, just as a **** teenager, in the face of such a beautiful person, naturally, there will be some blood and shaking.

He raised his hand and took out two black robes from the space of the dragon's blood, one on his body and the other on the Nether Princess.

Then, with the power of swallowing, she recovered the burning place on her body.

Finally, he took out some tough ropes made from the monster's blood, and tied the Nether Princess to a dark stone. This black stone was burned by the magma. ash.

Jiang Shenwu began to squat on the Nether Princess.

She wears some jewellery. There must be some treasures in the jewellery. Jiang Shenwu can't let the other party have the possibility of turning over, so I have to take away the things on the other side in advance.

No matter what, it is impossible to leave it to the other party!

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