Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 651: challenge the limit

The three-eyed demon is a very powerful lineage among the void creatures.

This pedigree, once broken through the three-eye magic, is the most difficult opponent among the void monsters.

Someone once had a three-eye demon in the place where they were experienced. It was only the second demon in the reincarnation of the robbery, but the dragon emperor in the Tianzhu District was given a slap in the face. If it was not in time, I am afraid it will be hit hard.

Of course, the students in the Tianzhu District challenged and experienced, all of them came out... However, even if one person appeared, the strength comparison is obvious.

The three-eyed demon is more powerful than the virtual monster in the same realm, and if it is a three-eyed demon, the gap is even greater.

At this moment, a three-eyed demon, the reincarnation of the fifth-level magic of the fifth level of the robbery, unexpectedly... was killed by Jiang Shenwu in the field!

How can this be?

Don't say Chu Qingyun and other students, even the dragon emperors who watched some wars around them were all surprised.

This situation is really unexpected.

You must know that Jiang Shenwu, as the leader of the three, is naturally recognized as the strongest.

He is the sixth most important in the Nirvana!

This is a realm of realm, can actually kill the three-eye magic that is recognized as the sixth most important in reincarnation?


This is a major battle to kill the opponent!

And the most important thing is that at the beginning, the magical spirit of the field was spread and spread throughout the audience. Most of the students around did not know what happened in the field.

How was the three-eyed demon killed by Jiang Shenwu?

The means by which the last three people showed up seemed to be no different.

Laughing flowers and white skirt girls are the kind of original dragon martial arts before the exhibition, and Jiang Shenwu top is to cooperate with the big wild "swing" magic sword... What is going on?

Three eyes are so strong, how can they be seized by them to get rid of them?

Even with speed, the three-eyed demon can't be caught by them!

How can they get rid of each other when they are not touching each other?

As for the situation, there are only a few strong players in the field to see it. Of course, they don't see it, but they feel it. The powerful Dragon Warrior's perception of power has reached an extremely acute level.

For example, some of the dragon emperors in the field, as well as the top Longwu college students such as Yu Tianshang, Qin Tianzi, Feng Lige, they clearly feel the situation in the field.

The three-eyed demon spirit launched two violent offensives against Jiang Shenwu, but these two violent offensives did not kill Jiang Shenwu, but only caused him to be seriously injured.

After the serious injury of Jiang Shenwu, he directly countered the power of the other party's magical power, so that the three-eyed magic spirit could not be prevented, and it was too late to react. It was directly hit by two forces of its own.

In this case, the three-eyed demon has been seriously injured, but it will not die.

But then, it was the offensive of the laughing flowers and the white skirt girl.

The attacks of the two women seem to be no different from the previous ones. In comparison, the white-haired girl’s ice-breaking scorpion is much stronger. After all, she has now broken through the first round of reincarnation, and the body’s ice is a “sexual” talent. Force, already has the special "sex" of reincarnation.

This makes her attack ability stronger, almost a metamorphosis.

In combination with Jiang Shenwu's use of the power of the Great Sword, he attacked and directly smashed the three eyes that had been seriously injured into pieces.

In fact, the attack of the three can only be regarded as an embellishment, or a foil, the main force that really kills the three-eyed demon, or the two kinds of magical power from its own.

In order to quickly kill Jiang Shenwu, the three-eye demon spirit directly broke out the strongest magical technique. Unfortunately, this strongest magical technique was swallowed by Jiang Shenwu, killing the three-eye demon itself.

The speculation of the three-eyed demon is correct. If Jiang Shenwu develops and grows up, he will definitely become the enemy of the void demons.

But unfortunately, it can't pass this news back to its ethnic group.

And Jiang Shenwu, after killing the three-eyed demon, will surely rise to become a stronger existence!

Jiang Shenwu feels that if he encounters such an opponent again, it will be impossible even if he is seriously injured, because he intends to cultivate a high-end source dragon martial arts of a refining body...


In the field, Jiang Shenwu can be surprised by the outside people, he directly asked to deal with the next one.

That is the limit of the students in Yuheng District, the sixth middle-class demon in the reincarnation!

Even if you just come with one, it is comparable to the three-eye magic that you just got, and maybe even stronger!

Of course, Jiang Shenwu can kill three eyes, and it should be no problem to deal with a similar opponent.

It’s just that everyone is looking at the field. It is obvious that Jiang Shenwu is now seriously injured, **** and bloody, and flesh and blood are flying out. It is a serious injury that has been destroyed by the magic gas.

Although it is a relatively quick recovery, it is really possible to deal with the sixth-class mid-level demon of reincarnation.

"This is the limit!"

"This is not the first time we have trained the students to challenge the limits, but it is the first time that the students in Yuheng District have challenged the limits!"

"Do you say that this **** **** can pass?"

"I feel that I have stabilized. Even the three-eyed demon is not his opponent. Even if I come to the sixth-class mid-level demon of the robbery, what can I do?"

"Yes, this Jiang Shenwu has no one to get him."

Many people have been talking on the sidelines.

Some of the students who were worried that Jiang Shenwu had become too strong and robbed them of their position, now they are secretly feeling, and then shaking their heads, such genius, they are simply not allowed.

Even if they snatched their Tianquan District and Tianzhu District, they could only recognize it.

Now Jiang Shenwu can even say that he can already deal with the dragon king of the first level of reincarnation.

Only on the Longwu mainland, the older generation of the Dragon Emperor is basically the seventh most important reincarnation, and only some of the talented elites of Longwu Academy will have the first dragon in the reincarnation, and the number is also extremely Less.

"Are you okay? Can you continue?"

Laughter can't help but ask a question~www.novelmtl.com~ Although she knows that Jiang Shenwu recovered quickly, she looked at Jiang Shenwu's body with bright red blood, still worried, feeling quite shocking.

In this way of fighting, she couldn’t even think about it, and she was hurt by herself, and then she killed the other person... it’s amazing!

Jiang Shenwu’s endurance is not the absolute first in the world. Otherwise, he can’t use this kind of fighting.

"no problem."

Jiang Shenwu nodded and answered affirmatively.

Now his injury looks very serious, but in fact it is almost good, he has swallowed a demon king of the demon, basically only the skin injury that looks very serious.

Then, their next opponent appeared in front of them! Dragon Blood God of War

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