Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 650: This is impossible

Obviously, the three-eyed demon did not even think that a move would kill Jiang Shenwu.

After the most powerful magical attack on Jiang Shenwu, the first time I wanted to turn around and deal with the laughter and spend two women, and strive for more time to kill one.

But it turned around, but found that the black dragons who were attacked by it did not die!

What is the situation?

The three-eyed demon has a face, but it is the quickest reaction. It feels that the black dragon dragon warrior has not been dead, but he has been seriously injured. Then he can launch this attack again. The guy completely killed.

Even so, after killing the black dragon, there is definitely no time for it to deal with the remaining two women, but... the sixth black dragon of Nirvana’s robbery can withstand its full blow!

This also means that this black dragon is an extremely important existence of the dragon warrior!

Once such a existence grows up, it poses a great threat to the emptiness of the evil spirits. If it cannot be removed, the future is likely to become a big worry for the emptiness of the evil spirits.

Therefore, when the three-eyed demon saw Jiang Shenwu not dead, he directly regarded him as the biggest enemy.

This son, will kill!

Even if the other two women do not kill, they must kill Jiang Shenwu, otherwise they will endless trouble!

Just as the three-eyed demon thought so, its next wave of offensives had already erupted. It was a magical temperament, turning into a magical storm, at the fastest speed, facing the Jiang Shenwu.

This is a super magic trick!

The horror of the emptiness of the magical monsters, even the level of the high-level dragon martial arts, so broke out, suddenly let the magic screaming into the audience, and instantly came to Jiang Shenwu!

At this time, Jiang Shenwu even made the decision to bear the other side's blow. The attack of the other party has already arrived. It can be seen that the speed of these three eyes is too fast.

Soon, Jiang Shenwu can't react!

Fortunately, his swallowing dragon marks have covered him all over the body. When the other party’s magic storm swept over, Jiang Shenwu once again swallowed half of the attacking power of the opponent, and then the remaining half of the force, all bombarded in Jiang Shenwu’s Body.

Even the big desolate sword did not have time to recover.

The power of the Great Desolation Sword has just been defeated. It takes a certain amount of time to reunite it, and the Three-Eyed Devil does not give Jiang Shenwu a little bit of time. The stormy offensive immediately slams into it.

The remaining half of the power, condensed into the infinite magic storm bombarded the body of the **** Shenlong of Jiang Shenwu!

According to the general situation, Jiang Shenwu has suffered two such attacks in succession. Basically, there is no possibility of living. If he is replaced by any other dragon warrior in the Yuheng District, there is no possibility of survival.

But Jiang Shenwu is different.

Because...when I just took the other side's blow, Jiang Shenwu's dragon's body has strengthened its resistance to magic because of the power of swallowing!

The magical power that belongs to the void monster, Jiang Shenwu has not been in contact for a while, so the battle half a month ago will not work now.

"I knew that I had to deal with a fourth-weight mid-level demon."

Jiang Shenwu thought in his heart.

In this case, he could not have suffered such a serious injury at all.

Of course, it is still okay now. The situation is not terrible to irreparable. Because of the power of Jiang Shenwu, his resistance to the power of magic has suddenly risen to a very high level.

The second attack of the opponent, although it fell to Jiang Shenwu, although stronger than the first time, but the damage suffered by Jiang Shenwu is not as serious as the first time.

The dragon 秽 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速 迅速!

His black dragon's body is like the steel barrier that can't be broken anyway, squatting in the center of the land, flying proudly!

"The power of both attacks has been swallowed up by me, and I have to shoot immediately!"

Ginger God swallowed the opponent's second half of the attack, almost no thoughts, and immediately returned to the three eyes of the magic spirit.

The three-eyed demon launched the second offensive. It has not yet been found that Jiang Shenwu is still dead, and he faces a stronger magical explosion... The magical power that Jiang Shenwu broke out is the first two eyes of the three spirits. A combination of secondary attacks.

The vast sea of ​​magic, and the violent magic storm, intertwined with each other, and came to the face of the three-eyed demon at an extremely horrible speed!

The reaction of the three-eyed demon was already very fast, but for a time, it was not discovered that these magical forces were used by Jiang Shenwu to attack it.

It is only a little doubtful. Are these forces just released by themselves? How do you reappear in the field now...

But soon it was noticed that it was not right, and its response speed was not unpleasant, but Jiang Shenwu’s counterattack against this attack came from its own attack.

Its attack is too fast!

When the three-eyed demon is slightly aware that something is wrong, it is too late to dodge, and the endless sea of ​​magic and the magic storm ~www.novelmtl.com~ roll from the void, instantly put it Drowned completely!

at the same time!

"The Great Desolation Sword!"

"Ask flowers are full of words!"

"Ice cracks the sky!"

The attacking power of the three men of Jiang Shenwu also broke out at this time, and they came to the three-eyed demon.

The three offensives broke out and instantly swayed the magic in the field. The place that was originally covered by the magic gas suddenly became clear, and the dragon warriors outside could see the situation in the field.

"This is impossible!"

When they saw the situation in the field, everyone almost stunned, especially the Chu Qingyun hidden in the crowd, but also screamed out.

Everyone did not expect that the result would be in front of them.

Originally, they felt that with the strength of the three-eyed demon, they could completely kill one of them and then force the other two to abstain, but now it seems that they are too naive.

The three eyes of the three-eyed demon are hit by the attack of the three gods of Jiang Shenwu!

The three eyes burst in an instant, and it seemed to have not carried out any defense. It was so shattered by the three men of Jiang Shenwu. The whole magic body was shattered as if it had been shattered. It broke into the experience field and became a piece. Corroded black debris!

The three-eyed demon is completely broken!

The horror demon body, which is six hundred feet long, was completely shattered. This scene completely exceeded the imagination of the dragon warriors outside.

This is impossible!

The voice of Chu Qingyun is also the voice of all other dragon warriors!

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