Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 502: Chu Yu performance

When signing opponents, it also determines the time they challenge.

However, the group of four members of the prince and the prince, challenged Qin Shouzhi, is the seventh group of all groups.

This is still relatively advanced, but it is not the first group to play, so that they can have a little insight into the strength of the students of the East Emperor Longwu College.

After the draw, the first group of geniuses came into play.

It is two men and two women, a total of four very talented young genius dragon warriors, each one is the dragon king level inheritance blood!

One of them was still promoted from the same melee.

Of course, although he did not know him, Jiang Shenwu did not pay attention to the young man.

At this moment, the two men and two women trails until the center of the military field, looking to the Chu on the stage!

The opponents they draw the lottery are exactly Chu!

Chu Yu looked at them four, slightly estimated their strength, the corner of the mouth slightly tilted, showing a cloud-like look.

However, Jiang Shenwu is very clear about what character this boy is.

Clouds are light?


This guy simply wants to pretend to be a wave...

"Get me as your opponent, you are lucky."

Chu Yu smiled and flew over the martial arts with ease: "It is your honor to be defeated in my hands!"

As a student of Donghuang Longwu College, his strength is naturally much stronger than the talented dragons outside.

But the first round of genius trials, but four hits!

For the 20 selected people, this round is the most difficult round. Whoever loses in this round will become a joke for others!

Chu Yan obviously did not think that he would lose.

His self-confident look makes the two men and two young women in the challenge angry and gnashing their teeth... Is this guy so confident?


The head of the young man has the strongest strength, and instantly turns into the body of a dragon king with a length of more than 400 feet.

The blizzard instantly enveloped the audience and rushed toward the Chu dynasty, which had not yet been turned into a dragon.

When Chu Chu saw it, there was no accident at all.

"Your strength is too weak."

He whispered a word.

Hearing a sentence he said since he took office, the other 19 East Huangwu Academy students who are preparing to appear on the scene just want to kill him...

This guy, so fond of smug?

One hit four, even so confident, there are still some words that are high above, let people listen to want to hit people!

However, Chu Yu is also this virtue.

If someone asks him, it is asking for trouble...

When faced with the force of the other side's blizzard, Chu Yu said a word, it will instantly turn the dragon!

Under the eyes of some people looking forward to the whole place, Chu Yu also turned into a long dragon with a length of four hundred feet, and a golden light barrier instantly enveloped him all over the body!

"What is this dragon martial arts? So bright!"

Everyone was stunned by the golden light.

The golden light, like a small sun, appeared in the martial arts field, completely enveloping the body of the dragon.

This is a trick to defend the dragon martial arts.

Moreover, it is the original source technology!

The most important thing is that Chu Yu has already cultivated it to the peak of the peak!

This is the first-order source technology. Jiang Shenwu once saw it when he exchanged his experience points. He was named "Sunlight Golden Light".

However, he is not interested in defensive dragon martial arts, and it is said that this dragon martial arts, some flashy taste...

In other words, it looks very strong, even opponents who are very close, may be glaring by Jinguang, leading to temporary blindness.

However, its defensive ability, to be true, is far worse than other sources of the same class.

Chu Yu actually chose to practice this trick...

Jiang Shenwu looked in his eyes and his face was twitching.

This guy... How can you make such a bag?

When practicing to the extreme Japanese gold light, the two men and two women, four young genius dragon warriors, who were very close to each other, were suddenly stunned.

Even the other dragon warriors on the battle table, many could not help but close their eyes.

This golden light is too bright!

"What is this dragon martial arts?"

"At least the level of the original dragon martial arts!"

"And cultivated to the heavens!"

“The students of Donghuang Longwu College are really different...”

When everyone opened their eyes and the golden light dissipated in the field, everyone saw that the two men and two women who participated in the competition, the body of the four young geniuses, all fell into the playing field, one A dizzy look, I have already lost my fighting power...

Except for the Dragon Emperor who is close to the peak, the others did not see how Chu was made. As a result, the four were actually defeated.

"That golden light is..."

Everyone was lost, and in this game, they could not see the strength of Donghuang Longwu College.

However, it is clear that only the moment of the golden light dissipated, Chu Yu has already beaten the four people, all lost their fighting power.

This shows that Chu Yu's strength is extremely strong!

Jiang Shenwu squinted his eyes, and even he did not expect that Chu Hao actually cultivated such a source of dragon martial arts ~ www.novelmtl.com ~ that day round Jinguang, simply not the dragon martial arts that normal people will choose!

"It seems that the news of the five people I introduced to them, I am afraid there are some inaccuracies, their strength, this time has improved."

Jiang Shenwu thought about it.

Originally thought that the prince and the prince have joined hands to win the game, but now it seems that there are some unexpected situations, it is really not easy to deal with.

Everyone must work **** the court.

The students of Donghuang Longwu College, once defeated, will become a laughing stock, and will lose the experience points!

Once they win, they will receive more experience points as a reward.

There is no doubt that the students will definitely be desperate.

In the case of so many people drawing together, even if some people know it privately, there is no possibility of deliberately admitting defeat, and if both sides have great rewards, no one will release the water.

"Be careful."

Jiang Shenwu thought about it.

I hope that it will not be careless. From the current performance of Chu Yu, she should be able to imagine that the other four people introduced by Jiang Shenwu must have some hidden means that have never been shown before Jiang Shenwu.

If you are not vigilant, I am afraid that the ship will be overturned in the gutter. The hope of joining the Donghuang Longwu Academy will suddenly fall.

Although it is still very young, there is still another chance, but this failure will have to wait for a year.

If you join Donghuang Longwu College one year in advance, how much improvement can you make?


So this opportunity must be won.

Jiang Shenwu did not expect that Chu Yu would actually practice this kind of baggage, but today there are many games, no one will always pay attention to him.

When he was announced to win, the next set of challengers will be on the scene!

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