Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 38 Chapter 501: Lottery


In Donghuanglongwucheng, a fairly luxurious restaurant, a total of six people sat in the VIP seats.

Jiang Shenwu took the fire phoenix and the sum, and the gimmick dragon emperor took his son, the prince, and a general of the great Liang Longguo, to feast together.

At this moment, Prince Liang Shu, they all know the identity of Jiang Shenwu.

Donghuang Longwu College, official student!

This identity has already shown the power of Jiang Shenwu, its talent is strong, definitely more than someone in the place.

After all, he joined Donghuang Longwu College from the formal channel, and the prince Liang Shu, in the Liangliang Tower, was unable to pass the test of the last layer.

Therefore, even if Jiang Shenwu is not very good at repairing now, everyone is very clear that Jiang Shenwu will definitely become very strong in the future.

Of course, Liang Shuming does not think that Jiang Shenwu now has a strong fighting power...

When he wants to come, Jiang Shenwu must be selected as the 20 trial students this time if he is strong enough.

It is definitely not enough strength to be one of the 20 trial participants.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know... Jiang Shenwu is not too weak to be selected, but it is probably because he is too strong to be selected!

Of course, for this, Jiang Shenwu is naturally lazy.

The key now is to let Liang Shu and the team join hands and win in the next game!

In response to this, there is some information that Jiang Shenwu can say and share.

Other people he did not know, but Bao Peng, Qin Shouzhi, Chu Yu, and Qin Fengyu and Liuhua a total of five people, their combat power, Jiang Shenwu is relatively understandable.

"I will come and talk one by one."

After the two sides became familiar with it, Jiang Shenwu began to introduce these five people.

"If you encounter Chu, his fighting power is not too strong, but you need to pay attention to the following points..."

"If it is a Bao Peng, his defensive dragon martial arts cultivation level is very high..."

"Qin Shouzhi... Although this person has some poison tongues, the character is not good, but the combat power cannot be ignored..."

Explain the basic combat methods of five people.

Then I began to ponder.

The prince Liang Shuming is also a serious look: "I understand. But we will not necessarily draw five of them. If it is one of the other 15 people, it is very likely that you can't use these..."

Jiang Shenwu simply wanted to kill him.

It was not long before he went to the East Emperor Longwu College, of course, it is impossible to be familiar with the fighting style of each student.

Now explain the situation of these five people, just try their luck, in case you run into it?

In the case of preparation, it is naturally more likely to win than if it is not prepared.

This Liang Shu has to dismantle his desk, which makes people unhappy.

However, Jiang Shenwu is too lazy to have a general knowledge of him.

After saying this, after eating, Jiang Shenwu left with two women and returned to the inn.

"Have a good rest tonight. When you are on the court with Liang Shuming tomorrow, discuss it together and pick two more reliable people."

Jiang Shenwu said,

Tonight, he also rested at the inn, and he was too lazy to go back. Anyway, he would have to come back tomorrow.

After the melee, it was the first round of challenges.

The first round of challenges is four hits.

When Jiang Shenwu and Liang Shuo discussed them, the geniuses who participated in the genius trials were everywhere in the entire East Emperor Dragon Wucheng, looking for their teammates.

This is a way to meet other genius testers and the only chance to win.

If you want to join Donghuang Longwu College, you must win the next challenge!

Although the hope is not big, if you can pick a better teammate, it is not impossible to defeat the students of Donghuang Longwu College.

The demand for the second round of the second round is much higher.

But in the first round of four dozens, every year's genius trials still have a lot of people to pass.

That night, it became a sleepless night for many people.

There are still many people who want to find it and Liang Shu, but unfortunately no one knows where they live.

However, they were Liang Shu, and the inn they stayed in was harassed by dozens of people at night. They were some genius dragons who performed well. They wanted to come to Liang Shuo to cooperate.

So Liang Shuo received one by one, and picked two guys who seemed to be pleasing to the eye and decided to let them join in tomorrow.

To be honest, four dozens, in Liang Shuan's view, there is no possibility of losing, as long as the other two do not drag their legs.

As for, of course, he is not worried.

To know that it is the real Donghuang Longwu student, Jiang Shenwu are optimistic people!


the next day.

East Emperor Dragon Wucheng, play the battlefield!

After more than a dozen melee on the first day, today's battle is even more exciting.

Because today, there will be students from the East Emperor Longwu Academy!

The genius Longwu who was out of the line yesterday had a total of more than 200 people.

These two hundred people can form more than 50 teams in total.

Just one night yesterday, there were already more than twenty teams of four people combined. As for the rest, after the scene arrived today, the rest of the people were randomly divided.

If there is hope to become a student of Donghuang Longwu College, basically nothing can be done last night.

Even the strong, no need to go out, someone will come to invite.

So I didn't get to the squad last night, basically there was no hope.

So just look for a few people to join together today, so you can show your face...

Maybe their chosen opponents are not strong, have they really won them?

Donghuang Longwu College, or the five mentor appeared, presided over this genius trial.

The instructors are also very busy.

As soon as they appear, it means that the first round of challenges today is about to begin!

Everyone, according to their respective team of four, went to the stage to register.

Then, five instructors draw together to determine the opponents of each of the four teams.

Jiang Shenwu was on the battle table, watching the lottery with the fire phoenix princess.

The fire phoenix princess seems a little nervous~www.novelmtl.com~ Jiang Shenwu couldn't help but smile: "Don't be nervous, no matter who you draw, you can definitely deal with it."

When I heard the words of Jiang Shenwu, the Princess of Fire Phoenix decided to pray and secretly prayed...

Soon, the lottery results came out.

Of course, the four-member squad composed by the prince, against the Qin Shouzhi in today's first round of challenges!

This result, Jiang Shenwu immediately smiled.

Qin Shouzhi this guy, it seems that this time has suffered!

Before he leaked Qin Shouzhi's fighting style, he did not count him. Even if he faced the challenge of genius, he lost nothing, but he won't have any experience points.

Jiang Shenwu did not get the opportunity to earn the experience points, so what do other people earn less?

What's more, Jiang Shenwu's news is only known to the two princes, and other players do not know.

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