Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 386: Convict tower

Jiang Shenwu looked at these people and "shows" in front of him. However, he had some contempt for this Qingtianlongyuan. I don't think the students of this Qingtianlongyuan are such a guy.

He did not think that he had provoked the group of Bai Lianyu who led him. However, the group seemed to want to deal with him. He specifically called the black youth and the girl Yang Yuewu in front of him to design and frame Jiang Shenwu.

After listening to what the other party said, Jiang Shenwu haha ​​laughed: "Jokes, do you blink and say no words?"

At this time, the two powerful guards of the guest house were already close, although there were only two people, but the momentum would surround everyone in the field so that they could not escape.

They looked serious and looked at the direction of Jiang Shenwu, as well as Yang Yuewu and the black youth. Obviously they knew the black youth and Yang Yue dance. At this moment, they also had some disdain for Jiang Shenwu.

In the Qing Cang Tianlong Court, they are indecent as their students, which is too disappointing?

Still bring back the guests!

However, Jiang Shenwu is still keenly aware that the two strongest guards in the field are not a group with Yang Yue dance. They should be fair. If so, as long as they win their trust, this time will not something's up.

So he explained in a loud voice: "White Rising Yu arranged for me to live in this place. The environment is good. However, you said that I am in my own room, the indecent assault of this Yang Yue dance, it is really unbelievable. It is not her own. Come on, let me be indecent?"

In this case, the two guards said that they felt a little embarrassed.

They did not see the scope of Yang Yuewu entering the guest house, but Yang Yuewu did appear in the room of Jiang Shenwu. This is a fact.

It stands to reason that even if Jiang Shenwu wants to be indecent, does he have the ability to bring the other person back to his room?

The place where the incident took place was located in the guest house, which was the place where Jiang Shenwu lived. This is somewhat suspicious.

However, the girl Yang Yue dance was crying at this time, explaining: "I don't know. I just woke up and found myself in this strange place. I have never been to the guest house yet. It must be that he is outside me. Kidnapped, the monks did not pay attention to bring it back!"

This explanation is still quite plausible.

However, with Jiang Shenwu, I want to bring people into the guest room in the guest house of Qing Cang Tianlong Court. It is not possible that it is right. After all, this kid is the first to be the Nirvana.

"No matter what, let's take a trip to the law enforcement hall with us. It is a conclusion, and the elders have decided!"

The black youth looked at Yang Yue dance. After saying this, he was very concerned about going to Yang Yue dance and putting clothes on her.

Yang Yuewu had a warm face, but when he looked at Jiang Shenwu, he was a resentful face.

Now, where does Jiang Shenwu still know that this is a bureau?

It’s impossible for Qing’s Tianlongyuan to be such a big organization. He wants to escape. It’s impossible, but in any case, he’s determined that he will never admit the indecent assault, but he’s not done. Admit?

"I don't think I would encounter such a rare thing before I went to Donghuang Longwu College."

Jiang Shenwu looked at the Yang Yue dance and the black youth.

Hearing the name of Yang Yuewu, Jiang Shenwu already knows that the black youth is named "Jing Yi Feng", which is the seventh-largest youth genius of Nirvana. In the whole Qing Cang Tianlong Court, they are all younger generations. One of the best exists.

Before the white refining, the strength is not weak, but it is weaker than this Jingyifeng.

"Let us go to the law enforcement hall, I hope you don't die, don't admit it!" The black man Jing Yifeng finished speaking to Jiang Shenwu, and waved his hand to let the two guards bring Jiang Shenwu to take it. A place called the Law Enforcement Hall.

Obviously, the two guards did not want to blend into this matter.

Although they feel a bit embarrassed, and although they are stronger than Jing Yifeng, they can't offend such a talented future powerhouse.

So since Jing Yifeng said it, they came forward to prepare to take away Jiang Shenwu.

"Where is the law enforcement hall? I will go by myself."

Jiang Shenwu knew that he was carrying this time, mainly because he did not expect Bai Lianyu to harm himself, so there would be no defense.

Just asking for a way, the other party actually set up such a situation to frame, too small belly chicken, right?

In any case, this time Jiang Shenwu knows that he is afraid that it is difficult to be good.

Now the only thing he can compete with the entire Qing Cang Tianlong Court is the 'Eastern Emperor's Seal' on the wrist. This is the mark left by Yan Long Sheng Tower, which indicates that he is eligible to join Donghuang Longwu College.

But nowadays, there are no people around Donghuang Longwu College, he can only bear it.

Otherwise, once he is known by his opponent of his potential and identity, he may be killed in the cradle, which is not worth the loss.

Therefore, he can not only show that he owns the 'Eastern Emperor's Seal,' but must try to hide himself. Unless he can determine the predecessors of the East Emperor Longwu College nearby, he will be saved.

This Qing Cang Tian Long Yuan is like a cage, and he will be stunned!

Jiang Shenwu’s eyes became indifferent. Next, he looked at Bai Lianyu’s what they really wanted to do. It’s impossible to stand on the sidelines. Rebellion is impossible. Fortunately, the other party cannot want to put him to death, otherwise it will only target one district. There is no need to set up such a bureau for foreign wandering dragons.

"Most of it, just want to export."

Jiang Shenwu's look is getting colder and colder. He can't think of Bai Lianyu's group being so careful. At this moment, he can only remember all the things that he has endured today!

Next, Jiang Shenwu did not resist at all. When he arrived at the Law Enforcement Hall, Bai Lianyu really came later, but this person still showed his demeanor, pretending to be a look of nothing, even pretending to be Jiang Shenwu.

However, Jiang Shenwu can see that in Bai Lianyu's eyes, with a hidden pleasure, it seems that because he framed Jiang Shenwu, he was very excited.

“Just because I asked the direction of Donghuang Longwu College?”

Jiang Shenwu feels that this person in the Cang Tianlongyuan area is somewhat unreasonable, but now he can't say anything more. Anyway, he said that everything is wrong. It doesn't help, just don't say it~www.novelmtl.com~ On the law enforcement hall, a predecessor of Qingwang Tianlongyuan made a decision on his disposal. He wanted to detain Jiang Shenwu in the "Shounong Tower" for one year, saying that this was his attempt to indecent assault Yang Yuewu. The lightest punishment.

Bai Lianyu also pleaded for Jiang Shenwu, eventually shortening the time to half a year.

When this happened, Jiang Shenwu did not say even a word, because he knew that since the other party had already set up a bureau, it would not be possible for him to have a struggle.

Convict tower, half a year!

Jiang Shenwu can only be taken away by the other party and detained in the sin-free tower of the darkness. This is the place where the mistakes are handled in the Qing Cang Tianlong Court. Of course, if there are some guys who are unfavorable to Qing Cang Tian Long Yuan, Being detained here.

Jiang Shenwu is of course being shackled, but he remembers the three names.

Bai Lianyu, Jing Yifeng, Yang Yuewu!

"There is nothing wrong with me!"

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