Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 37 Chapter 385: Yang Yuewu

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The other party took Jiang Shenwu to a palace, and then explained to the guardian of the palace, then the other side took Jiang Shenwu to find a room in the palace, arranged for him to stay.

If it is just a small place, Jiang Shenwu may not agree to the other side and settle down together.

But in such a big place as Qing Cang Tian Long Yuan, the other party will not do anything to make money.

Jiang Shenwu rested in the room. Bai Lianyu naturally left directly. From Bai Lianyu, Jiang Shenwu could not see any hostility. The other two girls seemed to have a big opinion on him, but this small group was clearly led by Bai Lianyu.

Bai Lianyu made a decision, and others did not say anything more.

After so many days of continuous roads, from the Devil's Dragon Kingdom to the Nirvana robbery, to being chased and killed, was rescued by the Arctic Snow of the Beast, until now, Jiang Shenwu almost did not rest much, I hope to sleep a good night tonight.

The identity of Bai Lianyu seems to be a relatively high student in Qing Cang Tianlong Court, and he has arranged a room with a good environment.

It can even be said that this is a courtyard, but it is one of the thousands of courtyards in this “guest house”. Jiang Shenwu suspects that this place should be used to entertain guests.

He rested and began to close his eyes and strengthen his cultivation.

When he was in the middle of the night, Jiang Shenwu suddenly heard the sound coming from outside the door. He couldn’t help but wrinkle his brows. The sound was obviously coming towards his courtyard. Fortunately, he kept a little vigilance after the rest, so he noticed. It was this subtle noise.

"Is it a white refining? They want to start?" Jiang Shenwu frowned, feeling a little unlikely.

Not because he wants to go to see Donghuang Longwu College, the other party will leave him here, want to black hand to him? Such a person is too narrow-minded, and because of this, Jiang Shenwu will agree to stay and stay here for one night.

Just did not expect that the other party seems to be such a narrow-minded person...

Jiang Shenwu did not move quietly, quietly to the side of the window, looked at the outside, could not help but bowed, but seeing him in his courtyard is not the imaginary black masked man, but a A charming girl.

The girl's clothes were half exposed, and she seemed to be alert to the presence of other people around her, and then slowly approached the room where Jiang Shenwu was located.

"This seems to be just a step into the Nirvana robbery..." Jiang Shenwu thought, some doubts, how would a young girl come to her courtyard in the middle of the night?

Is it...

Just thinking of a possibility, the girl had already come to the front of his room and walked straight into the door.

She seemed a little nervous, but at first glance she saw Jiang Shenwu leaning against the bed. Somewhat strange: "You...you found me?"

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Jiang Shenwu asked with a vigilant attitude, always pay attention to the surrounding situation.

"I, my name is Yang Yuewu, you let me hide it, thank you!" She seemed nervous, and quickly explained that there seems to be someone chasing her.

Jiang Shenwu frowned and didn't know what to pick up.

His instinct told him that there might be a conspiracy here, but to deal with him, the first one to be a nirvana, this Cang Tianlongyuan should not be able to play any means?

Anyway, he is ready to leave here and go to the courtyard.


After Jiang Shenwu finished speaking, he planned to leave the room to show his innocence.

However, at this time, there was a lot of brilliance in the outer courtyard, and several figures jumped out from the outside, but it was five young dragons who looked good!


Jiang Shenwu brows slightly wrinkled and noticed that it was wrong.

However, the other party did not intend to give him a chance, violently rushed in and pushed open the door, and then saw Jiang Shenwu and Yang Yuewu in the same room, and the look suddenly became very cold.

"Who are you!"

One of the other party asked coldly about Jiang Shenwu.

Jiang Shenwu observed it and found that the five young people were the fourth realm of Nirvana’s robbery. When he came in, he surrounded him. Obviously this is not a coincidence, but a premeditated one.

At this time, the performance of Yang Yuewu made Jiang Shenwu determine this point, but he saw that the girl suddenly became pitiful and looked helpless to the group of young people: "The brothers will save me, this person wants Indecent assault, I was almost beaten by him!"

"Well? I dare to be indecent, we train the students of Cang Tianlongyuan, you don't want to live, grab him!"

I don’t want to be a young man, and I am ready to move directly to Jiang Shenwu.

Jiang Shenwu saw this time, the girl Yang Yuewu smiled at him with disdain, and then immediately hid behind the five young people, where Jiang Shenwu could not see it, this is a conspiracy against him. ?

The young man in black, who was headed, screamed, and others wanted to do it.

Jiang Shenwu naturally can't be shackled, but the first is that it is not convenient to fight dragons in the room. The second is that people's sites are not good for themselves.

So when the other party rushed over, Jiang Shenwu quickly jumped out of the window and left the courtyard.

Even, Jiang Shenwu wants to leave the Qing Cang Tianlong Court directly, and find Donghuang Longwu College as soon as possible, so that these guys can't help him, or else he will always chase him.

However, he just jumped out of the courtyard and found that the movement here has attracted many others.

Some of the guests in the nearby courtyard of the Qing Cang Tianlong Court have come out to look at it, and some guards of the "Guiya Temple" of Qing Cang Tianlong Court are also coming over~www.novelmtl.com~姜神武I found myself surrounded and it was impossible to escape.

He did not see Bai Lianyu, as if he had nothing to do with him, but he knew very well that Bai Lianyu did not appear just to avoid danger. After all, he was the "guest" brought by Bai Lianyu, and now he actively responded to his words. It’s not good to go out.

Most of them are Bai Lianyu entrusting others to start, and they must arrest themselves. As for their purpose, Jiang Shenwu feels that he is trying to teach him, and he is not likely to kill people.

After all, Qing Cang Tian Long Yuan is not a gathering place for the bandits. This is the formal organization of the Qing Cang Long Country. The regulations are strict, not to mention the "guests" who come to Qing Cang Tian Yuan as a guest.

Soon, Jiang Shenwu was surrounded by many people, including the girl named Yang Yuewu, and the five young people who first came in, in addition to the two "guest halls" Guards, these two guards far exceed the Nirvana robbery, and even reached a higher level, so Jiang Shenwu is definitely not his opponent.

"What is your identity?"

The young man in black, who is headed, screamed at Jiang Shenwu.

Next to a guardian said: "It’s the guest brought back by Bai Lianyu, it seems to be called Jiang Shenwu."

"The guests brought back by Bai Lianyu? In fact, our students Yang Yuewu in the Qing Cang Tianlong Court are simply eating the bear heart and leopard!"

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