Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1604: God's Devil's Word

With the original magical means of the founding Yuanling beast being broken, Longchen took an enemy three, which can be said to have won the victory. At this time, there is no great significance in playing it again.

Just those moves are already the strongest means of Chaos ancestors, fate ancestors, and founding ancestors. Since they haven't gotten the dragons, they can't say anything about them.

"Sure enough, now it seems that Longchen is the strongest fighting force in the world. If you can ascend to the realm of the ancestors of the fourth era, it will be much stronger than us." Chaos ancestors laughed and said with emotion.

The improvement of Longchen's strength is a good thing for them. After all, everyone has not forgotten it, and there is a big enemy like the swallowing genius. The current Wanjie, seemingly peaceful, may actually face the storm at any time. .

God Demon Lord, I don’t know when it will come back. At that time, a new round of war will begin.

"With Longchen's leadership, it is very possible that we will defeat the swallowing celestial in the future, but Longchen, now your strength is still not enough. If you are so struggling to deal with us, you want to deal with the restoration of the complete demon Lord. The difficulty is still too big." The fateful star ancestors said something worried.

"After going back, I am going to build a sixth world of origin as soon as possible, and I will not know how long it will take to set foot on the realm of the ancestors of the Fourth Age."

Long Chen said. !

"No matter, now the peace of the world, once the gods and the Lord have any wind and grass, will be known to us, you can cultivate with peace of mind." The founder demon zu said with a smile.

"Yes, then, please trouble everyone to guard the Wanjie. When I practice, I must return to the tower of time. I am afraid I will not know the situation of the outside world." Long Chen said.

"That's it, we will pay close attention to the movements of the world. If there is anything wrong, we will inform you immediately. Now let's go first."

The chaotic ancestors nodded and then withdrew with other ancestors.

After completing the discussion with Longchen, it proved that Longchen's strong strength, they do not have to stay, or go back and observe the situation of Wanjie, so as not to have any accidents.

Long Chen also has nothing to say to them. The most important thing is to improve the strength. If you can upgrade to the realm of the ancestors of the Quaternary, you will be able to cope with the restoration of the complete demon Lord. It is still very likely to succeed.

However, just as Long Chen wanted to leave with everyone, suddenly a gloomy sneer passed into his ear, and his heart suddenly became nervous.

This is the laughter of the Lord of the Devil!

In the eyes of Long Chen, there was a sudden **** light. In any case, he would remember the laughter of the demon Lord and his ugly appearance. Now when he heard the laughter of the demon Lord, he immediately remembered the original.

When the demon Lord was just appeared, he disguised himself as a cave witch, then seized the dragon's elders, eight dragons, and refined them into evil devils!

Whether it is the identity of the other party to swallow the sacred lord, or the kind of evil that is done, let Long Chen hate it, and both sides will die and live, and there will be only one left.

Now, the demon Lord is turned into a particle of life, scattered throughout the world, how can it suddenly make a laugh?

Long Chen snorted: "God and Lord, you are recovering very quickly, presumably it should be almost, dare not show up with me?"

"Hey, why don't you dare?"

The voice of the demon Lord has been passed on: "However, you are so powerful now, and you are trying to challenge the Lord. It is really not self-reliant, or let you live more for a while! Anyway, this holy The Lord is not in a hurry, and you should be in a hurry. You are the eight elders. Now you can still sit down and listen to the devouring beast, and wait for you to save, oh!"

This remark made Longsheng’s brain ignite again. This sacred lord, who is really arrogant, has only dared to turn into a particle of life to avoid the war. It is so arrogant, it is really disgusting.

But now, Long Chen is unable to take the other side, the other side turned into a life particle, the current stage of Long Chen, there is no way to completely annihilate it.

"One day, you will pay for it."

Long Chen said coldly.

Eight dragons, he will certainly be rescued, the demon Lord, he will certainly defeat it, but as the Lord of the Devil said, now the strength of Longchen is the God of the Lord in the state of prosperity, There is really no chance of winning.

Enhancing strength is the most important thing at the moment!

"I have been waiting for you to pay for it, but you can't do it, I am very disappointed..."

The demon Lord continues to smile smugly. However, the particles of life that he has developed have not disappeared. They are still spread all over the world. It is obvious that although their strength has recovered, they have not fully recovered, so they still dare not appear.

There was no way for Longchen to stop the hatred of the anger that screamed in the heart of his heart. He left the place and rushed back to the mainland.

Now, he can't do anything with the demon Lord, but if he enters the realm of the ancestors of the fourth era, he may be able to come up with a way. Longchen must hurry and make a breakthrough before the other party fully recovers.

"God and Lord, now you should want to fully restore your strength, and then start from me. What he wants to do is definitely to release the other sacred lords. Then what he needs is the ancestors of me." The dragon passed down the blood."

Long Chen thought in his heart, and he saw it very clearly. In any case, he would not let the inheritance fall into the hands of the other party.

As long as the inheritance of the essence is still on Longchen, then the demon Lord can't save other swallowing sacred lords. Only one sacred lord, the fighting power is limited.

"God and Lord! I will kill you."

In the eyes of Long Chen, the murderousness was converged by him, and then he stepped into the fourth floor of the Tower of Time, preparing to cultivate and ascend to the realm of the ancestors of the Fourth Age.

In this process, he does not know how long it will take, but it is a process he must go through.

Want to fight against the Holy Lord, the realm of the Quaternary Yuanzu God is the most basic condition, otherwise, Longchen will be more and more suppressed by the other side.

The demon Lord ~www.novelmtl.com~ suddenly appeared to Longchen, no one else knows, Longchen did not tell anyone else.

Before entering the tower of time, he allowed the three brothers of Linglong, Mo Xiaolang and Li Wei to stay in the mainland of the Dragon Festival. The three of them are now equivalent to the strength of the ancestors of the Fourth Age, and the fighting power of the wolf and the coffin is still very Strong, the dragon sacrifices the mainland to have them guarded, nothing will happen.

Other ancestors of the Quaternary, they returned to their own world, guarding one side, while paying attention to the entire world.

After they were all arranged, Longchen stepped into the fourth floor of the Tower of Time, preparing to officially attack the realm of the ancestors of the Fourth Age!


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