Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 34 Chapter 1603: 1 enemy 3

As the chaotic ancestors began to exert their strength, his signature world origin, chaotic nine-color lotuses crossed from the void, containing endless chaotic rules, just let the audience full of chaos, nine colors Guanghua shines through the audience.

On the other side, the fateful star ancestor manifests the ontology, and the fateful star beast appears. The body of the giant beast is like a boundless star field. The whole void is full of endless starlights flashing, every star is With its established fate, united together, this is the body of the fateful ancestor!

With the appearance of the fateful ancestors, the world's origins are looming and appear in front of everyone. It is a pagoda with a starry infinity, that is, a destiny tower.

The fateful star tower sparkles with a splendid eternal starlight, like a never-ending fate, in which the shuttle flows, which looks a bit like the horn on the head of the destiny star, accompanied by starlight, fate.

In the end, the founding demon ancestor, as well as the fateful star ancestor, manifested the ontology. It was the founding Yuanling beast. In a vast white dusty fog, there was a giant beast that was arrogant, swallowing the white clouds and clouds. With a strong set of founding rules, stepping into the void.

The origin of the world, the founding heart also appeared in this white dust, is a fiercely beating heart of the cloud, with the breath of the founding Yuanling beast swaying, bringing a burst of founding rules, Filled with the entire starry sky.

"The big chaotic world!"

The chaotic ancestors took the lead and the infinite chaos rules condensed, creating a world that was purely condensed by chaotic rules. With the world's origin, the chaotic nine-color lotus sits in the town, and nine kinds of brilliance are intertwined in the chaotic world.

In the world of great chaos, the whole person of Longchen is shrouded in it. The brilliance of nine colors represents nine kinds of violent chaotic elements, water, fire, wind, earth, gold, wood, thunder, light and dark. The rules of the nine chaos are raging, and everything in the chaotic world must be turned into nothingness.

Longchen was shrouded in the chaotic world, suffered the ravages of the nine chaotic violent violent forces, and felt endless pressure, but his eyes were full of calmness and calmness.

When the big chaotic world descended, Longchen killed the blood sword with his left hand, and the right hand smashed the bone sword, and the two swords were in hand, respectively, showing the rules of the violent sword light.

"Tongtian blood river!"

A **** sword light, from the killing **** sword, with the strongest killing atmosphere, condensed into a **** river, completely smashed half of the big chaotic world.

"The wreckage!"

A sword-light rule formed by a flood of ruins and catastrophes emerged from the bones of the wilderness, and the ruin of the ruins of the ruins was turned into a slap in the face of the smashing of the chaos.

The two swords are in the hand, and the two rules of Longchen are launched in unison. They suddenly break the chaotic world of Chaos Goddess, and the chaotic nine-color lotus in the middle of the battle is also broken by the violent rules of the two swords. Going open, let the chaotic ancestors feel a shock, and they can't shoot again.

"Look at my ban, the fate of the fate!"

The means of the fateful star ancestor immediately manifested. He did not give Longchen a slight breath of breathing. Even the rules of killing and ruining in the field were raging, and the second rule of powerful rules immediately came.

The fateful star tower descended from the sky, and the bang came to the fore. The majestic momentum dispelled everything in the field and completely suppressed Longchen in it, suppressing the fate of Longchen.

The fate of the fate is severed, and the fate of the dragon is forbidden. Once the fate of Longchen is completely suppressed, it is equivalent to the rest of its life, life and destiny, complement each other and exist in mutual support.

Without fate, there will be no life!

The destiny tower, with infinite ban, came to suppress, and wanted to completely cut off his fate.

Long Chen holds a pair of swords, and the psychedelic pendant hanging on his body floats, and the rules of dreams and changes will cover the whole person of Longchen, and then change it into the appearance of the fateful star ancestor.

Then, Long Chen actually had the same ability as the destiny star ancestors. In his hands, he held up the destiny tower, and the rules of fate rushed out and spread toward the surrounding areas.


Long Chen turned out to use the psychedelic pendant to copy the means of the fateful star ancestor. He also slammed it with a banned spell, and the contradictory and forbidden techniques collided with each other, letting the power of infinite fate rules burst open in the void. The rules and means of both sides have vanished in this blast and returned to nothingness.

The body of the destiny star beast was faint in this blast, and it was far away from the rear. It was amazed that Long Chen could simulate his means, which shocked him and was hard to believe.

However, the rule of the founding Yuan Ling beast also smashed, and a white light bloomed from the heart of the fiercely beating heart, condensed into a bundle through the void, and even penetrated the void and disintegrated!

"The original light!"

This white light contains the inexhaustible rules of the founding rule, which can transform all the touches into the original form, and penetrate into the most basic material particles.

It can be imagined that if life is hit by this initial light, it must also be the dissipation of life and the complete transformation into the original particles.

Long Chen didn't have time to try more. He had a kind of hunch. Even if he used the rules and means of spreading blood and flooding, there was no way to resist this original light.

Because the power of the rules contained in the Tongtian blood river and the floods and dragons will be penetrated by the original light, disintegrated, and finally turned into nothingness.

There is no way to fight against ~www.novelmtl.com~ and you can only find another way.

The smashed bones and psychedelic pendants are combined at this moment. The rules of dreams and changes, the rules of flood and catastrophe, and the two sides are completely integrated.

Li Yu's incarnation of the shadow of the dream charm dragon, emerged from the body of Long Chen, the infinite enhancement of the ability of the psychedelic pendant, combined with the power of the bones of the wild, actually built a psychedelic world.

"Dream in the dream!"

In the dream of robbery, the psychedelic pendant and the wild bones and swords combined with each other to produce the regular impact, instantly instigated the founding of the Yuan Ling beast, and countless life and death reincarnation of the founding Yuan Ling beast trapped into it, unable to break free.

The founding Yuan Ling beast, a white dust mist constantly swaying in the psychedelic world, wants to break the dream of robbery this psychedelic world, however, the psychedelic pendant and the wild bones and swords cooperate with each other, but he is crushed to the dream In the psychedelic world of robbery.

The endless life and death cycle of catastrophe, completely encircled the founding Yuan Ling beast, so that the original rules of light that he only displayed were not broken, and soon disappeared in the void.

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